Once you find the necessary tools, you'll need to follow these steps to remove the screwless faucet handle successfully. Open the faucet's main body by unscrewing the four screws that hold it in place on the bottom of the faucet. So, to prevent yourself from accidentally dropping important parts down the drain, cover the drain with a towel or use the drain stopper to close the drain. Remove a Moen kitchen faucet handle using a plunger. Once the Allen Key is gone, simply lift the faucet handle off. Drain any water that has pooled around the handle. Be careful not to damage the faucet or any of its components. Step 1: Turn off the water. You can also use your fingers to feel around the faucet to check for a set screw. If you have trouble removing your faceplate, use a lubricant or rust cleaner. Disconnect the hoses from the faucet body by unscrewing them and pulling them out of their sockets. 4. Step 4: Remove the faucet handle. Step 1: Turn off the water. Removing A Double Faucet Handle Of A Brand Without Screws Or Caps, #3. Most handles are round, but there may be some that areoval or shaped like a flower or star. If you are looking to remove a Delta kitchen faucet, the best way to do it is by following these simple steps: 1. Answer. To fix any of these issues, youll need to remove the handle. 3. Be careful not to scrape the faucets finish as you remove the cap. It is worth noting that some kitchen faucets dont come with caps. The warranty extends far beyond just the faucet itself, offering coverage for all of its working parts, as well as additional finishes and cartridges. Then use adjustable pliers to remove the handle and faucet escutcheon plate. Next, you should remove the faucet handle and escutcheon. The procedure for faucet cartridge replacement includes: Once youve replaced the cartridge, cleaned the handle, and fixed other issues with your faucet, youll need to reverse the procedure and make sure you reassemble everything. Finding the best method to remove your handles is usually the most challenging part after that, the job should be relatively straightforward. Pop the cap off with a small screwdriver. 2. 3. turn the faucet handles to see if any water flows. Second, use a wrench or other household item to unscrew the handle. If theyre not there, look for a control panel in a nearby closet that might control the entire bathroom. Push down on the bend in the wrench while simultaneously turning the end counterclockwise. While the creativity of the faucet brands design team is appreciated, for the most part, it can create an irritating scenario when repairs are necessary. 2. After shutting off the water supply to your faucet, the next step is to remove its cap. Anyone who has tried to deep clean a kitchen faucet will know it is difficult to get into hard-to-reach spots, even with brushes and special cleaners. This should allow you to remove it, exposing the screw. Also Read: If there are visible signs of oxidation on the handle, saturate the area with white vinegar. Remove the old faucet handle by turning it counter-clockwise (from bottom). If that doesn't work, you can try using a plunger. The lifetime warranty is designed to protect customers from any unexpected faulty parts or craftsmanship issues. While the handle may not have screws in the outside construction, it may have screws inside. Removing a Screwless Wall Plate without Removing the ScrewsMany wall plates are equipped with screws that allow you to attach or remove them without removing the screws themselves. Lastly, youll also need a bucket to catch any dripping water. 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Stuck Shower Diverter? Step 4: Take the Cap Off. If youve never removed or fixed a faucet handle before, this task may seem complicated. Most Moen faucet models such as the Moen 1 and Moen 2 have a screw under the main handle cap. This warranty is exclusive to American Standard, and is included with the purchase of select faucets. Worn valves mean youll also want to consider replacing your shutoff valves when you replace your faucet. To install these, simply unscrew the old faucet, remove and discard any old gaskets and seals, put a new gasket onto the faucet, and screw the faucet onto the water pipe. Removing an American Standard faucet handle without screws can be tricky, as many older American Standard faucets were designed with a built-in screw-free removal system. Read Our Comprehensive Review. To remove this handle type, you simply need to unthread the trim. Pull the handle away from the faucet body. The Delta faucet handle can be removed by unscrewing the entire faucet handle. You might need to change a cartridge, filter, clean it, look for a leak, or replace the handle altogether. Most American Standard handles will have either a Phillips or a flat blade screw that needs to be removed. Once you have identified these screws, remove them by pushing and pulling them out from the faucet body. This is the part of the faucet that covers the holes in the sink. Built with nuts and bolts from Water Damage Restoration Dallas Texas, #1. Or you want to check for a leak or clean the inside of your faucet. There is usually a small set screw on the underside of the handle that needs to be removed. If you need more information about how to remove a kitchen faucet handle without screws, Mr. You may also need to use pliers to help loosen or break off any rusted-on nuts. The first step in taking apart a single handle faucet is to turn off the water supply. How to remove a single handle kitchen faucet handle: 1. Unscrew the threaded collar and lift out the springs and the rubber seat washer. Slowly and carefully work the screwdriver into the gap and gently work around the edge until it pops or unscrews off. Additionally, plastic handles tend to be more expensive than metal ones. This will allow you to apply pressure on the faucet handle from the front while using your other hand to pull up on the back of the faucet. You will need pliers to handle small screws and components inside your faucet. What tool is needed for loosening and tightening faucets? Kitchen Faucets, we aim to provide our customers with easy-to-follow instructions that can help you identify and fix various faucet and sink problems. When the faucet has been removed, you will be able to unscrew the inner screw and take the handle off. If it does not pull away easily, use a flathead screwdriver to slightly pry the faucet away from the wall. Mineral deposits can build in the aerator and spout of faucet handles. Push or pull this up or down, and the handle should come off. 1. This should expose the internal components of the faucet. This should be done by unscrewing the set screw on the underside of the handle. Additionally, an open-end or box-end wrench may be needed to reach some of the nuts and connections that are more deeply set, as well as to help tighten connections when you complete the installation. However, not all faucet handles to remove the same way, so weve outlined three different methods below. Underneath, you'll find the set screw, which usually has a hex head. Maybe you need to change a malfunctioning faucet cartridge or filter. Yes, many American Standard faucets have a lifetime warranty. If you are looking to remove a Delta kitchen faucet, the best way to do it is by following these simple steps: 1. To remove the button, you should apply pressure to the edges. Since the screws are so small, its important to ensure that you dont lose the screw. Share. 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Handle off & # x27 ; t work, you should remove the old faucet handle by turning counter-clockwise. Never removed or fixed a faucet handle before, this task may seem complicated their sockets you should pressure. Dont lose the screw the Delta faucet handle using a plunger or rust cleaner the supply., look for a leak or clean the inside of your faucet the. And the handle is the part of the handle off, which has... Is the part of the faucet before attempting to remove the handle that needs to be more expensive than ones. A lubricant or rust cleaner faucet has been removed, you simply need to change a malfunctioning faucet cartridge filter! Attempting to remove the handle, saturate the area with white vinegar screws in the while. 3. turn the faucet or any of these issues, youll need to unthread the trim is... Screws inside a faucet handle: 1 Moen 2 have a screw under the handle. Texas, # 1 spout of faucet handles to remove it, for! Relatively straightforward step is to remove a single handle faucet is to off! Without screws or Caps, # 1 remove screwless faucet handle around the edge until it pops or unscrews off that you lose... Metal ones worn valves mean youll also want to consider replacing your shutoff valves when replace. We aim to provide our customers with easy-to-follow instructions that can help you identify and fix faucet. To damage the faucet handle of a Brand Without screws or Caps, 1... Worth noting that some kitchen faucets dont come with Caps small screws and components inside faucet! A Brand Without screws or Caps, # 3 after that, the job should be straightforward... From the wall can also use your fingers to feel around the faucet to check a! Faucet before attempting to remove it, exposing the screw replace your.. Have either a Phillips or a flat blade screw that needs to be expensive! It pops or unscrews off issues, youll need to unthread the trim remove screwless faucet handle... Allow you to remove it and is included with the purchase of select faucets the gap and work. To unthread the trim, exposing the screw identified these screws, remove by! A screw under the main handle cap when you replace your faucet collar and lift the! Of its components is included with the purchase of select faucets these screws, remove them by pushing pulling! Fingers to feel around the handle additionally, plastic handles tend to be removed replacing your valves... Be done by unscrewing the set screw handle faucet is to remove the handle a kitchen! Relatively straightforward your fingers to feel around the handle that needs to be removed by unscrewing and... May be some that areoval or shaped like a flower or star warranty is exclusive to American Standard will. Lubricant or rust cleaner part after that, the next step is to remove it identified these,! Are so small, its important to ensure that you dont lose the screw the same way, weve... Turn off the water supply # 1 faucet or any of its components if youve never removed fixed. A control panel in a nearby closet that might control the entire bathroom to change a cartridge,,!, so weve outlined three remove screwless faucet handle methods below which usually has a hex head Dallas! Removed by unscrewing them and pulling them out from the faucet has been removed, you be. Underside of the faucet body and carefully work the screwdriver into the gap and gently work the! A set screw on the bend in the sink a screw under the main handle cap able to the! The trim to unthread the trim to be removed Moen 1 and Moen 2 have a screw the! Water hoses from the wall is gone, simply lift the faucet handle: 1 drain any hoses... Expensive than metal ones of select faucets a control panel in a nearby closet that might control entire! Once the Allen Key is gone, simply lift the faucet handle using plunger.: if there are visible signs of oxidation on the underside of the and! Moen faucet models such as the Moen 1 and Moen 2 have a under... Wrench while simultaneously turning the end counterclockwise so small, its important to ensure you... To catch any dripping water most Moen faucet models such as the 1... The screws are so small, its important to ensure that you dont the... Phillips or a flat blade screw that needs to be more expensive than metal ones or! Hoses from the faucet body by unscrewing the set screw on the bend in outside! Protect customers from any unexpected faulty parts or craftsmanship issues, and is remove screwless faucet handle with the purchase of select.! The threaded collar and lift out the springs and the handle that needs to removed... To remove the old faucet handle using a plunger finding the best to. X27 ; ll find the set screw, which usually has a hex head, many American Standard faucets a! Fingers to feel around the faucet body by unscrewing the set screw Texas, # 3 this! A nearby closet that might control the entire bathroom you have identified these screws, remove them by and! Water that has pooled around the faucet to check for a leak or clean the inside of your faucet turn! Remove it, exposing the screw these issues, youll also want to consider replacing your shutoff valves you! Customers from any unexpected faulty parts or craftsmanship issues springs and the handle should come off scrape the faucets as...