(James 5:11). The Bible records the story of Job that illustrates someone who suffered greatly yet never turned his back on God. Eleventh in a series on the book of James. Satan wasnt and asked if he could take away Jobs health. It says here that we are graciously given 1) faith to believe on him 2) and suffer his behalf. forget, and need to be reminded, 2. * Slow service in the McDonalds drive Jesus said that in this world, I will have troubles. When problems overwhelm us, (1) We are tempted to Lose Patience, (2) We are tempted to Lose Perspective, and (3) We are tempted to Blame Others. Please see the Archives > Scripture Index. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, being patient about [] read more, Denomination: It seems there is a lot of waiting in the Army but you When Satan was done with him [Luke 22:31], he was another man. He lost health, wealth, and even children. Behold the husbandman (farmer) waits for the precious fruit of the earth, & has long patience for it, until he receive the early & latter Why dont we notice that its about the patience of Job AND the END (result) of the Lord? It is victorious endurance (and) constancy under trial. God gives us the power to endure hardship, difficulties, and trials, but we must learn and grow into this fruit of the Spirit. She regularly contributes to Crosswalk. Be patient, therefore, brothers, until the coming of the Lord. Let us hear again, Against such things there is no law. In agony did He die [Acts 17:3], that out of that death might come life [Romans 14:7-9], out of that suffering might come salvation [Isaiah 53:4-5], and out of His burial [Matthew 27:57-61], might come the promise of a better resurrection [1 Thessalonians 5:10]. So thanks. A week after the end of the PDL campaign, I was unemployed, and my father had passed away. And that was the purpose of God to double it all, to make Job twice the man that otherwise he might have been [Job 42:10]. The Keller Center for Cultural Apologetics helps Christians show unbelievers the truth, goodness, and beauty of the gospel as the only hope that fulfills our deepest longings. We do not have to hide our struggles from God; he wants us to come to him with our pain and seek to come to terms with it in the light of his presence. We have been quoting R. Kent Hughes who says one thing is clear about the book of Jamesthe dominant theme is; Church Of God. read more. They are not in trouble as other men; neither are they plagued like other men. Her cup is always at least half-full, even when circumstances arent ideal. He is robbing. Patience While You Wait Don't grumble, don't swear. I. Christian/Church Of Christ, Open your bibles to James Chapter 5. A man in Los Angeles, California was arrested for negligent discharge of a weapon after shooting his toilet bowl Jobs third friend denies Jobs claim of innocence and dares to say that Job deserved even more punishment from God. He was no dyspeptic. And he takes Elijah for an instance and an . Did our God not do a little boasting over this brother, asking Satan the question, Has thou considered my servant Job, a man who loves righteousness and hates iniquity? For I was envious at the foolish, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked. (James 5:11). It rarely does me any good to ask why questions. The Gospel in Twenty Questions What did Jobs three friends have wrong, and what did they have right? I just came out of 5 surgeries in 18 months and am healed and ready go back to workI need to clears this idea out of my head. I lost, car, job and pretty much everything. Free Sermons and Sermon Outlines for Preaching : Mapping 'fault Lines' In America - Micah 3, 5 Ways To Grow Your Church's Congregation, My Sermon With A Little Bit Of Bible Thrown In. To double his earthly possessions easy, 2. Presbyterian/Reformed, "For Dummies" books are a raging success! done His work, it is always good (Genesis 1:31), B. Triplet God then asks Job to pray for the friends, showing approval for the honest and open yet faith-filled way that Job has prayed throughout his tribulations. Patience is not an escape hatch. I have been blinded with the truth about Jobs being because preachers concluded already that he has enough patient which led me not to read the whole story. Pentecostal, Please Be Patient Certainly we all cant make it on the list, but we all can be saved. "Will you please pray that I may be more patient?" (view more) Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Despite his difficulties, Job still said, The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away; blessed be the name of the Lord (Job 1:21). WHEN should I wait? Job charges that its easy for his friends to mock him. That is the rest of the that seventy-third Psalm [Psalm 73:18-28]. R. Kent Hughes (DMin, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) is professor of practical theology at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, pastor emeritus of College Church in Wheaton, Illinois, and a Council member for The Gospel Coalition. Be patient Jobs friends repented and beseeched Job to pray for them and the Lord accepted Jobs forgiveness of them as His own. The Word tells us that Job was far from long-suffering. Its the Disney version. He was faithful [Job 1:21, 13:15]. Job's patience gave him no escape from his pain. And the Lord did thresh them. If this is not the case, did my input not meet your expectation or standards for airing on the blog. Paul: I added in a comment a day ago for this posted article. How to Find Biblical Joy When You Battle Anxiety. James 1:4, A series on the Fruits of the Spirit: Patience, Galatians 5:22-23 (NIV) Im never perfect, and I always want my own way. Over the cliff, hundreds of feet below, but the little things must learn to fly, and they mustnt stay in the nest of ease and luxury forever. But if when you do good and suffer for it you endure, this is a gracious thing in the sight of God. Not everything has an explanation, but everything has a purpose. Billy Graham.). For what credit is it if, when you sin and are beaten for it, you endure? In this sermon, we want to see that we should ADD TO OUR FAITH PATIENCE! Number twonot only in the trial is God present, and not only does God chain and collar the hound of heaven, this dog of damnation, but number two: God purposed to give Job a double portion of everything that he had, everything [Job 1:2-3, 42:10-12]. They were not fleeting or imaginary. Bildad's point was that God does not punish innocent people. Patience: the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset. He also asks what he did wrong and why God turned away from him. Of coarse he is blessed, he has a covenant and he has Faith in the One God to complete the terms of that covenant. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, being patient about it, until it receives the early and the late rains (James 5:7). James did say, however, that we should look at the perseverance of Job. Only in God will he find the truth and happiness he never stops searching for.". read more, Scripture: Introduction: I. Sermon #11 He had blains and boils and sores, and he sat on a dung heap in the ashes [Job 2:7-8]. To elevate Job is to diminish what the Lord brought about. Job was a failure and this is what makes his story so encouraging to those going through hard times. He was not somewhat ill; he was afflicted in misery and in anguish [Job 2:7-8]. Stuff Jesus Never Said, Comment Policy Read the whole book of Job and you will find that Job wasnt patient at all. Nope. A man noticed a woman in the grocery store with a very hyper three year old girl in her cart. (No pun intended. Local: 704-401-2432 A patient person doesn't play the blame game, yet Job repeatedly blamed God for his troubles (e.g., Job 7:11). Telos the I was not the instant pour in hot water and stir kind of girl. I can feel like Im living right, and hardship may still come. Jobs wife tried to persuade him to turn from the Lord when she said, Curse God and die! Job replied: Shall we indeed accept good from God, and shall we not accept adversity (Job 2:10). Job stood up, tore his robe, and shaved his head. Hurry up and WAIT! a. James 1:4 Inspirational devotions delivered right to your email inbox. Faith that is true, II. Gulp. The long suffering of God leads to repentance. So we have insight of faith when we hear the word of God. For it could not be that God's Only Son should not be God. He abhors evil. In the book of James, believers are encouraged to emulate Job: You also, be patientBehold, we consider those blessed who remained steadfast. For all the day long have I been plagued, and chastened every morning. That is, 'you have heard of Job, the one who clung for dear life to God . When the Lord is James, those guys are legends. And God nailed Jesus to the cross [John 3:16]. Dr. W. A. Criswell. In the story of the Book of Job, there is no hint or approach to the law of Moses. Things were so bad that he hated his life and longed for death (Job 7:15-16). Evangelical/Non-Denominational, A common definition of Patience: Patience is the capacity to accept or endure THE POWER OF PATIENCE Church Of God. Thank you Paul for pointing out Jobs humanity. 10 Life-Giving Scriptures for Every Christian Woman, This site is a proud member of the Salem Web Network, a subsidiary of, Copyright 2023, Crosswalk.com. And you tell Me that, Though the whole world deny You, I would never deny You [Matthew 26:35]. he didnt know God isnt the one who brings tragedy and pain and neither did his friends including the young man, and yet with their limited understanding of God, religious tradition holds Job up as an example of theological truth. of Ive never been afflicted. Dont worry, dont you be proud or removed. The first is "blameless." Used of animals without blemishes for sacrifice, blameless describes Job's character as without essential defect, a man of integrity. California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Wealth Dear Brethren, I am now on Twitter https://twitter.com/RichMoo50267219 If you are as well, please consider following me there. Both ideals go together. 1. A patient person would keep his troubles to himself, but for long chapter after long chapter Job whines about his misfortunes, brags about his good behavior, and wonders why God hates him. "Patience in Sufferings" "But He knows the way that I take; when He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold." (Job 23:10) "I have heard of you by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees you." (Job 42:5) Lessons By: Rob Harbison www.rome4christ.com Job: Patience in Suffering1Lessons by Rob Harbison TABLE OF CONTENTSTABLE OF CONTENTS . read more, Scripture: Less Its like we have given Job a Facebook page in our minds and hes all photoshopped and perfect. Abraham took his only son, born of the womb of Sarah, bound him, laid him on an altar, raised a knife to plunge into his heart [Genesis 22:1-2,7-12], believing that God could raise him from the dead [Hebrews 11:17-19]. You can see how the Lord was kind to him at the end, for the Lord is full of tenderness and mercy. Job is one of those highlighted in Scripture for his remarkable patience. character this took suffering(Job 42:3, 5-6), B. And God purposed to give Job double everything that he had. Visit her ather website and/or onFacebook. Proud member To suffer for his sake is to be persecuted on account of Jesus. HOW should I wait? Grocery Store Its almost become an axiom when it comes to prayer, hasnt it? Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain. Thats why Abraham was so marvelous a patriarch, and in the Bible hes the only one ever called the Friend of God [James 2:23]. The Lord God broke it up. Though we confess to be out of religion,for the religion to come out of us is a real grace. Thank you. So why is this funny? read more, Scripture: Outta control toddler 1 Peter 5:6-7), C. Job He puts a hurt in the heart. I. We have been quoting R. Kent Hughes who says one thing is clear about the book of Jamesthe dominant theme is; 5. Your email address will not be published. I have nothing more to say. Definition a. an ability or willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance when confronted with delay b. quiet steady perseverance (patience is a work!) A woman nearby noticed that time and again the man would calmly say: Keep calm, Albert. Why do the wicked seem to prosper and the good are punished? In this sermon, we want to see that we should ADD TO OUR FAITH PATIENCE! Text: James 5:7 12 * Children who refuse to go to sleep Will Graham Devotion: 3 Reminders in Your Suffering, Billy Grahams 9/11 Message From Washington National Cathedral. Even in the creation, when God had finished His work, He looked upon it and said, It is very good [Genesis 1:31]. It is always a bad idea to try to accomplish Gods plan in your own way and by your own timing. Though God connects powerfully with Job in a way that is satisfying to Him, and though God eventually restores Jobs family and fortunes, God does not directly answer Jobs questions about why things happened in exactly the way they did (Job 38-41). It grew every century since. One of such is 1cor9:27. * Slow service in the McDonalds drive Patience is part of the fruit of the Spirit, which breaks down into love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, and faithfulness (Galatians 5:22). SA Radio. Affliction: a state of pain, trouble, or distress; misery (World Book Dictionary) When we stand up, stand up walking down that aisle, coming down this aisle, Here I am, pastor, I make it today. James 5:11. She is currently pursuing a PhD in Intercultural Studies and writes on the Christian life and intercultural communication at lovingthestrangerblog.com. James 5:7-11, Denomination: Grudge not one against another, brethren, lest ye be condemned: behold, the judge standeth before the door. He has authored numerous books, including Disciplines of a Godly Man. Paul , Job is mentioned ONE time in the New Testament, Abraham is in there 70 times in 66 verses. In these few interactions I had with you on Job,a couple of times in straight forward way you claim the opposite of what the word says! Sermon illustrations on Patience. Thanks. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 1 Billy Graham Parkway, Charlotte, NC 28201 He is the man that wrote in 1 Peter chapter 5, Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due season: casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you [1 Peter 5:6-7]. The consummation of the work of the Lord is always good and kind and gracious. II. James 5:7 - 11. Jennifer Heeren loves to write and wants to live in such a way that people are encouraged by her writing and her attitude. ( J. I. A woman nearby noticed that time and again the man would calmly say: Keep calm, Albert. I never did in my life, and I never expect to. Hes a new man. Read the first two chapters of Job, not as a sermon text, but as a description of a real person. To give him twice the grace, experience, knowledge of God, tenderness of Despite his difficulties he said, The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord (Job 1:21). He lost all ten of his children; seven sons and three daughters [Job 1:13-19]. Lord purposed to bestow upon him an everlasting glory, 1. Home James 5:7-11 Truly, verily, I have cleansed my heart in vain, and washed my hands in innocency. I guess the writers or the Holy Spirit only selected a certain number for that list, and no more faithful people could be placed on it. He lived another 140 years and died after living a very full life. Why should I not be impatient? is totally wrong thinking. He was no hypochondriac. Sermon series: Lessons from Job Choosing faith in the midst of suffering - Job 1-2 Six questions when giving or receiving advice - Job Three hard truths about wisdom - Job 28 Job's perfect storm - Job 30, 40, 42 How to respond to a powerful and loving God - Job 42 eliminate the pain stop the questions create a logical reason for your suffering. How Can Christians Bounce Back from Spiritual Complacency? Its pride. The young man seeking patience So in the life of Job, a man who was cast into the very fire of trial, yet we have seen the end, the telos, the purposeful consummation of God in his life; that it was very good [Job 42:10]. And the admonition of the Holy Spirit in our hearts is always, Patience. The admonition of the Holy Scriptures is always, Patience. The admonition of our heavenly Father is always, Patience. And the admonition of our blessed Savior is ever, Patience. So this pastor of the church in Jerusalem, writing to the flock, and writing to the Diaspora, says to us, Ye have heard and you have seen the patience of old patriarch Job, and have known the end of the Lord [James 5:11]: that in his patient endurance, God wonderfully blessed him [Job 42:10-13]. And were going to try to get up high enough that we can see far enough and look on the purpose of God in our affliction and in our suffering. James & this series is JUST THAT, Christianity For Dummies: The Power of Patience God trusted this earthly man, saying, I know Him that he will command his house aright. God bless you and increase our knowledge of Him. I. That is where it comes from. I understand we become mature and develop faith in trials. Paul understood from first-hand experience that all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted (2 Tim 3:12). Super post! God was pleased. This deals with how it takes a lot of patience sometimes to get to the solution. What did Paul mean in Phil 1:29? Ye have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen the end of the Lord; that the Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy. When the psalmist got up high enough, then he could see far enough, and then God showed him, and he understood. Learn how your comment data is processed. This morning, we are continuing (after a lengthy pause) our series of messages entitled FROM THE PROBLEM TO THE SOLUTION for faith cometh by hearing (Romans 10:17), 3. You have heard of Jobs perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. Youd never think that particularly, as you read the Book of Job. A man noticed a woman in the grocery store with a very hyper three year old girl in her cart. And he was personally, in his physical frame, attacked and afflicted [Job 2:6-8]. Some food, Maybe God would understand him? Job is not the only one commended for his patience in the Bible. read more, Scripture: What does it mean that Job was blameless and upright? Get out of my face Satan, I curse you. Listen as Kent Hughes speaks on the topic of Perseverance from James 5:7-9 . When he was reviled, he did not revile in return; when he suffered, he did not threaten, but continued entrusting himself to him who judges justly (1 Peter 2:19-23). Faith that is true, This verse seems to go against all I understand. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy. Good points John. We (Job 21:4). As the mother and her child passed the cookie section, the little girl asked for Four attributes characterize Job's piety. When You Are in a Hurry But GOD Isnt: (This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. It is the steadfastness of Job in the English Standard Version. It is Christian steadfastness, the brave and courageous acceptance of everything life can do to us, and the transmuting of even the worst into another step on the upward way. (view more) Copyright 2023 The Gospel Coalition, INC. All Rights Reserved. I pray for patience all We were so focused on the lack of crops and livestock that we miss the wonderful revelation of God in verses 18 19. read more, Scripture: in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, pastor emeritus of College Church in Wheaton, Illinois, and a Council member for The Gospel Coalition. ). . I dont know how much ive been praising Jobs patiency,but thank the lord for such an inner eye opener. WHY should I wait? But for myself, I want compassion. Jobs words quoted above are reminiscent of the Psalmists declaration of his rest in Gods sovereignty, and this can be our prayer as well as we seek to cultivate patience by waiting in hope on the Lord: "O Lord, my heart is not lifted up; my eyes are not raised too high;I do not occupy myself with things too great and too marvelous for me.But I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child is my soul within me.O Israel, hope in the Lord from this time forth and forevermore." 2. read more. But Simon, Simon, I have prayed for you, that your faith fail not and the end of it, and when it is over, Simon, and the trial is passed, and you have come back, you have turned, you have converted, strengthen your brethren [Luke 22:32]. Galatians 5:22-23, Denomination: It will come. The saying is: 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, He came out twice as well off as before, and in about a nine to twelve month period of testing, not a lifelong trial. Why? But God giving us suffering??? A man in Los Angeles, California was arrested for negligent discharge of a weapon after shooting his toilet bowl Hebrews 6:12. And he says we not only have heard, but we have seen the end of the Lord in the story of Job; that God is good and kind and gracious [James 5:11]. Full of practical wisdom and simple "How To's" Wouldn't a "Christianity for Dummies," a book full of practical wisdom & simple How Tos on how to live out our faith, be great? November 11, 1980 | R. Kent Hughes . 52-week preaching calendar to help you plan your sermons, Customizable sermon manuscripts for verse-by-verse preaching, Preach with creativity and impact throughout the year, Help your church understand God's plan in pain, Call your people to experience a higher freedom, Proclaim the gospel to the ends of the earth, We are called to live our lives with a bold patience that depends on the power and faithfulness of God, Patience Pays Off The story of Job in the Bible shows a man who suffered but never turned away from God. But what we dont see is that back of it all is the sovereign purpose and presence of the Almighty. Not all incidents are good, but God is always good in the midst of them. Now he precedes this appeal that we look at the life and example of Job with a triplet of exhortations. And Simon cursed and denied that he ever knew Jesus [Mark 14:71]. A man was walking through a supermarket with a screaming baby in the shopping cart. In fact, Job was a self-pitying whiner who accused the Lord of many terrible things. Thats greatly appreciated. Key however is not the circumstances but our God who is with us and will help us in the midst of it all. It has conforted me from the multitude of times ive complained to the lord. The message of James is not admire Jobs perseverance, but fix your eyes on the Lord who helped Job persevere. The Lord God pushed him out just like an eagle does her eaglets. Her eaglets common definition of patience Church of God 66 verses weapon after shooting his toilet bowl Hebrews.... More, Scripture: Outta control toddler 1 Peter 5:6-7 ), Job. Got up high enough, and Shall we not accept adversity ( Job,. Can feel like Im living right, and my father had passed away I may more... Try to accomplish Gods plan in your own way and by your own timing paul Job! This sermon, we want to see that we should look at the foolish, when saw! 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