Teaching of Psychology, 20(4), 209-213. I use this as a time to remind them about priorities and energy. Floyd states that the style of his presentations was "loosely modeled" after Zero Punctuation. Part 2 of "The Bronze Age Collapse" has a cartoon of a barbarian soldier mouthing "BarBarBar". Hamilton works for a get-out-the-vote group affiliated with a ballot initiative to increase spending on education, and offers to have students help out on Election Day for a few extra extra-credit points. Because Games Matter - Abraham's Story - Extra Credits 70,800 views Dec 16, 2020 Thank you to Abraham for sharing his story and to the whole crew at the Children's Hospital Colorado. Ignoring the more extreme portions that many fans pointed out, many people found the video to have an incredibly flawed premise backed by weak arguments that seem hypocritical given Extra Credits' previous work criticizing video game censorship and desensitization. On 2017 the show's Twitch channel was relaunched, with nightly hosts including Echo Diaz and Will Overgard. Id love to hear your views about these issues. [10] Alexander Macris, then-content director for The Escapist, led the claim and stated the money should have been used to create more episodes of Extra Credits and to compensate parent company Themis Media for donation incentives, such as premium memberships and T-shirts. He discusses questionable design choices in Destiny in the former and analyzes aspects of Hearthstone in the latter. Extra Credits has spent years standing up for gaming and free speech, but in recent times, they've abandoned their original values for political correctness.. Unlike its Disney mates in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), post-credit scenes tease upcoming movies . 2) He claims that his paycheck was withheld contingent on signing an NDA. The show's official Twitch channel was launched in 2013 as a live supplement on certain weekdays. Fast-forward, and I have changed my mind. Some extra-credit opportunities that Hill and his colleagues asked about seem very relevant and beneficialfor example, doing a research paper, summarizing a research paper, and correctly answering optional essay questions on an exam.. [17], Will Overgard was laid off after he "violated [Extra Credits'] community code of conduct",[18] something that was privately reported. Recently, I invited students to accompany me to a film on meditation that was part of a special screening off campus. Extra credit may also be used as a way to allow a student to improve their grade after a weak performance earlier in a course. Krol was a television producer and podcast host who frequently guest hosts with Portnow on the show's Twitch channel. Extra Credits @extracredits 75.6K subscribers Subscribe Join us on Patreon! Those who do not endorse extra credit also tend to assume that the students most likely to ask for it tend to be those who arent working very hard in the first place. And yes, at times, I have even assigned no points. The video sparked controversy online, with multiple users on YouTube, Twitter and Reddit criticizing the channel for the lack of proper research,[8] misrepresentation and/or trivialization of the issue[9] and the channel moving away from the mission it stated in the past (examples shown below). Will Overgard stated "I had screwed up badly in my personal life and even privately offered to resign over it. She was there for her own curiosity and the enrichment it provided. Their comment addressing the situation can be seen below. Theres a lot to touch on there, but three things are striking: 1) He claims that Soraya was not contacted in the HR investigation. I'm seeing talk of extra credit's interpretation or perspective on Nazis or something?The sub's got more people online than it does subscribers. Students may choose one assignment from each category. We don't know what's going on in the EC office. The real damning thing here is the way James and EC responded. In Guest Play, Floyd brings in people who also work in the gaming industry to discuss design elements in video games, which often features other members of the Extra Credits team. He could have appeared more in the right by admitting where he was in the wrong. One controversy in and out of the woodwork arrive people telling how they foresaw a consistent decrease in quality or change of tune. Minute 2:12 of the video goes as far as implying that the proposed "normalization" could make someone believe in Nazi ideals. For some people, it fixed the "science is based on faith" point described in their "Religon In Games" videos. 2007-2023 The series originally aired on The Escapist from July 28, 2010, to August 10, 2011, before being split off over a financial dispute. It references the aftermath of his termination, which involved Extra Credits announcing publicly that he had breached community guidelines. The thing is that this EC statement is ostensibly written by Belinda, not James. You have /5 articles left.Sign up for a free account or log in. Donating blood. This is commonly seen with tests and exams, when students tend to have increased anxiety, stress, and confusion. Soraya made a second response. Why all these questions? First announced on March 24, 2013, and debuted 4 days later, James Recommends is an extension of previous "Games You Might Not Have Tried" episodes of the main series, and features Portnow discussing the merits of less-popular games which he finds unique. It references the aftermath of his termination, which involved Extra Credits announcing publicly that he had breached community guidelines. Hill and his colleagues present a few ideas for extra credit that bear no relationship to the course. In December 2013 the Extra Credits team transferred all their existing videos to their Youtube channel. Using extra credit to facilitate extra learning in students. The first videos officially released since then were a previously broadcast live Q&A video and the episode "The Good We Do". "Stop Normalizing Nazis - Socially Conscious Game Design" is by far one of their worst-received videos to date with an over 90% dislike ratio. They released a video on Wednesday that said we shouldnt treat German soldiers as humans (indirectly, they basically said we shouldnt treat nazis as though they were the same as regular people, and that German soldiers were nazis unless explicitly stated otherwise), and presented an argument remarkably similar to video games cause violence, but with nazism. A seemingly small matter like extra credit is likely to remain a big controversy among educators, so the more ideas and approaches for handling it, the better. The series was developed directly from a series of lecture videos by animator Daniel Floyd, informally known as Video Games And, which ran sporadically from February 17, 2008, to April 16, 2010, with certain episodes written by James Portnow. But that offer was never acknowledged. (Really?) They are the basis of our culture. However, what I feel has changed is how said scrutiny is applied. Home Videos Playlists Community Channels About 12:53 Can a Remade Game Ever be as Good? That is just speculation at this point, however. Good people usually do things they regret in bad breakups. PLEASE DO NOT BRIGADE BELINDA OR THIS TWEET. Found some more info. There is no end-credits scene for Free Guy, which opens up some interesting possibilities. Ive spent this entire time going over whats wrong with the EC responses up to this point, so I want to touch for a moment on what James could have done if you assume that hes a good guy caught between a bad breakup and a problem employee. Extra Credits released this official response. One more consideration for now: One professor in the Hill survey said, I believe extra credit defeats the purpose of knowing the material. If students get a higher grade because of effort tangential to the course, what does the grade mean? Mitch is also the co-author (with Sharon Anderson) of Ethics for Psychotherapists and Counselors: A Proactive Approach (Wiley-Blackwell, 2010), and an associate editor of the two-volume APA Handbook of Ethics in Psychology (American Psychological Association, 2012). Author Julia G. Thompson refers to extra credit as "a controversial topic for teachers. Overgard frequently streamed video games on the channel until his removal in April 2018. I didn't think all the video was great and some of the arguments were downright terrible ("What if someone lost a loved one to the Nazis/ in a terrorist attack?") Scott, for making hilarious but insightful PAX panel videos all by himself 3 years in a row, and destroying the entire Extra Credits staff in the 8-Player Extra Credits Staff Brawl. Over 600 stores in the Netherlands let customers buy on credit through "buy-now-pay-later" services, NOS reports based on the customer overviews of Klarma and Riverty, the two largest providers of these credit services. First and foremost, he could have provided info on the HR investigation, and denied the claim that Soraya was not involved. Floyd also started an unnamed series of videos discussing animation in video games, which has since been named Extra Frames and moved to Extra Credits on May 5, 2016. "Evil Races are Bad Game Design - Bioessentialism and Worldbuilding" tries to make a point about how designing speculative fiction worlds with designated "good" and "bad" races narrows and flattens storytelling possibilities, but it is. Inside the Mating Psychology of Involuntary Celibates, When to Cut the Cord on an Emotionally Distant Relationship, 3 Things to Consider While Living Your "Fleabag Era", 17 Reasons to Keep Going When You Dont Think You Can, 11 Tips for Talking to Someone You Disagree With, 6 Ways to Discover and Choose Your Core Values, A Better Understanding of SSRI Antidepressants, Poor Predictors: Job Interviews Are Useless and Unfair. Certain states explicitly exclude mental health conditions from qualifying as a health risk that allows access to abortion. A. Mitch Handelsman is a professor of psychology at the University of Colorado Denver. Had EC discredited Wills supposedly false claims, but been kind about it and not overreached they would have looked far better. All we really know is what's been said about James, and how he's reacted. A lot of people have been coming in wondering why many of us are so done with James, since taken individually the pieces of this puzzle arent nearly as damning as the whole. A series of Extra History and a spinoff called Extra Politics were completed ahead of the announcement and aired throughout June of that year. Teachers employ extra credit for a variety of reasons. Also its just the decent thing to do. As it looks right now we should not be directing hate at anyone else in EC. My largest issue was that the arguments made were similar to Jack Thompson era "videogames cause violent behavior" from over a decade ago. Ending songs vary between episodes, but are typically sourced from OverClocked ReMix, where Floyd was a former contributor. Extra Credits for most of its history was produced and narrated by Floyd, who used pitch-shifting[23] to create a unique, high-pitched voice. In my experience, I've never seen a department create research participation experiences for students when faculty members do not need participants. A new analysis estimates the potential gain in IQ points. It started out as a mini-series requested by Creative Assembly to deal with the Punic Wars, in which their video game Total War: Rome II was set. But like. Games are the most popular form of mass entertainment. How much is them, and if James even wrote any of it is all speculation. [20] Extra Credits responded with a statement on their website in which they confirmed there had been a complaint but stated that an independent investigation "found no evidence of improprieties with regards to the claims of workplace harassment. The activity should have educational value or benefit. As a fan however, I will not refrain from respectfully expressing my concerns. Further, u/SentientTurtle notes that paying Will is likely not illegal in the first place, though we havent had someone whos actually dealt with foreign hires weigh in yet. The attack on Will appears not to be their fault, and we cannot blame them just for not having jumped ship on James. Will wouldve looked bad, and they wouldnt have looked aggressively defensive. Before I saw this response I thought it could easily just be a mutually bad breakup, but this was where the red flags began for me. This was the last straw for me. They must identify connections that they were able to make between the event and aspects of our class, such as lecture material, discussions, readings and classroom guest speakers and films. Only this time, video games apparently turn people. Workplace gossip is the norm, so it must have benefits or meet needs. Can someone please clear up the situation here? Press J to jump to the feed. On July 3rd, 2019, Extra Credits uploaded a video titled "Stop Normalizing Nazis Socially Conscious Game Design" in which they argued that being forced to play as Nazi soldiers and terrorists in multiplayer video games equaled to normalizing said groups. For others, it just made it much worse. For the record, I think that Soraya at the very least is being 100% truthful at this point. Another spin-off, titled Extra Mythology, began in early 2018, examining myths from different early religions. Between September 7, 2011, and December 31, 2013, the show aired on PATV, a distribution channel hosted by Penny Arcade, whose downsizing of partner services after the latter date was cited as the reason for the show's subsequent "move" to YouTube, where the show is currently aired. He also fails to address the claim that Soraya was not involved in the investigation. How to escape workism and reclaim your identity. And perhaps they have rightfully come to believe that others should be able to do so, as well. [4], On June 14th Will Overgard, another former contributor to Extra Credits who was fired rather than resigned, released a twitlonger[5] detailing his own accusations and transgressions, including that James Portnow frequently complained at him at things that he had no control over, like internet connection, and being told he underperformed during an earlier time wherein Overgard's mother died to cancer. The whole thing is bashing Will for being a bad person/employee. Now, it's clear Extra Credits like WRPGs more than JRPGs, and that's fine. doesn't dig into actual problems with the model so much as assume it doesn't work, playing as a Nazi in a video game will turn you into one in real life, they announced that they would primarily focus on using the Extra Credits channel for posting history videos and migrate the gaming videos to a secondary channel, "Western Vs. Japanese RPGs". [2] In addition, the episodes have been syndicated on many websites, including ScrewAttack. Hopefully, though, it serves to get you up to speed and as a good launching point for the conversation, whether or not you agree. Probably the most traditional reason for offering extra credit is that it can give students a little extra boost when they need it. That said, I can see how the show goes from that decade old video to now. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/YMMV/ExtraCredits. Belinda's name is the only one attached specifically to the EC post in the by line, --the Extra Credits team, c/o community manager Belinda Zoller. Extra Credits - Extra Credits' Community Manager responce. All Rights Reserved. Literally Media Ltd. My solution: Lets be honest with ourselves and with our students that faculty interests play a role, and make the experience of participating in research as educational as possible for students. The other group of students most likely to complete extra credit assignments is already doing above average but not superior work in my class; theyre the ones who show at every turn the willingness and earnestness to improve. The Authority for Financial Markets (AFM) wants more legislation on these services, which aren't considered consumer credit under current law, to ensure they follow the . Both Will and Soraya have made it clear that they do not want anyone else at EC to get flak for this, and we have no idea what James is telling/holding over people behind the scenes. I regularly offer opportunities for extra credit. Guess I'll just stick to their older history videos then. He does not apologize once. Over the past 200 years Science Fiction has had a huge impact on our culture. Even if ECs side of the story is completely to be believed here, and Will is just a troublesome firestarter, a post like this about a former employee reflects badly. Pursuit of passions requires time for play and self-directed education. Since October 2014, episodes have been split between Dan Jones and DeWitt. Extra Frames is a series of videos produced by Floyd in which he discusses video game animation, which has since rebranded to New Frames Plus[34](see PlayFrame below). Higher Education News, Opinion and Careers | Weekdays, Quick Summary of the Week's Higher Ed News | Fridays, Admissions and Enrollment News, Opinion and Careers | Mondays, Diversity News, Opinion and Career Advice | Tuesdays, Student Success News, Ideas, Advice and Inspiration | Weekdays, GWU Students Protest Arming Campus Police, A Fresh Look at What It Means to Be a Manager. Extra Credits creator scripted by TV Series 2010 10 episodes Video Games and the Female Audience Writer Video 2009 Director Previous 2 Extra Credits Director TV Series 2010 10 episodes Video Games and the Female Audience Director Video 2009 Editor Previous 1 Extra Credits Editor TV Series 2010 8 episodes Did you know Edit Trivia The first episode, "Bad Writing", debuted on July 28 and would since be on The Escapist for the next year. Its stirred our dreams and changed the course of real science. In my syllabus, I explain that to earn extra credit, students must not only attend the event but they must also write a two-page analytical reflection paper connecting what they learned at the event to their class materials. Even in my classes with the greatest gender balance, this is the case. Some professors, however, like to say that the reason they give extra credit for (or require) such participation is for the benefit of students. What's the Point of Standardized Testing? I have no idea if Belinda's intent when they wrote that line was to defend James, Will, themself, or all of the above, but I think it's something we really should keep in mind. Aka, you're a fucking human being with a decent sense of attitude and what's going on around. No one should put on a costume of an ideology they find abhorrent without actually opting into it in your game. Extra Credits is a Canadian and American video lesson series currently run by Matthew Krol and Geoffrey Zatkin, narrated by Matthew Krol, with artists Scott DeWitt, Nick DeWitt, David "D" Hueso, and Ali R. Thome and Jordan Martin and writers Robert Rath, R. Kevin Doyle and other staff members. Portnow also brought in colleague Dan Emmons to run Design Club, a series supplemented by live streams in which Emmons discusses the merits of design as they pertain to specific games or levels. He put it on YouTube just to see if anyone had interest and to his surprise the videos viewers hits grew very large very quickly. Or both. Other students -- usually the more mediocre to poor ones -- attend events and simply neglect to follow the instructions of submitting the follow-up paper. In some ways, I feel like a sellout -- as if I have caved to some of the nonsense and charade that is so embedded in higher education that we can barely recognize it as such anymore. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. Some professors argue that offering extra credit is likely to reinforce students laziness and belief that whatever they miss they can make up. A Personal Perspective: Should we be lenient about late assignments? Een Hajji also began writing Extra History in 2017 to assist Portnow in scheduling. It makes the non committal responses about Soraya ring hollow. Anyway, first lets go over the major pieces: The situation started with this chain of tweets from Soraya. The series has its roots in 2008 when co-creator Daniel Floyd created two video presentations for his respective art history and media theory classes at Savannah College of Art and Design. This campaign gained over $2,500 within a 24-hour period, and as of June2018[update] lists over $15,000 in monthly pledges. Extra credit is a way to gain points, particularly used in schools.[1]. Standardized tests can only identify weaknesses, not strength. Extra Credits is a YouTube channel with over 2 million subscribers that has created more than a thousand original short-form animated videos discussing subjects from video games to world history, all of which may or may not involve a cat! Hill IV, G. W., Palladino, J. J., & Eison, J. An interesting issue about extra credit is that some people attend an event and consciously decide not to write about it. Later, Theus departed from the series to work full-time at Retro Studios (though she still contributes to spin-off mini-series) and was replaced by webcomic artist Scott DeWitt. And I have strict rules for both how they must complete these assignments and the deadlines they must adhere to. James is charismatic and manipulative, according to them, and it can easy be easy to get roped into siding with him either through his threats or his ability to sway people in the moment. They must also present a brief summary of the central points from the event. All we really have to go on for this is Sorayas word, as well as some people who jumped in as character witnesses claiming they had had negative experiences with James (I dont find these to be the strongest evidence, but I can dig them all up and compile all the links if anyone wants them). Extra Credits and Extra History are registered trademarks of Extra Credits, LLC in the USA and other countries. During such events, we showcase speakers, poetry readings, films and panels that focus attention on an interesting topic related to sociology and gender studies. In reality, I find that very few people actually do the work for the extra credit that I offer. After moving to YouTube, the team decided to make use of their space to expand their channel with new series running on different days of the week. Its a way of communicating to students that I want them to do well and have cultivated various conditions to make that possible beyond the regular assignments -- and, simultaneously, that I am holding them accountable. While Extra Credits discusses new topics every week as they apply to video games, there are some topics which are more frequently addressed than others, including: poor narrative creation, level design, gamification, tangential learning, sexuality and gender discrimination both within games and in the gaming community, and diversity in games (including gender, sexuality, and racial diversity). Heres an interesting conflict of interest: The most common extra credit activity in psychology courses is to have students participate in research being done by faculty or graduate students. We should respect this. Group chat sessions ultimately led to the creation of a web forum, Extra Curricular, during the night of the 15th. References I used to believe all that, too. These are nice things to do, but not really related to course content. Is the extra credit opportunity available to all students? A seemingly small matter like extra credit is likely to remain a big controversy among educators, so the more ideas and approaches for handling it, the better. I find that when they do attend, they are less likely to submit the required accompanying paper that would earn the extra credit. Social Media is run by Kat Rider. The show has its own dedicated staff, including art by David Hueso, Lilienne Chan, and Nick DeWitt, and music by Dean and Sean Kiner. They also cant believe that I give review sheets for exams complete with sample questions that I copy and paste into the actual exam. I am not going to harp on the fact that he doesnt deny anything Soraya said, I think thats the right call so as not to direct hate her way. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Students who take advantage of these opportunities tend to see both the value and meaning of the event they attended and the value added to their final grade. For more information, please see our No, they said that we shouldn't treat them as moral equivalent, as "just another side of a conflict". You explain not only your position, but calmly stated why people might think it's complete bullshit. My evidence for this opinion? GG were talking about me, along with other groups, trying to work out if I was a white supremacist. Then Wills statement comes in. As major corporations look to buy carbon credits to offset emissions, critics are questioning the value of "legacy" credits from green projects that are a decade or more old. Also take note of the complete difference in tone. To the extent that Dr. Hamilton is advancing his personal/political agenda at the expense of his students education, he has a clear conflict of interest. This sort of thinking maybe works with WWI when no one had a strong reason to go to war, but WWII was explicitly driven by fascist ideology. On June 4, 2018, Extra Credits launched an 8-episode mini-series named Extra Politics that exploring the United States political system from a game design perspective. The exact nature of this violation is disputed. With ExtraCredit you get all five services and more, starting $24.95 a month. The Athenians used the word "barbarian" as their pejorative for, The first few months of the show's run on, Early episodes of Extra History often were criticized for their focus on military history, hearkening back to old ideas about war and espionage as "the great game of mankind," and a penchant for. Fuad, M .M., & Jones, E. J. Extra credit should be about more than sitting in the back of the room and scrolling on a cellphone. The nascent AI from "The Singularity". Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from thestaff@tvtropes.org. That someone at EC has beef to air out with Will and they took this as an opportunity to write an unprofessional hit piece, or that its meant to discredit Will and make his post look false without directly denying anything. They tried to claim that candy crush is brilliant and deep and has a lot of thought put into it and encouraged us to "think like designers" by asking . The 15th find that when they need it in 2017 to assist Portnow in.... Of tune to hear your views about these issues, G. W. Palladino... A cartoon of a special screening off campus need it that the proposed `` normalization could... Was part of a barbarian soldier mouthing `` BarBarBar '' out if I was a supremacist. There for her own curiosity and the deadlines they must adhere to removal in 2018. `` I had screwed up badly in my experience, I 've never seen a department create research participation for. To address the claim that Soraya was not involved in the former and analyzes aspects Hearthstone! 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