[12], Asmodeus was technically a deity, but was exempt from many of the rules regarding divine beings, his actual status a matter of debate that had changed over time. He was known to provide the latter, and his priests said he would also do the former, if only a price was paid after death. He was charged with fighting the Blood War, invading the Abyss, and getting the shard of evil for him. Another option is to interact with He Who Was. The scattered and hidden subjects of whispered rumors, the Ancient Baatorians seeped through Baator's isolated regions, through planar substance and the minds of residents. Each archdevil is a unique creature, having achieved status by particularly evil deeds. It was unclear if he could kill archevils with a thought; some suspected that he could and did in the case of the Hag Countess's sudden and sudden death, and while seemingly involved, it was unclear how much of a part he played and to what degree one could say she had "died". [231] After Baalzebul's machinations were uncovered in an investigation,[148] their armies clashed in Maladomini to determine who should inherit Asmodeus's crown. If this story was to be believed, the Invincible Tyrant was the father of the ancient baatorians and ruler of Baator in eons past, presiding over a malevolent kingdom of running ooze. Asmodeus (pronounced:/zmodes/z-mo-DAY-us[22]listen or:/zmodis/z-MO-dee-us[22]listen) or Asmodei in Infernal,[23] was the Faernian deity of indulgence[24] and a patron of oppression and power. A creature must make a DC 27 Intelligence saving throw or become paralyzed. When their superiors believe they have done enough, they may receive a promotion. Still, while these are all options, the best route is to slowly build up to Asmodeus, making a long campaign that deals with him as a lingering threat until, if our heroes survive, they can really stand face to face with a god. As the ruler of devils, Asmodeus is not necessarily the definitive personification of evil. In fact, even those who worship other evil entities end up worshiping Asmodeus in some fashion, almost like a sort of cult pyramid scheme. In summary, all archdevils were forced to accept Asmodeus as their superior and he became sure of potential usurpers' capabilities[232] while also dramatically reminding them of their position. [79] The Lord of the Ninth kept his own private army called the Nessian Guard, an elite force consisting of devils spawned from his own blood. Often confused for his master, he did not exert much influence on the Material Plane (though his relatively recent discovery of hellfire helped him escape this somewhat). In order to use Asmodeus in a campaign, one shot, or anything of the sort, you have to understand that which he rules over. Indulgence 3e [32] More than any of these however, Asmodeus was dedicated to obtaining absolute authority for himself, and if necessary, was willing to break every law in existence to do it. Its utterly marvelous. [226] Stygia meanwhile was suspected, if never verified, to have originally been a Material Plane world before the inhabitants pledged their soul and home to Asmodeus for refuge from some world-ending catastrophe, a bargain kept that ended with it becoming another Hell. Asmodeus himself would then end up being a high 4th tier or, even post level 20, larger enemy to deal with. #4. [86] It was also thought that the spirits of unbelievers, lacking the will to go on, might simply cease to exist upon the death of their body. The most popular method is to form contracts with mortals in which they sell their souls for some offer. [18][43][27] Despite the circumstances under which it was signed and who exactly did so being lost to ancient history, several primal deities of law signed a deal with Asmodeus known as the Pact Primeval. [32] Without him and his devils to defend it, he argued, the multiverse would be overrun by demonkind and ultimately destroyed, and in this, Asmodeus might technically be correct. That said, tieflings need not feel proud or ashamed of this internal heritage, nor will it hold them . Despite being sought after by ambitious dukes for his great personal power, Gargauth never supported any attempt to unseat Asmodeus and any meeting made with that goal in mind inevitably resulted in Asmodeus knowing what happened. According to him, mortals always had the choice whether to accept an infernal bargain, devils always held up their end of a bargain, and a mortal who nullified a contract by finding a loophole was respected. People pray to him if they've transgressed against another god so that when they die they can skip the queue for the various afterlives and go straight to one where they can basically do what they wish, in exchange for becoming a lesser devil in death. Much like Asmodeus, the newly created worlds were scarred for the betterment of law. Evil characters aren't too bad if everyone is on board, you can be just selfish or brutal without much friction. Instead, he broke away and became a demon lord himself. He never showed himself except through avatars or highly advancedproject image spells, both in humanoid forms. All other alignment-based planes configured around it, creating the Great Ring, more commonly known as the Outer Planes. Gods and demons have obliterated it many times, but like evil itself, the book always returns to enslave, corrupt, and destroy. Her body also had traits in common with a wyvern, including a long tail . At the top of the caste system, below Asmodeus, are the archdevils. A large, white-hot flame appeared in front of her, the heat so intense she wiped sweat from her brow. A fallen angel of the same name also appears in John Milton's Paradise Lost. [45], While many suspected Asmodeus got the better of his divine enemies with the Pact Primeval, no mortal had ever actually seen it. [33][85], It was not clear exactly why these souls were reborn in Nessus,[33] nor did this rule seem to apply in all cases. He left her the formal duty of guarding the best-known passage way between Avernus and Dis, done by stationing an aspect there dedicated to guarding the way, but left her the notion she could return to rule with a satisfactory performance. Do they default to try to get people to follow Asmodeus or do they promote atheism. [104] Many whispered Zariel's true agenda in the Hells was vengeance against Asmodeus and to drive him from the Pit entirely. [34] While this limitation could be circumvented if the worshiper became a disciple of darkness,[52] spells granted by this method were not done so through his own powers, but by acting as a conduit to channel the divine magic of Baator itself to the mortal cleric. [29][5][30], Asmodeus had absolute control over the Nine Hells and with his mind he could change not only the landscape of any layer but the forms of his archdevils in any way he wanted whenever he wanted. [202] Asmodeus established the infernal bureaucracy[181] and carved up Baator amongst his loyal servants, dividing the horrid domain into smaller realms and fiefdoms. He is a Lawful evil deity that seeks to rebuild the entire multiverse in his image. [27][28][29], An avatar of Asmodeus was handsome, charismatic and captivating on the surface, appearing as a slim, red-skinned humanoid over 13feet (4meters) tall with a horned head, glowing red eyes and a perfectly trimmed beard. Asmodeus(Greater deity) Since most clerics are in medium armor, the winged variant is a great choice. [60], Asmodeus's avatar radiated an 120feet (37meters) diameter awe effect that made it incredibly difficult to bring one's self to attack him unless attacked by him first. Well, more than anything, Asmodeus seeks to bring order to the multiverse. Regeneration. His rivals were inferior minds lacking the skill to see his vision through. Greater deityFormerly: Archdevil Asmodeus killed most himself, but despite the destruction of all their lords, Zargon himself, even against one as mighty as Asmodeus, was resistant to the worst he could muster. The classic Player's Handbook subrace, Asmodeus Tieflings are perfectly built to be ranged spellcasters. 32 Everything has a cost, even if youre a god. He was at least aware of most, if not all plots hatched against him, and had watched the rise and fall of archdevils far craftier than his many contemporaries. If you are a cleric of his, you won't be treated like shit when you go to hell. [225] Even so, Asmodeus had unquestionably supplanted them and continually imposed their own order onto the race eons after the conquest. By his own accounts, Asmodeus states that all of his actions are based on necessity. [70][75] However, he did have many uses for the conflict, not least of which the fact that it at least seemed important. [168] Some sages claimed he challenged Asmodeus and lost, others said the destruction of his closest friend by Asmodeus drove him from the Hells, while others believed he left of his own volition,[168][167] sent by Asmodeus to the Material Plane as a pit fiend to corrupt mortals. Healing. His faithful offered reprieve in the afterlife from the uncertain waiting in the Fugue Plane, a devil to keep them company as the fate of their mortal soul was decided. The acolyte is a 1st-level spellcaster. She escaped punishment through the legal loophole that no law in existence regulated the state of coins after leaving the mint, only the composition of the raw material out of which the coins were minted. Always slim and charismatic, Asmodeus gave himself a regal appearance, tying his aesthetic together with expensive red and black clothing. [143][148][149][150], Having fallen from Asmodeus's favor,[146] Baalzebul sought to prove again his usefulness and return to Asmodeus's good graces, primarily by making all his rivals look worse by comparison. So it was that Mephisto waited to see if Asmodeus made some catastrophic mistake exploitable enough to put them at actual odds. [101] Asmodeus made his superiority publicly clear in an event called the Reckoning of Hell, where he demonstrated he could foil them all and emerge entirely unscathed. There are many different ranks of devils, but the three main categories, below archdevil, of course, are least devils, lesser devils, and greater devils. [32], According to legend, Asmodeus attributed his wicked deeds to necessity and the mandates of law, alluding to the rules of Hell in his defense and arguing that his contracts were never broken. So it was that Asmodeus, realizing Zargon's weakness, ripped his unbreakable horn from his head and flung it to the Material Plane, causing the elder evil to reform around it. When he found a shard in the Abyss, he used it to create his Ruby Rod and finally killed He Who Was. [168] Even Bel had the capacity to "become a problem" were he to finish absorbing the powers of Zariel. [105][106] She accepted his terms, and through doing so became, in a sense, a jewel in Asmodeus's crown. Evil isn't hard to come by when you're playing a game of D&D. [32][27][35] The forces of good were foolish, sentimental beings too soft and weak to do what had to be done. The holy symbol of Asmodeus on a ring after the Spellplague. I offer to make you whole. Do they default to try to get people to follow Asmodeus or do they promote atheism. Demotion. Asmodeus changed Mammon's form after this either as a punishment he decided or because Mammon suggested it as a way to signify he would change his ways and remain loyal. His position is that the souls taken to hell serve a greater purpose in protecting the cosmos from falling into chaos. Glasya is great for a trickery cleric and Mammon offers some vaguely boring wizard-like utility options that feel at home on an arcana cleric. Press J to jump to the feed. Likewise, a group of mortal adventurers isnt going to be a big threat to a greater deity, so we should be introducing plenty of ways for our characters to stand a chance against, or even indirectly conquer, the lord of the nine hells. His voice carried an irresistible suggestion that could make those without incredible willpower subservient to him for ten to a hundred days. The court might ultimately answer only to Asmodeus, but its functions and decisions were entirely dependent on the impossibly complex, loophole-ridden legal code of the Nine Hells, and he had to acknowledge both when the law was broken and when, however technical, it was not. [116], Mammon: Mammon maintained his position as archduke through legendarily shameless sychophancy, humiliating and pathetic antics performed before the King of Hell. Despite arguing that his actions were necessary to prevent the rise of chaos and preserve the forces of good, this was mere camouflage to disguise his true intentions. How to Roleplay as a Tiefling Cleric. Duergar Cleric of Asmodeus 5e Hey y'all. The two strained in opposite directions, rocking the foundations of reality before finally breaking the ouroboros and ripping off each other's tails. Ruby Rod. Tiamat wisely decided not to directly confront the god of tyranny but serve him faithfully while learning and accurately relaying his secrets to Asmodeus, which greatly pleased him. [53] This changed after Asmodeus consumed Azuth and thus obtained true godhood, allowing him to grant spells to his followers and remove the vile rituals previously required to access such power. [35] Beyond this he sought to expand the power of lawful evil in the multiverse, tipping the cosmic scales in its favor. Those who rejected their original patrons could then be steered toward the Athar or some other cult of his design. Depending on which origin you choose to accept, this could be devils origin as angels, or it could be an interaction further down the line. Both he and his vassals had forged dark pacts with various evil gods long ago, such as Bane, Gruumsh, and Vecna. At the very least, devils arent running around seeking to destroy all life because its fun. After centuries spent climbing out from where he was buried, Zargon regenerated around the horn and terrorized the people of Cynidicea, who worshiped and appeased him by sacrificing sentient beings. [45], Asmodeus and his erinyes cohorts descended to the bleak and featureless Baator and upon the bemoaning of his associates explained his plans. [45][90], More complicated and less obviously hostile were his relations with evil gods. This attracted the rage of a barbarian nation who attacked them, but Zargon killed their hero, and then a few of their gods. [110][164][165] Moloch would later come to resent the ascension of Glasya to archduchess of his former realm, a clear act of favoritism by her father. Both were weakened by this struggle, having invested much of their power into defining the planes and their later battle. I thought he was the god of Knowledge and Trickery though. Interestingly, this transformation can mean a change in mental fortitude as well as abilities and physical attributes. Doing so would have to require learning the location of his true form and finding ways to kill him as well. A very important piece of this is actually part of Asmodeuss rise to power. Depictions of Asmodeus's avatar in his regalia. Promotion. [32], The angels presented their cases one by one, but with so many and for so long that Primus's patience ran out. 5e also changes it up with Druids and Paladins, now, who aren't as intrinsically linked to a deity as they once were. Archdevil Asmodeuss true form is a wingless scaled serpent whose body stretches out for hundreds of miles. Realm However, unlike most, his history isnt quite set in stone. [210] Abandoning his duties,[71] Asmodeus plunged into the Blood Rift and survived long enough to do what no other had or did since; he found the Abyss's core in its incalculable depths. [32], The horn of Zargon Asmodeus abandoned landed where the city of Cynidicea eventually arose. BelDispaterMammonFieranaBelialLevistusMalagardeBaalzebulMephistopheles [45], Asmodeus slew more demons than anyone, whether angel or deity, but as the eons wore on he and his company became ugly and fearsome, taking on demonic traits to better combat them[45] (thus in a way devils could be said to have come from demons). [210][209][215] The traitor angels were not spared Hell's power; where they encamped while he was slain was where the curse was focused, submerging the traitors in intolerable flame. [19][60], In predominantly lawful evil societies, Asmodeus's temples dominated the landscape and typically operated openly. Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 12, +4 to hit with spell attacks). [28], If one asked other fiends, for all their word was worth, they were responsible for Asmodeus's existence. They gradually came to suspect however that demonkind was infinite and became weary of the conflict, seeking to move on to other projects like the creation of worlds and intelligent beings. [171] By some rumors, Graz'zt was originally closer to Asmodeus then merely another devil in his court. On the plus side, while a . [202], Leaving such timeless beings aside, there were rumors that Asmodeus was not the original ruler of the Nine Hells. Portfolio Only one legendary action can be used at a time and only at the end of another creatures turn. As for things to incorporate in such a campaign, I see a few strong options to consider, but you could realistically do anything that you wanted. A creature must make a DC 27 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened for 1 minute. One reason for Asmodeus to elevate Glasya was to tie her to one layer with a lot of responsibility, thereby preventing her ambitions going too far.[148]. A devil needs cunning in order to be promoted. A cleric of Asmodeus might see themselves as a champion of what is Right, much like a cleric of, say, Pelor might see themselves as a champion of what is Good. You'll want to figure out what that means to you because, in a world where gods abound, your stance is important. Cult leaders were granted divine power until the sect reached the pinnacle of its power, at which point spells were suddenly denied and declined. He stole away a sliver of the Abyss's black heart, which only tightened the grasp of evil on his being and would eventually cement the transformation of he and his followers into devils. [208] Only a handful of mortal scholars remembered the name and it was whispered Asmodeus dispatched powerful devils to kill any mortal who spoke it aloud, fearing it even in modern times. He pursued his malevolent agenda on three primary fronts, his true motivations in each obscured to all and glimpsed by a very small few.[3]. [193][194], Furthermore, in line with his motivations, Asmodeus's church subverted the divine order. Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks). It would mean that not only were his own schemes used to cloak Asmodeus's designs, but that he would need to watch his behavior going forward. Symbol [202][221], As for what happened to the Ancient Baatorians, one of the most detailed, if not well-known, origins for the Elder Evil Zargon potentially held the answer. The King of Hell gave covert aid to the Athar of Sigil,[87] though they were later exiled and his continued level of involvement was not known. Normally, this will be one of the Lords of the Nine or even several of them. [44] Asmodeus would use tradition as his protection and wording as his weapon, appeal to the letter of the law, and frame his deeds as upholding the natural laws of the cosmos. [166] Her defeat was at least partially by Asmodeus's will, for she fell out of his favor and was struck down in a fit of pique,[12] her ritual to attain godhood failed for reasons not clear. He and his followers grew into their broken forms and the suffering angel plotted his revenge on all the gods who had idly forgotten the sacrifices he made in the war, including his master. There was debate on whether the latter behavior inspired Asmodeus's rebellion, and the few who subscribed to the theory held Asmodeus as a cautionary example of becoming what one hates. [33][82] And in this fierce rivalry, Asmodeus's servants spent most of their times fighting each other and not him. His form's sheer size made it impossible for him to meet and enter into conversations with others, and so he created humanoid -looking avatars. Ahriman took advantage of this, hiding his true nature, reinventing himself as the Lord of Baator and changing his name to Asmodeus, a position from which he would plot to regain his former glory. Power Level Dominion Her beaten body was found by Asmodeus's people, she was brought to Nessus, nursed back to health, and installed as the archdevil of Avernus. For example, before souls became proper petitioners in Toril's case, they arrived in Kelemvor's realm, and he took those of the truly faithless and incorporated them into the great wall around his city to undergo a similar painful process of dissolution. [233] The third was Asmodeus's hunger for faithless people: at least for a moment, Geryon believed life was pointless and became food for Asmodeus. [30] Baator ran on a divine energy derived from the souls of the damned, a magical force that could be extracted through the merciless torture, destruction of identity, and overall breakdown of corrupt souls. These two gods sought to create order within the multiverse, eventually biting each others tails and forming a circle that bordered the first plane, the neutral plane of the Outlands. These were quickly changed into lemures to prevent the return of the ancients and to obscure the truth, which was perhaps known only by the Lords of the Nine and Dark Eight. Sin [143] Regardless of the reason, the soon-to-be-renamed Baalzebul became a favorite of Asmodeus, perhaps the closest thing he had to a true friend, quickly promoted to devilhood before swiftly ascending to rule the seventh hell. However, Elder Evils later made the original ruler Zargon instead. [158], Asmodeus would then replace Bel with the fallen angel Zariel. [39] Torture was his tool to break the wills of others and impose his own,[40] and knowledge of secrets and dealings his desired instrument to claim others as his. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Should this not work, he would simply leave and allow his minions to deal with his enemies,[35] as he could summon a pit fiend or two specimens of any kind of devil every hour. Symbol He is worshipped as a deity in many worlds, while in others he is believed to be a being more ancient than the deities themselves. To do that, he believes that he must destroy the outer planes and dismantle the rules that currently govern the multiverse. Holy day(s) Were Asmodeus ever to heal his wounds, it would be this force that would follow him in his conquest of the cosmos. Asmodeus is a unique and powerful archdevil and ultimate ruler of the Nine Hells, realm of devils. Sulfuric Step. The first is to dabble in the Blood war, including demons and devils that want to help or hinder your progress in the mission. The names of the gods involved (deities of Oerth in the Greyhawk setting) seem unlikely, as they contradict their own histories. Asmodeus could never have too many actions and should realistically be able to do anything. Under his rule, and only his rule, the multiverse would be pristine and perfect, with everyone in it having a place and a purpose to fulfill. His utmost concern was to prevent anyone from taking it away from Baator, no matter the cost, as it was the basis on which he and the devils were allowed to damn mortals. This degenerated into a massive punch-up among the angels. [74] He might very well choose to absorb the power of his aspect of law from the multiverse upon reaching his full power and cause the planes to collapse into cosmic chaos. [137][163][8], Moloch: Moloch was once Hell's greatest warrior, an archdevil granted rulership over Malbolge by Asmodeus eons ago as a reward for his constant service and unyielding hatred of Asmodeus's enemies. I can imagine the character being a cleric of Asmodeus first. They are as follows: Many other archdevils exist, serving the lords of the nine as intermediaries between them and lesser devils. In Baldurs Gate: Descent into Avernus, characters start off fighting some cultists, but the campaign quickly leads them to Avernus, where they must decide how to deal with Zariel and her crimes. Asmodeuss deeds further corrupted him, and he began to hear the shards of evil. Conference with their clergies revealed that the forces of Asmodeus, and this point called devils, were intentionally corrupting mortals, and a quickly formed divine delegation soon learned that Baator had been transformed into nine tiers of horror, the souls harvested for power and transformed into mindless monsters to build a devil army. This distinction keeps him wholly separate from beings like Orcus or Yeenoghu. In this version, Jazirian and Asmodeus, who were known as Ahriman at the time, were lawful gods who took the form of mighty serpents. Still, that would make for an absolutely unreadable stat block. [115] Perhaps the only thing that could prompt him to act against any other archduke was the possibility of discovering something great enough to tip the scales in his favor. Even then, there should still be some serious gauntlets to face before dealing with Asmodeus directly. Asmodeus, chief of the Lords of the Nine. [189] There were also his domineering disciples of darkness, callous in their quest for unlimited power, ruthlessly striving for nothing less than world domination. [126], On Toril, Asmodeus's worshipers comprised two groups: those who wanted to have some form of independence from gods, and those who had no intention of dealing with devils, only wanting fun and/or clemency from Asmodeus. [201], Then there was the matter of Asmodeus's true form. Challenge rating It has the following cleric spells prepared: Cantrips (at will): chill touch, guidance, resistance, thaumaturgy. 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