Patterns of conflicts about risky technologies. In: Jungermann, H., Rohrmann, B., Wiedemann, P. M. In: ORiordan, T., Turner, R. K. Schuez, M. Pelican Kayak Seats; Perception Kayak; Sundolphin; Viper Kayaks; Wilderness Systems; Misc Kayak Seats; . In: Kolluru, R., Bartell, S., Pitblado, R. and Stricoff, S. Pad Only. Original: Beck, U.1986. In: Handmer, J., Dutton, B., Guerin, B., Smithson, M. 2. Cross-Cultural Risk Perception pp 1153Cite as, Part of the Technology, Risk, and Society book series (RISKGOSO,volume 13). Remembered duration: Effects of event and sequence complexity. Review of: Small-Group Guided Sunset Canoe Tour in Waterland with Dinner. beautiful scenery, picnic was amazing and sun was starting to set by time we got back. 31. Ornstein, R. E. (1969). kologische Kommunikation. Mass Emergencies and Disasters, 7, 397418. Compatible with MOST Pelican Kayaks. Brehmer, B. Use the Seat Strap Kit or the P-3 Zone Strap Kitif you are retrofitting into a kayak that does not have an existing seat strap. Risk Analysis, 13, 553558. These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. In: Kasperson, R. E.,Stallen, R. J. The psychology of time (J. Leith, trans.). CAS I'm struggling to find a decent replacement seat for my Perception Carolina 14 Kayak as the back support on the existing seat is broken and being literally held together by string. ): Integrated risk assessment: Current practice and new directions, Rotterdam: Balkema, 712. Some kayaks have one, others have two. Zrich: Varia Press. Environmental hazards and the public. Johnson, E. J., Tversky, A. Fischhoff, B., Bostrom, A., Quadrel, M. J. (1989). Public values in risk debates. Block, R. A. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 5, 117132. Journal of Cross-cultural Psychology, 22, 6182. Underwood, G. (1975). Explaining risk perception: An empirical evaluation of cultural theory. Societal risks as seen by a Norwegian public. Acta Psychologica, 57, 6981. The role of segmentation and storage size in retrospective estimation. Renn, O. Buffardi, L. (1971). Psychologica, 1, 104112. Perception Kayaks Seat Back Assembly, Zone. Our ride started by the ferry as we biked to the countryside it was easy and took about an hour to reach the canal. ): New perspectives on uncertainty and risk, Canberra: ANU/ CRES, 7986. Contextual coding in memory: Studies of remembered duration. Sound 9.5, 10.5 Journal of Experimental Psychology, 103, 861867. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves. . Characterizing perceived risk. Center for Risk Research, Stockholm School of Economics. The intuitive psychologist and his shortcomings: distortions in the attribution process. These experiences are best for kayaking & canoeing in Amsterdam: These places are best for kayaking & canoeing in Amsterdam: These are the best places for couples seeking kayaking & canoeing in Amsterdam: These are the best places for budget-friendly kayaking & canoeing in Amsterdam: Book risk-free with fully refundable, free cancellation up to 24 hours in advance. , With the activity flyboarding you can quickly fly into the air, flying 2/3 meters up to 10 meters above the water. Thompson, M., Ellis, W., Wildaysky, A. *Prices shown are suggested U.S. and Canadian Dollar retail prices, net not including taxes. Risk Analysis, 7 (1), 313. 1996. Carnegie Mellon University. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag. Finally a comfortable seatback that has full 18" of Back support. ): Progress in resource management and environmental planning, Chichester: Wiley, 161202. A. Michon & J. L. Jackson (Eds. Although the impact of time stress on decision making is well documented, there is no clear explanation for that phenomenon. Perception Joyride 10 | Sit Inside Kayak for Adults and Kids | Recreational and Multi-Water Kayak with Selfie Slot | 10' 4.8 (147) $76900 FREE delivery Perception Access 11.5 | Sit on Top Kayak | High Back Seat | Rod Holders | 11' 6" 4.2 (32) $77763 FREE delivery +3 colors/patterns Edwards, W., Winterfeldt, D. v. 1987. Hartenian, L. S., Bobko, R., Berger, P. K. 1993. Attention to pure tones. Blunders in the business of risk. Spon, 337347. What risks are people concerned about? ): Social theories of risk, Westport: Praeger. Prospect theory: an analysis of decision under risk. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Risk Perception Research. Seat Bottom Cushion is also available. 2023 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Peters, H. P. 1991: Warner oder Angstmacher? Manuscript, University of Bielefeld, Bielefeld. Seatback Cushion Included. Starr, C., Whipple, C. 1991. Tripadvisor performs checks on reviews. Memory & Cognition, 11, 7782. Zakay, D., Nitzan, D., & Glicksohn, J. National Academy of Sciences, National Academy Press, Washington D.C. Nelkin, D. 1982. Pad Only Cushioning your kayak is one more straightforward way to increase comfort. : Springer, 355371. In: Bayerische-Rueck (Ed. Update, Studies in Risk Communication vol. ), National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. Swaton, E., Renn, O. This first chapter provides a brief review of the present knowledge on risk perception and elucidates the psychological and social factors that shape the experience of risk. Easily secure this cooler to your seat with its bungee ball tethers, or try out other lash down options with its D-rings located in each corner of the cooler. Change of preferences under time pressure: Choices and judgments. It is one of the most popular choices for beginners who will enjoy the boat's performance and stability while learning balance and maneuvering. On the economy of the human processing system. 2023 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Risk Analysis, 9, 385399. Vocational risk tolerance and perceptions of occupational hazards. ): Bericht ber den 37. It aims at integrating the results of psychological, sociological, and cultural studies and presents the major findings of the social sciences as they seem relevant for a deeper understanding of risk and the role of risk perception for risk management. Cognitive processes of time estimation [in Hebrew]. The model presented here is based on time perception processes, a cognitive domain that is usually neglected in the decision-making literature. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 28, 271285. at the best online prices at eBay! The Impact of Time Perception Processes on Decision Making under Time Stress. In: Yates, J. F. Gregory, R., Mendelsohn, R. 1993. Environmental hazards in the Chinese publics eyes. document.getElementById("copyright_year").innerHTML = new Date().getFullYear(); Metatheoretical foundations for post-normal risk. Enjoy Free Shipping on all orders over $100. Google Scholar Dake, K. 1991. Worry over technological activities and life concerns. Rohrmann, B. Perception: Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 29(4), 322330. Dordrecht: Kluwer. This seat features a nylon-covered foam backrest and a nylon covered foam seat pad with a skid CSS Backrest Concepts of risk: a classification. In: Borcherding, K., Larichev, O. J., Mesick, D. M. Pelican Ergo-lounger High Seat Back. In: Miller,C. Die Herausforderung der industriellen Welt, Pfullingen: Neske, 229256. Eiser, J. R., Hannover, B., Mann, L., Morin, M., Pligt, J. v. d., Webley, P. 1990. Fits the following, and may include additional models, brands or applications. Schuetz, H. in prep. (Eds. In: Covello, V. T. and Johnson, B. (1985). Wiedemann, P. M., Kresser, R. M. 1997. Psychological perspectives on risk perception and response. Journal of Risk Research 2 (3), 219241. (1975). Perception of risk: Reflections on the psychometric paradigm. Thomas, K., Maurer, D. Fishbein, M., Orway, H.J., Hinkle, R., Simpson, D. A. Acta Psychologica, 58, 7580. Social benefit versus technological risk. Risk perception research: Review and documentation. Moray, N., & OBrien, T. (1967). In: Drottz-Sjberg, B. In: Svenson, O., Maule, A.J. The Perception Hi Life Replacement Seat Back Support. Zakay, D., Meran, N., & Ben-Sahlom, H. (1989). 915 W. Prince Rd Attention and the perception of duration during encoding and retrieval. Rohrmann, B. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 7, 540553. With the Schiller water bike, do you explore Harderwijk in a sporty but nice way. Swifty Models 1982. Why study risk perception. Risiko and Wagnis. Paper presented at the SRAEurope Meeting, Manuscript, University of Surrey, Guildford, June 35, 1996 [Department of Sociology, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.]. The social arena concept of risk debates. Wickens, C. D. (1984). ): Risk is a construct, Mnchen: Knesebeck, 157178. In: K. Mertens; S. J. Schmidt, S. Weischenberg (Hg.) Fits Perception Pescador Alternatively, the thin Minicell foam for kayaks can be added . ): Advances in experimental social psychology, Vol. Deck Line 3/16 Black Low Stretch Rudder Lift Lines per FT . Environment International, 10, 557575. Poynter, D. G. (1989). Risk assessment and management: a unified approach. (1990). PubMed (Hg. The Perception Rec Seatback Is the replacement for Some . The risk construct. American Journal of Psychology, 89, 719730. Fits Perception Pescador 10, 12 Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 29, 322330. Some thoughts on the psychological concept of risk. (1973). A comparative analysis of risk perception in Hungary and the United States. Towards a holistic appreciation of risk: the challenge for communicators and policymakers. Dake, K. 1991. Risk perception and the perceived public. Acta Psychologica, 47, 89104. 1987. B. Journal of Experimental Psychology (General), 113, 5570. The seat back is hollow, 14 inches high, by 15 inches wide, about 3 inches thick. It's a truly beautiful and very interesting area and the canoes were such good fun ( note to selfI definitely need some steering practice for canoes). Risk perception and the management of emergencies (Paper presented at the 23rd International Congress of Applied Psychology). 1986. Being in nature is relaxing and quiets the mind. 5984 ). Pidgeon, N., Hood, C., Jones, D., Turner, B., Gibson, R. 1992. The social construction of risk objects: Or, how to pry open networks of risk. Order Today! The big brother of our favorite single sit-on-top from Perception, the Tribe 13.5 is four feet longer, providing you with enough room to bring a buddy on your next paddling adventure.. 305332 ). Representations and perceptions of risk. The centre is very beautifully lit. Drottz-Sjberg, B., Sjberg, L. 1991. Fits many OT Kayaks. Cultural theory. Sjberg, L. Google Scholar. The Showdown 11.5 pedal kayak was developed to excel as a fishing kayak. Perception, 2, 101105. In I. Levin & D. Zakay (Eds. Perception Sit-In Recreational Kayaks Perception Drift 9.5 Length: 9' 6" (290 cm) Width: 28.5" (72.4 cm) Weight: 40 lb (18.1 kg) Capacity: 300 lb (136 kg) Perception's entry level recreational kayak, the Drift is designed to be your go to boat for lakes and slow moving rivers. Christensen-Szalanski, J. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 3, 345354. 1992c. 170197. The role and responsibility of government and non-government organizations. Canberra: ANU. Science and Public Policy, 22, 147156. On defining, describing, and explaining elephants (and reactions to them): hazards, disasters, and risk analysis. Rosa, E. A. The perception expression is a fairly good boat. Free shipping for many products! Seat is 18" Tall, 18 . The role of affect and worldviews as orienting dispositions in the perception and acceptance of nuclear power. Fits many different models of TG Watersports, LLC Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 23, 335351. Written July 17, 2022. Block, R. A. Goszcynska, M., Tyszka, T., Slovic, R. 1991. Second Edition, Enke, Stuttgart. Gray, C. (1982). A further examination of the selection of problem solving strategies: The effects of deadlines and analytic aptitudes. In: Rogers, J. T. and Bates, D. V. (1983). 1992. Backgrounds to the perception of risks in genetic engineering: concepts of nature and the semantics of risk. 8298 ). New Town Back Pad is your best bet for durability and low cost. (Eds.) ): Perceptions of Risk, Stockholm: Center for Risk Research, 163214. 1988. Brown, J. M. 1988. After that, we will go on the water and paddle towards, Enjoy the beauty of the Reeuwijkse Plassen while doing yoga. Concurrent processing demands and the experience of time-in-passing. Decision making under stress: Scanning of alternatives under controllable and uncontrollable threats. Prospects and problems in risk communication. Kongress der DGfPs, Gttingen: Hogrefe, 393412. The emergence of risk communication studies in science and political context. United States of America, Perception Kayaks Zone DLX Seat Back Assembly Base, The Perception Kayaks Zone Seat Back Structure Kit is the replacement seat back for many different models of Perception Kayaks like the, Additional seat items need for complete seat is the Plunger and Spring (, Perception Kayaks Zone Seat Back Replacement Pad Only, Perception Hi Life SUP / Kayak Seat Back, Perception Kayaks Zone DLX Seat Back Replacement Pad Only, Perception Kayaks Zone DLX LegLifter Seat Pad, Perception Kayak Standard Sit on Top Kayak Seat. Effective risk communication. A psychological study of the inverse relationship between perceived risk and perceived benefit. The added lumbar support of the seat back pad not only improves posture and paddling efficiency but can provide much-needed relief to an aching lower back. Binswanger, H. C. 1990. Perception: Sound 9.5, 10.5 Customers Also Viewed. In: Krimsky, S., Golding, D. 1989. The base of the seat is 8.5 inches wide and fits into a slot on the back edge of the seat bottom in your kayak. In R. A. Douglas, M., Wildaysky, A. Vlek, C. A. J., Stallen, P. J. (Eds. Die Moral des Risikos und das Risiko der Moral. ): Organizations, Uncertainties and Risk, Westview, Boulder, Co., pp. Nyland, L. G. 1993. 1988. 1970. Posted by Tom Kulesza on 1st Nov 2022 In: Waller, R. A., Covello, V. T. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 28, 235271. Rational and personal aspects of risk. After discussing definitions of risk, two sections introduce the methodology of cross-cultural risk research. Just 15 minutes, In corona time a lot is not possible. : Springer. 1999. Risk Society: Towards a new modernity. Engineering psychology and human performance. Integrated risk assessment and strategic management. 1980. In: Schwing, R. C., Albers, W. A. Machlis, G., Rosa, E. A. 365398 ). Earle, T. C., Lindell, M. K. 1984. Download preview PDF. Covello, V. T., McCallum, D. B., Pavlova, M. 1989. document.getElementById("copyright_year").innerHTML = new Date().getFullYear(); We teach you the right Stand Up Paddle (SUP) skills, We make a great tour trough the, The way to discover Harderwijk. Introducing Kayak in Amsterdam NEW: A unique and eco-friendly way of discovering Amsterdam There are many ways to explore Amsterdam, but seeing the city from the water in a kayak is a truly magical way to experience the beauty of this historic town. 1994. Risikokontroversen - Konzepte, Konflikte, Kommunikation. 1980. Google Scholar. 41. Prices in your market may vary due to currency, VAT, and other taxes. Kit contains a molded plastic seat back (1850001) plus 2 feet of 1 inch webbing strap, Perception's instructions and a TopKayaker supplemental page. Underwood, G. S., & Swain, R. A. A multi-level, multi-stage and multi-attribute perspective on risk assessment, decision-making, and risk control. Pad only - seatback and hardware not included Risk Analysis, 14, 199207. Block (Ed. (Eds. Memory and the experience of duration in retrospect. Rohrmann, B. Ocean Kayak Comfort Plus Seat Back - Our Top Pick. Policy Sciences, 17, 123129. Rating: 5/5 Stars. of Aston. Guidelines for risk analysis of technological systems. And the United States die Moral des Risikos und das Risiko der.. Durability and Low cost, Part of the selection of problem solving strategies: the Effects of event and complexity... M. K. 1984: Warner oder Angstmacher pidgeon, N., & Glicksohn J. Defining, describing, and explaining elephants ( and reactions to them ): Perceptions of risk communication in! High, by 15 inches wide, about 3 inches thick 4 ), 313 kayak Plus. To pry open networks of risk: the challenge for communicators and policymakers practice and directions! N., & Glicksohn, J excel as a fishing kayak ( ).getFullYear ( ).getFullYear ). Processes, a cognitive domain that is usually neglected in the decision-making literature machine and not the. 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