I'm so excited about the amateur autopsy club I just joined. I love telling Dad jokes. I'll take you clothes shopping right now". It had a hard drive. "A: The direction of the first letter. To the person who stole my depression medication: I hope you're happy now. I really hope Santa can figure out how to make all his deliveries this year due to Covid-19 Hope a large fraction of y'all have a sense of humour. Since then, Khlo fans or anyone upset by Tristan Thompsons allegedly cheating ways have been inundating that particular post with I hope messages we cant help but giggle over. 12. (No one is safe! The police chased him around and finally caught him by the organ. His co-worker Mike says, "What the hell happened to you, man? By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Pepito took a test, but inevitable failed. A buccaneer. That is what 'to the pain' means; it means I leave you in anguish, wallowing in freakish misery, forever." I hope someone puts a few Skittles in your bowl of M&M's. I hope you die cold and alone. Aye matey. Check out this list of the goof dad jokes to tell in 2023, and get ready to deploy one the next time you need to disarm a kid with giggles (or groans). A white guy, a black guy, and a Mexican are walking down a beach together and stumble across a magical genie lamp. Q: How does Darth Vader like his toast?A: On the dark side. It didnt give a hoot. Then it hit me. What we suggest is selected independently by the Kidadl team. TODAY co-hosts kids tell jokes for April Fools Day, Valentine's Day jokes that'll prove humor is the way to the heart, Father's Day jokes to show you inherited Dad's funny bone, Halloween jokes guaranteed to have kids and adults cackling with delight, Thanksgiving jokes to give kids and adults pumpkin to laugh about, Christmas jokes guaranteed to sleigh kids and adults. Link to House of Army (eng sub) Q: What state is known for its tiny beverages?A: Minnesota. I used to be afraid of painting, but eventually I brushed it off. When a joke goes too far, we try to silence them and it will be great if you give us feedback every time when a joke becomes inappropriate. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. A man was at the country club for his weekly round of golf. I tell dad jokes but I have no kids. Kid: What time is it?Dad: Time to get a watch! Use these to add a laugh to an afternoon at home or read them in the car to pass time on a road trip. c. it wasn't exactly rocket science either. I have a joke about paper, but its tearable. I love making up puns. A: Leave the pizza in the oven. Wishing you the bright company of good friends, the joy of a happy family, and the loving wonder of the holiday season. I have a joke about statistics, but its not significant. Goodnight! "Why would you assume that?!" A little horse. "thirty-second birthday.". He finds a couple of okay options: some country, some rap, some metal Nothing really sticks out as the next big thing to him though. Keep these funny one-liners for kids and adults in your back pocket. c. abandon my alter-ego and devote all my time to my super hero duties. When it becomes apparent. The secretary saw that her boss' zipper was open when he walked out of the bathroom. We've got 45 clean Christian jokes that will be sure to make your sides split (like the Red Sea!). With price of fuel it could happen any day now. To the person who stole my case of energy drinks: I hope you can't sleep at night. "Well, it'll be pretty short. "Listen to the mustn'ts, child. and the psychic tells him that he will die on the day of a Jewish holiday. Skyscrapers cant jump. "Somewhere out there, a tree is tirelessly producing oxygen for you. There once was a young, newlywed couple who just arrived in their honeymoon suite after a wonderful day spent celebrating their union with family and friends. I was once a personal trainer, until I gave a too-weak notice. Never mind, it's over your head. I don't get my hopes up when April fools comes around. What did one volcano say to the other? A: Because he's only got tiny legs! I hope you feel all the love surrounding you right now. Check these stupid jokes that will make you wonder about the toes and their existence. With that, she strips to the waist, rolls the dice, and yells, "Come on, Southern girl needs new clothes!" Q: Why are peppers the best at archery?A: Because they habanero. Q: What did the drummer call his twin daughters? The little fish replies (gasping) "Water! With a little more time and skill these question-and-answer jokes require more audience interaction, but get a bigger payoff. I hope the standards of this sub are low enough, Heres a little early access to a pun I made. One did the T-rex say to the velociraptor? An avid traveler, foodie, helicopter parent and couch film critic, Sarah is originally from Minneapolis and has spent the last two decades unsuccessfully trying to figure out the difference between a hoagie and a sub. To the person who stole my place in line: Im after you now. I know you'll get through this, too. Hope you like! Christmas jokes - Another set of hilarious jokes to print. 35 Animal Jokes For Kids What do you call a lazy kangaroo? I hope you wet your socks. I won!" How does an octopus go into battle? He was in talks to start his own circus . Country Living editors select each product featured. Q: Why are nurses always running out of red crayons?A: Because they often have to draw blood. Have you heard about the new corduroy pillows they're making headlines! He turned around and said, "So, you want me to stay?". We hope you love our recommendations for products and services! Whats the difference between a hippo and a zippo? We'll be friends til we're old and senile. Why couldn't the bicycle stand up by itself? I love dad jokes, but I don't have kids, which makes me a Faux Pa. Have you ever been camping? Did you hear about the broken hearing aid? Read them and you will understand what jokes are funny? . And now, people are taking to Thompsons Instagram account to leave some admittedly hilarious I hope comments. After all, I say, we're only going to be celebrating it for half a minute. What did the full glass say to the empty glass? He was a little short. The farmer had cold hands. Blonde police officer points confused at the light of the lantern and replies: but he must be home since the lights are on! A few more moments pass and someone else calls out "Sixteen!" Looking for more laughs? And if you manage to send some jokes or funny texts to wish them a good sleep, it will definitely make them laugh right before sleeping! Why did the woman throw her bills out the window? Christmas jokes should be part of the holiday cheer. You have my Word! By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. How did the pig get to the hogspital? They woke her up. Click here for more information. If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring? I hope that you have sons. Did you hear about the soap-stealing robber? He walks over to grab a table and she heads straight for the bar. I had a joke about Nirvana, but Nevermind. "Awful taste but great execution.". Did you hear about the woman who couldnt stop collecting magazines? I hope this doesn't go against any sub rules. Did you hear about the kidnapping? What did the snail who was riding on the turtle's back say? Says the local man, After getting sorted, processed, and settled, it's lights out and he gets ready to sleep. The other will be for the men who were dominated by their wives.". Mom said I should do lunges to stay in shape. How do you know when a computer is on a diet? Privacy Policy. . She hugs each of the dealers, picks up her winnings, and her clothes, and quickly departs. Because theyre really good at it. You didn't have to get sick. Pointless. It was sick of working for peanuts. Its in tents. She said yes, all the rest had been nines and tens. I'm a proud vegetarian. They take meteor showers. Q: When does a regular joke become a dad joke?A: When it becomes apparent. Cookie Notice New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. ", But in the hopes of learning more about charity. You planet. ", They decided to climb to the top of the tallest mountain and call out to God with the hopes of getting a response. Tyrannosaurus Wrecks. d. it was easier than hanging around until somebody realized I wasn't . Why dont we see elephants hiding in trees? Q: Do you want to hear two short jokes and a long joke? To discover more amazing secrets about living your best life, click here to follow us on Instagram! He had shingles. My wife told me to stop acting like a flamingo, so I had to put my foot down. For more information, please see our Man, 2020 is rough. A fifteen year old Amish boy and his father were in a mall. To the person who stole my limbo stick: That was a new low. I hope you hope yourself to death. But deep down, she still knew that he'd be bach. Q: Whats red and smells like blue paint?A: Red paint. Hope you recover from your ailment without facing any complications. There are jokes about vacations, road trips, the beach, and more. It lightens the weights we carry in life, uplifts our moods, and bonds us to those we share in it with. How is a Christmas tree like a nice dog? "All I do is draw a small circle in earth, throw my money to the heavens, and what falls into the circle I give to God". Unsplash / Brooke Cagle. Turns out he was asking about what was behind me on our Zoom call. . PG-rated religion jokes. Some jokes are funny . Pilgrims. Happy Birthday, stud muffin. I'm so good at sleeping I can do it with my eyes closed! What did the man say to his fingers? I have a joke about inferiority complexes, but its not very good. She still isnt talking to me. Why was the math book down in the dumps? Catch up! Dinner's on me. It wooden go. Probably because I have a weekend immune system. I used to be addicted to soap, but I'm clean now. Two fish are in a tank. You're in all of our thoughts and prayers as you continue to heal. How did the student feel when he learned about electricity? Q: Did you hear about the square that got into a car accident?A: Yeah, now hes a rect-angle! I hope you bang your toe on every furniture corner. The wife finally convinces him to see a doctor. Sometimes, he even laughs. How do pigs do their homework? Computer jokes. Our party has been accused of fooling the public by calling tax increases 'revenue enhancement'. and our Get everyone giggling with these short jokes for kids and adults. Man comes home at six and his wife gives him a peck on the cheek. Laugh more: Funny Cleaning Jokes. What do you call it when a snowman throws a tantrum? I'll meet you at the corner. Ronny Chieng explains why Chinese parents want their kids to become doctors and how the Chinese New Year is all about getting rich. For more information, please see our She said she didn't have time. The phrase is a misnomer the true meaning of the phrase "dad joke" doesn't actually have anything to do with the parental status of the deliverer. In the pond? The best way to teach your kids about taxes is by eating 30% of their ice cream. What kind of birds eat at the deli? We'll be friends forever because you already know too much. Fruit flies like a banana. Wanting to do a good deed, he pulls over and offers to pick her up. . For those phrases and questions that kids say over and over, of course there are dad-joke responses stockpiled and ready to go. Why did the sauna go to the doctor? Im counting on you. A bossy man walked into a bar, then ordered everyone a round. One was assaulted. One line will be for the men who were the true heads of their households. Why do oranges wear sunscreen? I used to have an addiction to the hokey pokey, but then I turned it around. Now there's no jobs, no cash, and no hope. If you want to make your holidays even better, bring out the jokes. Between us, something smells. I cant find the words for how much this bugs me. But no pun in ten did. Halloween Kid Jokes - Perfect for lunch boxes, print these for free! 17I hope you wake up rushing out of bed thinking you are late for work, just to realize you had the day off. Q: Why cant you ever run through a campsite?A: You can only ran its always past tents. Why didnt the elf pay his rent? Now, scroll on for all the short jokes you'll ever need to tickle everyone's funny bone including your own. The ongoing infidelity rumors surrounding Khlo Kardashian and Tristan Thompson have been more heartbreaking than anything else, especially because the allegations surfaced just days before Kardashian gave birth to their baby girl. You're pointless. That would be a big step forward. What does a pickle say when he wants to play cards? "Why's that?" I just dont know Y. I have a joke about butter, but Im not going to spread it. "I draw a small circle in the ground, throw my money into the air, and what falls outside of the circle I give to Buddha". A man left his home country of India to go to America in hopes of making money to support his family. An attractive blonde from Cork, Ireland, arrived at the casino. in the hopes that sacrificing a few virgins will appease the angry volcano god. Why did the owl quit its job? He forgot to switch off the intercom. What did the left eye say to the right eye? but of course she hadn't a hope of hearing him calling back. I actually find it pretty easy. Out on the moonlit floor." by Farrah . I used to run a dating service for chickens, but I was struggling to make hens meet. Elementree school. 13I hope whenever you lick an envelope you get a paper cut. Whats the best way to make an egg roll? Husband and wife jokes. Wowing the crowd is as easy as having a hilarious dad joke or two ready to go at a moment's notice. Q: Whats the easiest way to burn 1,000 calories? You can explore hopes bob hope reddit one liners, including funnies and gags. A young man wished to purchase a gift for his new sweetheart's birthday, as they had not been dating very long. A pork chop. If it were served warm, it would be justwater. "As it is," I say, "we'll only celebrate it for less than a minute." How do you open a banana? A priest was sent out to a rural village because the old priest has passed away. I was raking it in. and the whole cell block erupts in laughter. Q: How do you tell the difference between a bull and a cow? Only I can halt my man. Here's a collection of clean and hilarious summer jokes for kids! What do you call a hippie's wife? It's all about raisin awareness. Hopefully I can kick my addiction to meth and feta memes. Were renovating the house, and the first floor is going great, but the second floor is another story. Its too time-consuming. I try not to tell dad jokes, but when I do, he thinks theyre funny. These work better on texts and Post-It notes than they do in conversation, but if you can pull them off, they might be the most groan-worthy of all. and is promptly disqualified from her final attempt at the high jump and has all her hopes and dreams of winning gold for her country destroyed. When a joke goes too far, we try to silence them and it will be great if you give us feedback every time when a joke becomes inappropriate. My therapist told me I have problems expressing my emotions. Q: What do you call an illegally parked frog?A: Toad. Wake up, world. Just drop these into a conversation whenever there's a dull moment. What do you call a boomerang that wont come back? He asked the preacher if he could participate. One turns to the other and says "Dam!". I hope you get stuck in traffic with diarrhea and need to sneeze, hard. In this post, I am going to show you 200 funny good morning Texts! I hope you shellibrate! How do you fix a broken tomato? Why did the invisible man turn down the job offer? The Sun greeted him: Good morning, comrade Xi! the Sun said, I hope you slept well.. Find funny one-liners that even Dad would approve of. What did one eye say to the other? I had a dream that I weighed less than a thousandth of a gram. I said, "Why wait? They make up everything. If you wanted to get off work there are easier ways than this! "Oh, I'd like for us to live to 100 together." But, deep down, if we are honest, who doesn't smile at corny jokes? They say that Christmas is the time of giving. Whatever he tries, she is still just terrible, either missing the ball completely or taking chunks out of the grass. 14I hope you leave your to-go box at the restaurant. ), Q: What do you call bees that produce milk instead of honey?A: Boo-Bees. What's the most dangerous part of any church/chapel? "Oh comrade, it is In the past and all is forgiven" says Dimitri. Hope: Hope is an optimistic state of mind that is based on an expectation of positive outcomes with respect to events and circumstances in one's life or the . Here are 125 funny jokes for kids that will make even the most serious adult smile. Click here for more information. It might even defuse the argument. Promptly reposted and hopefully nobody notices. To get his business back on track, he decides the best way forward is to host an event to draw in new customers. Q: Why did an old man fall in a well?A: Because he couldnt see that well! True story. You will be mist. Privacy Policy. People like you are the reason I'm on medication. Learn more about her journey at gleesonreboots.com. A garbage truck. Hey, you, Hey, you. Im afraid we have lost one of our engines so well be about 10 minutes late arriving at our destination, announces the Captain. The income tax has made more liars out of the American people than golf has. Sending a funny good morning message to someone who will wake up at noon and see this text in the afternoon. Why was the coach yelling at the vending machine? Once I was kidnapped by mimes. An old Soviet communist lies on his death bed, on the verge of death. This is my first comic so I hope it doesn't get ghosted, I hope Elon Musk never gets caught up in a major scandal. Spring is here! 6:30 is my favorite time of day, hands down. Did you hear about the tree that went into banking? To the person who stole my depression medication: I hope you're happy now. Enjoy this list of puns and riddles where you ask a question with answers, or where the setup is the punchline. Nothing can stop my guy from conquering life. 12. Q: What did the full glass say to the empty glass? I lava you. A: Spot! A man was getting a haircut prior to taking a trip to Rome. I'm here for you every step of the way. Take my token of love and get well soon, dear!". RIP, boiling water. "Oh comrade, it is In the past and all is forgiven" says Dimitri. Use these savage insults in a friendly manor to diss your friends without being too serious! Q: What type of coordination was Whitney Houston most famous for?A: Hand eeeeyeeeeee!". 14I hope you leave your to-go box at the restaurant. Take a look at these fun intelligent insults! So the Mexican guys say I want all the Mexicans in America to be back in Mexico and happy and rich. Two guys walked into a bar. When Thompson uploaded a sponsored partnership pic with Neiman Marcus to his Insta a few days ago, were assuming he wanted everyone to focus on his Ferragamo sunglasses. He said nothing. I wanted to take a bath, but then decided to leave it where it is. Where do young trees go to learn? Years ago, I had an affair with Superman. There is none. Why did the roofer go to the doctor? I have a joke about banking, but I lost interest. If laughter is the best medicine, your face must be curing the world. Did you hear about the ski trip? Wait, what? Give it ten-tickles. 16I hope you . Smoking will kill you. A magician was walking down the street then he turned into a store. My dog is a genius. Because his teacher told him it was a piece of cake. Q: What did the fish say when he hit the wall? b. the Magic Eight Ball is never wrong. I said, It's your thirty-second birthday. Why don't sharks eat clowns? Watch Ronny Chieng: Asian. He thought he should open it to see what it was about. I have a joke about procrastination, but Ill tell it to you later. Listen to the don'ts. A few more moments pass and someone else calls out "Sixteen!" Th. What do you call a pony with a sore throat? Try to remember jokes you've never heard to tell your friends and make them laugh. A deodor-ant. What did the mama tomato say to the baby tomato? He's been lost for a while and he's kinda losing hope. After a few minutes he hears someone yell out "Forty Six!" To the person who stole my glasses: I will find you. Nothing, theyre extinct. Please note that this site uses cookies to personalise content and adverts, to provide social media features, and to analyse web traffic. Some might even make your eyes roll. It had a bad fall. Lets get something out of the way: Cheating is never a laughing matter. I'm reading an anti-gravity book, and I just can't put it down! Wife was cooking dinner and says you know what's odd? One day, a letter came addressed in shaky handwriting to God with no actual address. A piece I just finished working on, hope you all like it :). Marko's infamous horse joke had gotten him far, and he'd become one of the most famous and highest-paid clowns in the country. I hope you all love it as much as I do. * my friend just told me, 'I hope you die in a deep hole filled with water'. May you get the joke just enough after everyone else that laughing would be awkward. Please get well soon. I only catch cold on weekdays. Audiences for these will have to get specific references to TVs, movies and other newsmakers before these jokes can be deployed, but it's good to have them at the ready. For som. She hugs each of the dealers, picks up her winnings, and her clothes, and quickly departs. Happy Thanksgiving! So she prayed to God one day and asked him to help her win the lottery. Two peanuts went walking down the street. They're good for a laugh, but they're mostly going for an eye-roll. I only know 25 letters of the alphabet I just don't know y. A young man wished to purchase a gift for his new sweetheart's birthday, as they had not been dating very long. Dear friend, I absolutely refuse to listen to your ranting about your lack of sleep tomorrow so don't be annoying and sleep on time! Bagels. Sam says "stay back or we'll kill you with our axes!" How do you stop a bull from charging? I've always admired your courage and ability to handle anything life throws your way. So I, "If you were courting a well-educated young girl from a prominent family and during a dinner for two you needed to go to the toilet, what would you say to her?". While she's waiting for their drinks, this absolutely hammered guy a few feet away leans over to her and goes: I just wanna tell you, you have an incredible rack on you. Because good players are hard to find. I need water!". . It was the father, the son, and the goalie host. He asks what is going on, to which one of them replies "You can join right in, but make sure not to kiss her!". That was not the reaction he was hoping for. Why do bees have sticky hair? With tomato paste. Q: What side of a tree grows the most branches?A: The outside! Where does Batman go to the bathroom? He was on Johnny Carson. By Lily Rothman. Close the door, I'm dressing. A depressed male frog was sitting in a pond feeling sad. When is a door not a door? I really hope I don't get addicted to German sausage again. There was the person who sent ten puns to friends, with the hope that at least one of the puns would make them laugh. 18I hope Chipotle charges . "Easy my son", he told me. Noticing his detached expression, she asks him whats wrong. What did the pirate say when he turned 80? ( Golf Workout Program) 7) "Housework won't kill you. Q: Why cant you send a duck to space? I just imagine Elon-Gate would be really drawn out. Operation Toot And Calm Em will last a week. We suggest you to use only working hopes responsibilities piadas for adults and blagues for friends. #GQxNeimanMarcus, A post shared by Tristan Thompson (@realtristan13) on Apr 10, 2018 at 11:04am PDT. She made. They care if you have wine. Please don't let anything happen to Kevin Bacon. I couldnt put it down. I hope you get well soon. Dad: Whats this vegetable called?Kid: An artichoke.Dad: Well, it may have choked Artie, but it wont choke Dad! The secretary saw that her boss' zipper was open when he walked out of the bathroom. It wasnt feeling so hot. My Wife was all exited when I told her that I had booked a table for Two for Valentines Night, I just hopes she likes Snooker. I once read a book about glue. Why dont people play more hide-and-seek? Well-armed. But when you're really looking for the funniest jokes for kids, nothing beats a good dad joke. I once made a lot of money cleaning up leaves. It was only one night, but Ive regretted it ever since. he answered. Those are mostly humorous. He hoped and prayed that at least one pun would win it for him. Where do fishermen go to get their hair cut? She had issues. Go to the moo-vies. You will be in my prayers!". 70 Hilariously Funny Jokes to Tickle Your Family's Funny Bones, Rob Lowe Shares the Secret to His Marriage, Your Privacy Choices: Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads. These jokes will often be sexual suggestive or contain innuendos. He's all right now. Hope, a friend to every president from Harry Truman to Bill Clinton, sent this succinct telegram to Truman on the morning after his upset victory in the 1948 presidential . Q: Why did the Karen press CTRL+ ALT+ DEL? Bloody waste of my turn, I couldve taken a selfie anytime. she asked. I have something to tell you" When its ajar. Something as simple as; "I am a little out of it because I was up late last night " can set up for some jokes. He was as good as his word. month 5 was very very hard for all of them, but they still stayed hard. To the person who stole my power steering: I just can't handle it. In the skit "House of Army", J-hope dresses up as Rapmon's mom and when Rapmon storms into the room J-hope just goes "Calm down, calm down, my daughtaaah". This content is imported from poll. I used to hate facial hairbut then it grew on me. I can tolerate algebra, maybe even a little calculus but geometry is where I draw the line. Light-hearted funny insults written to be purposely less disrespectful while still good to roast your friends with. Why kind of food did the vegetarian chef eat with his feet? Did you know there is a Mr Potatohead knock off? Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Q: What's ET short for? "He is white!" Only thing is we were on a time crunch and I just said the first thing that came to mind which was: Man has horrible abdominal pain and weight loss. Theyre always lion. They know a lot of short cuts. What do you call a cow with bad manners? There are also hopes puns for kids, 5 year olds, boys and girls. He keeps at it for an entire weekend, struggling to find something he really likes. What did the mayonnaise say when the refrigerator door was opened? A trombonist returns home from the practice with the trombone on the back seat of his car. "I hope this email finds you beneath the milky twilight. What do you call a gay farmer? It deep ends. Oinkment. Most people cant tell the difference between entomology and etymology. Imagine being held at gunpoint by (bear with me) a literate animal, and the only hope of rescue is (BEAR WITH ME) posting a coded message on social media. I hope the rest of your day is as pleasant as you are. Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. A: Dam. What do you call a dinosaur that crashes his car? I have a joke about the flu, but I hope you dont get it. A retired man who volunteers to entertain patients in nursing homes and hospitals went to one local hospital in Brooklyn and took his portable keyboard along. Another birthday has creped up on you. only to be confronted by a well-dressed young man carrying a vacuum cleaner. After much back and forth, the psychic finally snaps in impatience and says, "Well, whatever the day you die is going to be a Jewish holiday anyway,". ~Charlie ChaplinSubscribe To The Channel To See Funny Jokes DailyI Hope You Enjoyed The Funny Videos Dirty Joke The Priest and The Nun's Legs | Jokes EveryNight------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TIMESTAMPS:0:00 - Intro0:06 - The Joke1:26 - Subscribe For More Jokes------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My SOCIALS PAGES: Contact Me Directly: https://t.me/IcedOutSami TWITTER: https://twitter.com/IcedOutSami YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/@JustJokesHere------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MUSIC AUTHOR:Joe Alfaraby (https://www.instagram.com/joealfaraby/)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Don't Miss The Next Jokes, Click On The Bell Right Now Subscribe To Support My Channel For More Funny JokesDon't Forget To Like This Video Share It With Your Friends *******************************************************************funny jokes,joke of the day,funny joke,daily super funny jokes,funny jokes to make anyone laugh,jokes,jokes of the day,dirty jokes,little johnny jokes,best jokes,funny joke video,blonde jokes,100 funny jokes,daily jokes,funny jokes to tell your friends,marriage jokes,funny video,funny joke story,dad jokes,bar jokes,jokes to tell your friends that make them laugh so hard,corny jokes,adult jokes,english jokes,funny jokes market,hilarious jokes***********************************************************************#JokesEveryNight #Jokes #DirtyJokes Do, he decides the best medicine, your face must be curing the world hell happened to you man... 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