Smart Home Compatibility. Depending on your homes and HVAC systems age, there may be 2 and 5 wires running to the thermostat. We offer effortless solutions that just work, on their own and with other smart home systems. Then one wire from the secondary side will go to. Works well so far. rev2023.4.17.43393. silversaturncat, Work well but missing parts I was not told about. Cut a hole in your ductwork using the provided template for the unit itself and screw in the mounting frame as per the instructions. Condition: Sold by: Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. I initially wired it up but didn't realize I needed to change wiring around for my heat pump so things were not working initially and I never had time to get back to it. But this answer would have worked with the old setup, too. We think of ourselves as a guest in your home, so we won't sell or misuse your data. These are much nicer than the original sensors, build quality is of a premium product vs the simple cheap construction it was before. How to connect c-wire to Burnham Series 2 boiler? Free shipping. Ecobee Power Extender Kit - PEK Common Wire Replacement 810-00002. Nothing was working, ecobee wasn't happy. If left alone the temps are usually within 1 to 2 degrees. 4.09 x 2.9 x 4.09 inches: Controller Type: Apple HomeKit, Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, iOS, Android: Special Feature: Wired Smart Thermostat: Color: Black: Included Components: ecobee Smart Thermostat Enhanced, Backplate, Wire labels, Screws & drywall plays plugs, power extender kit (for sysytems without a c-wire), trim plate, and quick . Home Improvement Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for contractors and serious DIYers. The Ecobee is for controlling zone #2. Use the separate transformer to power the Ecobee3 thermostat and use the Ecobee3 to energize the new 24vac relay coil. Use the new relay to provide a set of dry contacts for switching the existing 12v controls (nominal) on the boiler whenever the Ecobee3 energizes the relay. Follow the steps below or scroll down for installation guides, wiring diagrams,. It's currently wired up at the thermostat the way the. The PEK is easy to install and doesnt require you to run any new wiring. The ecobee PEK makes converting your system super easy, so there is no reason to be intimidated or think you cant enjoy the benefits of a smart thermostat. They were sold without one of the magnetic stands, which I accepted. But, since the wires running to your thermostat dont have a C-wire, it instead uses the R-Wire. Share Improve this answer Follow answered Jun 5, 2017 at 18:41 These sensors seem to be accurate overall but my biggest complaint is the polling intensity. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for ecobee SmartSensor Room Temperature Sensors - White, Pack of 2 (EB-RSHM2PK-01) at the best online prices at eBay! Installing ecobee thermostat. Based on an internal analysis conducted in April 2021, by activating eco+ features, ecobee customers in North America saved up to 26% on their heating and cooling costs compared to customers who kept their homes at a commonly used temperature of 72F (22C) all the time. Web how is smart thermostat enhanced's wiring different from other ecobee thermostats? Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. new Where do I connect my C wire from my thermostat when there are two transformers? ecobee home monitoring uses smart thermostat's advanced sensor, Wi-Fi, and geofencing technology to understand when your home is empty or occupied. Yes The terminal board only shows r and w. I'm at lost on how the PEK is installed as I have no g, y, and c. Any advice would be appreciated. Cut another hole for the air line, using the 6 mounting collar as a template, then mount that collar with the sheet metal screws and connect the air duct. Wireless. We hope that this article has helped you understand how to use ecobee with your HVAC system. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Web how is smart thermostat enhanced's wiring different from other ecobee thermostats? I plan on installing two Ecobee3, one for each zone. Anyways, I'll try to track down a 24v to 12v isolation relay. A piece of the same size or larger wire can be used as the jumper. How to Reset Honeywell Thermostat? Brand. We have an Ecobee Smart thermostat. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Yes It looks like you've provided that information now, so this question is now answerable. Savings when you're away, comfort when you're there. Thats the only downside is having to purchase different batteries. I now have it wired up and the AC is working, but I have a wire in the W2 slot that the system says I cant use because there is no W1 so its disabled in the system. This programmable thermostat installs easily, even in older homes like mine, and it can be set to automatically adjust the temperature relative to the time, day, and even your location. Can you provide a make/model and photos of the boiler and its control unit? new 3. I've been conducting professional home inspections since 2002. But as systems became more complicated and included both heating and cooling and more sophisticated controls like zoning, they required more wires. I am willing to run 24 to the thermostat but I think the white cable already had 24 on it. I have hydronic baseboard heating that uses a Weil McClain oil boiler. We can help you out. I'd use white if you had it, just for consistency. ", "ecobee, via an Alexa-integrated smart thermostat and security system, has made my house both safer and more comfortable.". Wiring diagrams would be even better, @ThreePhaseEel I'll get that and add it--after Christmas :). I'm incorporating very helpful comments from Stack users here in this updated entry. Web make sure that everything is operating correctly; If youre not sure where each wire goes, refer back to the photo you took of. Founded by Hubert Miles, Certified Master Inspector. That using a new 24v transformer to signal the boiler to start would be ok? To find out if you need an ecobee Power Extender Kit, you will need to check the wires on your existing thermostat. For older HVAC systems without a constant power supply (C-Wire), you can use an ecobee Power Extender Kit (PEK). | Tape around all the seams. As advertised, fast shipping, fair price A+, **SEALED** Google Nest Learning Thermostat - Stainless Steel T3007ES (#175608318817), Square D HEPD50 Universal Whole House Surge Protection Device - NEW (#175645991760), Camo Groove Life Adjustable Belt w/ Magnetic Buckle Black - RealTree Camo (#175660871951). $9.90 + $5.70 shipping. You will need to purchase and install both a 24-volt transformer to power the ecobee and an electrical relay to go between the ecobee and the wood stove or heating device. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Since the existing wires will most likely already be stripped and secured to the terminals, the only tool you will need is a small flat head screwdriver. It only takes a minute to sign up. If you're not sure where each wire goes, refer back to the photo you took of. Ecobee 4 Wire Diagram. Check the wiring diagram to ensure all components and connections are accounted for. Each thermostat controls both heating and cooling. I started to help people better understand the home inspection process and answer questions about homeownership and home maintenance. or Android device The ecobee mobile app is available in the App Store or on Google Play. Install both a separate 24v transformer and an isolation relay with a 24vac coil at the boiler. Ecobee tech support mentioned that I could use a enhanced ecobee with my 2wire heat only boiler if I had a 24v plugin transformer. I am not sure if E (black) should go to W1 and Aux (white) should go to W2, or vice versa; or both should go to W1 somehow. Put the Ecobee panel into the terminals and let it boot up. The last question was deleted by the system, because I put it on hold waiting for additional information. Free shipping for many products! Failure to replace the PEK may result in a system that does not function properly or will not function at all. Does that just move up to W1? This was a simple and ingenious system that worked reliably well for setting just one temperature. It is installed at the HVAC system and connects to the C-wire terminal there. 2 U.S. Energy Information Administration, Electric Power Monthly: Rolling 12 Months Ending in July 2022 Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. It is required to run any thermostat that uses WiFi like your ecobee. help with 2 wire system. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Is "in fear for one's life" an idiom with limited variations or can you add another noun phrase to it? ecobee lite: cover Switch: wire: Common Maker: transformer: room sensor: to ameren customers to save on thermostats:www.AmerenIllinoisSavings.comHope this helps you out with your install. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Reading your question and answer to see if that falls within my DIY capabilities. connect R from boiler to Rh on thermostat, W from boiler to W1 on thermostat, C from doorbell transformer to C on thermostat. I bought an Ecobee smart thermostat a couple months ago that I finally got set up. This kit allows you to use an ecobee smart thermostat on older systems that do not have much digital technology. 4 United States Census Bureau, QuickFacts: Families & Living Arrangements You can do this in 4 easy steps: All systems are slightly different, but most likely, you will see 2 to 5 wires labeled Y, G, C, U, or A. It is installed at the HVAC system and connects to the C-wire terminal there. I found a 24V DC transformer and hooked that up to R and C thinking it would work but of course, no. eWeLink, Apple HomeKit, Google Home/Assistant, Proprietary App, Amazon Alexa . For every dollar you spend on ENERGY STAR-certified appliances, you can save $4.50 on your bill. It turns orange when you touch it to program it manually. Due to the layout of our house, no other room makes sense for this sensor or I would have moved it. The 2nd Ecobee is powered through a 24 VAC power method. new They are more convenient. I am going to buy a 24v transformer locally and try the same as above swapping it for the doorbell transformer (which is cryptically marked, but may be 16v, since apparently that is a common voltage with doorbells). If that is not an option for you, then search "relay 24v coil" on Amazon or similar. old thermostat with 2 wires, red and white. How can I use a second transformer to power my zone controller? To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. 2 lugs on boiler control, one I'll call "red" or "R" that comes from the built-in transformer with ~14v and one I'll call "white" or "W" which, when jumpered to R, turns on the boiler. Learn more about how we calculate energy savings, Avg cost of electricity ($1,562) + Avg cost of natural gas ($577.19) Percent of energy used for heating and cooling (.51) ecobees savings claim (.26) = ecobee dollar savings ($284) per year. See how we keep innovating with our upgraded smart home hub. View cart for details. Installation for dual-transformer systems. The smart thermostat is also able to control the climate of your house. Web connecting an old 2 wire thermostat to ecobee smart thermostat. QuickFacts: Families & Living Arrangements, Use of energy explained: Energy use in homes (Basics). Some units may not include screws, drywall plugs, wire labels, or installation guides. My previous post was deleted by the Community. Connect this wire to c at the air handler/exchanger, and jumper g and y together at the air handler/exchanger; Ecobee 4 wiring diagram, smartthermostat with voice control and ecobee4 wiring diagrams ecobee. Follow the steps below or scroll down for installation guides, wiring diagrams,. (Step 7 . The C-Wire gives a constant power supply of 24 volts to the thermostat and is usually present on some digital and all smart thermostats. New Home Construction Electrical Schematic, Process of finding limits for multivariable functions. The main thing is getting the thermostat working on my phone so I can set cooling schedules this summer. Then One Wire From The Secondary Side Will Go To. ecobee. Some systems will not turn on if the cover panel has not been closed properly. Then connect the blue wire to the C terminal on the new thermostats. Should Heat Pumps be Turned Off at Night? Unfortunately, the ecobee will not work with millivolt systems, as they do not have enough power to meet the requirements of any smart thermostat. Sigh. Peanut butter and Jelly sandwich - adapted to ingredients from the UK, Unexpected results of `texdef` with command defined in "book.cls". How can I drop 15 V down to 3.7 V to drive a motor? The Ecobee won't let me run my AC without the green wire connected. (Seconds! Then one wire from the secondary side will go to the ecobee ACC+. Its likely that when you think of a thermostat, you imagine a brass hemisphere on a hallway wall that never really did anything. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. What All Those Letters Mean on Your Thermostats Wiring, Installing your ecobee thermostat with the Power Extender Kit (no C wire), Using an Ecobee Thermostat with a Millivolt Heating System, Best Whole House Humidifier: Portable & Furnace Picks (2023), Wire Size and Breaker for Heat Pumps & AC units (Tonnage Chart). I'll sign up with Imgur for future use. In this case, 'R' stands for red . 3.5 in (8.9 cm) eco+ uses the humidity reading on ecobee thermostats to make sure your home always feels like the temperature on your thermostat, without heating or cooling more than needed. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. current thermostat. You'll have to check the schematic, or look at the control board in the air handler, to determine if the transformer has a fuse. Sorted by: 0. | Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Finding the "C" Wire on old Honeywell L8048G Controller/Relay, Adding C-Wire for Nest to Triple Aquastat Relay L8148J. Explore thermostats. Turn up your savings. Condition: How can I connect a WIFI thermostat to a Honeywell R845A switching relay? Remove the cover panel from your. See more ecobee SmartSensor Room Temperature Sensors - Leave feedback about your eBay ViewItem experience, - eBay Money Back Guarantee - opens in a new window or tab, *NEW* Ecobee SmartSensor (2-Pack) EB-RSHM2PK-01, cleared payment - opens in a new window or tab, Report this item - opens in new window or tab. Switched multimeter to ACV, and found that lo and behold, R and C on the boiler does give 24V. Overall, Im glad I got them as they help create a temperature average between our basement and upstairs for the thermostat to shoot for but I wish the polling intensity was adjustable, Verified purchase: ecobee C-Wire Adaptor Power Extender Kit (PEK) 810-00002 For Ecobee 3 Lite/4/5. dits_8150, Vastly improved build quality, does use an uncommon battery. Some systems that cannot use the ecobee thermostats are the DC HVAC systems in recreational vehicles and the high voltage systems in some baseboard heaters. Frequently Asked Questions: How much natural gas is consumed in the United States? Yes Follow the steps below or scroll down for installation guides and videos, wiring diagrams, troubleshooting tips and more. I do not know anything about your particular boiler, so I cannot comment on the 12v control for that. I also don't mind using the heat/cool switch. Simply connect the blue wire from the thermostat cable, to the C terminal of each ZONE# T'STAT terminal block. I understand there is always a trade off between battery life and functionality but the Follow Me feature would be so much better if these sensors refreshed more frequently than every 15 minutes. Please see included images of A/C, boiler, and thermostat wiring in link above. Use of energy explained: Energy use in homes (Electricity use in homes), Electric Power Monthly: Rolling 12 Months Ending in July 2022. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. I have one sensor in the kitchen, where we will quickly run in to grab a snack or drink but then go back downstairs. When you initially join the ecobee family, a few things become very important. If you are upgrading your system from one ecobee to another, you should be aware that the PEK for the original ecobee 3 is not the same as the ones that come with the ecobee 3 lite or the ecobee 4.