The opening questions of the Holy Joys' Kids Catechism are inspired by John Wesley's admonition to parents: I really like having the children read real stories of the saints, as opposed to using text books. Pope St. John Paul II The harmony of the couple and of society depends in He says, I love them that love me (Pr 8:17; Ex 20:6; 1 Jn 4:7-16). This is great for parish classrooms or for. Disclosure: I show products that I think will help you. The second commandment is, Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or
8 CATECHISM No. They shall live with Christ for ever, Jn a new heaven and a new earth (Is
53.Q. Evangelium Participant s Book Catholic Truth Society. What else did God make? For whom did Christ obey and suffer? No. 37.Q. A. Whom does God want you to obey? 0000002789 00000 n
What does every sin deserve? Have I disciplined my children with love, and in ways that help them become the people God wants them to be? A. Questions 11-13: See this post (includes craft). A. A. Christ lived a life of perfect obedience to the law of God (Mt 5:17; Rm 10:4;
How can you receive the Holy Spirit? 3.Q. What is prayer? Answer: Say sorry to God, Illustration: The Ascension of Christ (with Empty Tomb in Background), 33. Questions 16, 17, and 21: See this post (includes craft). A. No. a Saviour (1 Tim 1:8-11; Rm 3:20; Gal 3:24). Our Father who is in heaven, hallowed be your name. Should not every parent, as soon as a child begins to talk, or to run alone, say something of this kind: See! A sinful nature (1 Kings 8:46; Ps 14:2, 3; 58:3; Eccl 9:3; Mt 15:18-20; Jn
secret source, as he intimates at the age of twelve: "I must be in my Father's house." Here the newness of prayer in the fullness of time begins to be revealed: his filial prayer, which the Father awaits from his children, is finally going to be lived out by the only Son in his humanity, with and for men. Below are 13 printable Easter resources parents can use at home with their children! They love to be the Sister who takes care of the altar and places flowers there. After 1965, The Baltimore Catechism - used in North America to teach young Catholic children for more than 100 years - and other similar catechisms, were slowly removed from Catholic schools and religious education programs. The intent of the printed answers of Catechism for Young Childrenwas meticulously followed as much as possible: no doctrinal changes were made to the C ovenantal and Calvinistic system of doctrine taught by that Catechism. 68.Q. A. What will God raise from the dead? 0000083438 00000 n
See, how bright it is! I can do nothing good without Gods Holy Spirit (Jn 3:5, 6; 6:44; Rm 8:2,
It was from his lineage that aRedeemerwas to come andsave the world from its sins. 0000082496 00000 n
14:23, 24; 1 Jn 5:20). Of what were our first parents made? Baltimore questions and answers for Confirmation, Children of the Kingdom Alphabet of Young Saints, First Communion Preparation And Catechesis, Baltimore Catechism Confirmation Preparation And Catechesis Resources. A. 124.Q. 0000125899 00000 n
29:20-25; Hb 9:19-23; 10:1; 11:28). 6. We're still working our way through it but it's nice hearing other people have those good conversations that we desire to have too. {O1J, m`YF#]D@@-B DRsLT6a,bhu/'*Zh2Q~O L@cYLoGSYyDO3z$:tUy;cK)aU_05^e-y}:b(LO|9'}(a\Q'Gs?endstream Who wrote the Bible? In his letter to the Hebrews St. Paul said: God, who, at sundry times and in divers manners, spoke in times past to the fathers by the prophets, last of all, in these days hath spoken to us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the world (Heb. He made them holy and happy (Gn 1:26-28; Ps 8:4-8). 0000068107 00000 n
Just follow the same format for the "Catechist Preparation" and the "Session with . A. 0000034487 00000 n
42.Q. What is the third petition? 0
A. 1 questions and answers for First Communion, Baltimore Catechism No. keep my commandments (Ex 20:4-6; Deut 5:8-10). 3:20; lames 2:9-11). 1:12; Ep 1:5; Ep 5:1; Gal 4:7, 31; 1 John 3:1-3). By His goodness and mercy, God the Father elected, and determined to justify,
~Mary Fifer. Q. 99.Q. St. Anne's Catechism Copybooks are reprintable and have both manuscript and cursive PDF versions. should be baptized (Acts 2:37-41; 8:12; 18:8; 19:4, 5). 3. Free Printable Download of the Children's Catechism Questions and Answers Checklist What I do on this blog recently came up in a real life conversation and someone (very well-meaning) said basically that their philsophy for children's catechism is more "just do it". 90.Q. I have a soul that can never die (Mt 10:28; Mk 8:34- 38; 12:30). Instead of being holy and happy, they became sinful and miserable (Gn
8. 8.Q. I
30:8, 9; 1 Tim 4:4, 5). [ y`2=k6p;$|ue89_:_{Zva3v;"\65iBbAM&@jwwD^j3
5'8x_0Oy {n G9^2@1sL#WDevlPW> Because I am guilty (Pr 20:9; Ec 7:20; Rm 3:19-23; Hb 10:14, 27, 28; 1 Jn
A. The book encourages children to explore their creativity, develop a love for art, and learn about Catholicism. For those whom the Father had given Him. %PDF-1.4 62.Q. A. 6.Q. endstream
75.Q. those who truly believe in Him (1 Cor 12). 5 0 obj With these resources, Catholic kids will enjoy learning about God's love for them. 2. A. What does the sixth commandment teach us? This is a huge savings for homeschooling families. A. To be content with what we have (Phil 4:11; 1 Tim 6:6-8; Hb 13:5). The St. Anne'sAudio Catechism CDsare packaged in white flexible DVD boxes for long lasting use! Answer:He was crucified, 25. What is the eighth commandment? 1:8, 9). 110.Q. Who can change a sinner s heart? 11.Q. Is this process of sanctification ever complete in
If you're doing this for several children, consider using their favorite color of the spiral bindings that are available. I wrote these books solely for educational, home use, assuming that parents will also assist their children by clarifying or explaining anything they find unclear or answering their questions. A Catechism for Girls and Boys Part I Questions about God, Man, and sin 1.Q. It is for us. He ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father: 137.Q. 81.Q. What is the sum of the ten commandments? Once the books are uploaded to their tablets, the children can access their catechism as easily as they can activate their games. In three persons (Mt 3:16, 17; Jn 5:23; 10:30; 14:9, 10; 15:26; 16:13-15; 1
88.Q. 11:4). 0000003042 00000 n
It is cool because it reads like a book. They're like having a tutor on hand to help with review. Feel how it warms you! A. Illustration: Child Sharing Toy on Playground. They are easy for a child to use since each question on the text of the CD matches the track number of the same Audio CD. A. Give us this day our daily bread (Mt 6:11; Lk 11:3). 66.Q. So regardless of if you do or don't use other activities, books, or music, I hope this list is simple and easy to use! What did the Holy Spirit undertake Jn the covenant
6. 1:1-2). No. Confirmation Copybook Manuscript & Cursive Writing Samples, Printable Catholic Confirmation Preparation Booklet. the things you would (Ga 5:17). God is angry with the wicked every day (Ps 7:11; Mal 2:17; Pr 6:16-19;
78.Q. A. 97.Q. A. What is righteousness? A. Answer: They sinned, 19. 5 1:5; Rm 5:12, 18, 19;
Ephesians 1:4; II Theselonians 2:13 52. YOUCAT is safe 0000002618 00000 n
The first day of the week, called the Lords Day (Acts 20:7; Rv 1:10). You get the idea, it's totally up to you! Answer: Mommy and Daddy, 46. Who should partake of the Lords Supper? Why ought you to glorify God? 4. What is sanctification? A. He rose from the tomb on the third day after his death (Lk 24:45-47; 1
This is a huge help when each goes to find his own book. 5, 8-11; 1 Cor 2:9-14; Gal 5:17, 18; Ep 2:4-6). done for them (Mt 28:19; 1 Cor 11:24-26). A. In prayer and praise, in hearing and reading Gods Word, and in doing good to
Will the bodies of the dead be raised to life again? We are working to offer bonus material for children for every question in YOUCAT for Kids to ensure that the content can be learned in an inspiring and entertaining way. 45.Q. Consider using a reputable Childrens Bible. Have my words and actions strengthened my community, or harmed it? 2018 thru 2023 Mr.Romeo Maria del Santo Nio, O.P. 125.Q. Why ought you to glorify God? *Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. What is it to believe Jn Christ? Answer: No. The seventh commandment is, Thou shalt not commit adultery (Ex 20:14; Deut
The youth catechism you'll trust most is the Baltimore Catechism No. Yes. Ref. 0000066739 00000 n
A. Work on memorizing a section of the catechism. Otherwise, for Communion I like white; and for Confirmation, red or black are good colors. 100.Q. I entrust you with YOUCAT for KIDS. 3 Minute Catechism - 23 - Is there a contradiction between the Creation and Evolution? 133.Q. Cheerful drawings encourage the young readers to explore and ask questions, which helps to initiate an exciting conversation with children about Jesus, the sacraments, prayer, and more. A. You can read more about why I think we should use a catechism here. The teacher reminds the student of a particular phonics rule or then models how a big word is spelled. A. Why did Jesus die? Amen.. *G1o&8#a|+GC\iC' X D %PDF-1.4
Even if they do not really get their parts right, the very act of pretending to be pious helps kids understand more about what happens at Mass. 74.Q. I made it this way because it's so flexible. Just make sure that you don't charge anything for using these materials. The sun could not shine, nor warm, nor do any good without him. In this plain and familiar way a wise parent might, many times in a day, say something of God; particularly insisting, He made you; and he made you to be happy in him; and nothing else can make you happy. We cannot press this too soon. How many commandments did God give on Mt. 1. 119.Q. Quietly praying the Rosary every night is excellent practice for being quiet in church. of them that hate me; and showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and
A. 32.Q. A. There shall be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and unjust
What do we pray for in the fifth petition? Because he made me and takes care of me. What is meant by transgression? ***E.g., How can we pray for you? How can we pray for others?. 28; 1 Cor 11:25). 0000003245 00000 n
What does the fifth commandment teach us? That men on earth may serve God as the angels do in Heaven (Ps 67; 103:19-22;
It wasthrough Christ that Gods full and final revelation was to come. What I do on this blog recently came up in a real life conversation and someone (very well-meaning) said basically that their philsophy for children's catechism is more "just do it". And lead
true God and true man, Our Lord and Why is Jesus coming again? A. Answer: God the Father, 11. A. The Scripture says The flesh lusts against the Spirit so that you cannot do
#CatholicCatechism #BaltimoreCatechism #CatholicFirstCommunion #CatholicHomeschool, Privacy Policy, Copyright, Disclosure, Terms, Disclaimer, Copyright 2008 - 2023 by About Mary Fifer, d/b/a & Roman Catholic Catechism. The Lords Prayer (Mt 6:5-15; Lk 11:1-13). First, you want your catechism time concise, yet useful and memorable. stream What is the Church? One of the ideas that is special to our site is that we offer you help with the children memorizing their catechism questions and answers. A personal website of Mr.Romeo Maria del SantoNio, O.P. ET on EWTN: Holy Mass and Rosary on Thursday, April 13, 2023 - Thursday within the. Frame yours, if you like, with inexpensive trim. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins* as we forgive those who sin against us. 0000125747 00000 n
Though he could justly have done so he has graciously entered into a
download 1 file . Question 9-10: See this post(includes craft). judgement? Thy
Why did God make you and all things ? our fellow men (Is 58:13, 14; Acts 20:7; 1 Cor. A. thyself to them: for I, the Lord thy God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation
1:1-2). Answer: The Lords Prayer, 48. That Gods name may be honored by us and all men (Ps 8:1; 72:17-19; 113:1-3;
In sanctification God makes sinners holy in heart and conduct so that they
GCP also reached out and told me that they have an interactive PDF that operates like flash cards that you can purchase here. How and why shall we live here? In what condition did God make Adam and Eve? (Lk 12:8-10; Jn 3:3-5, 16, 20, 21;
the left free for prefixes that you'll teach as you go. A. Kids is an essential addition to every family bookshelf and Catholic school classroom. When flipping through the pages of YOUCAT for KIDS, I come across questions children ask their parents and catechists millions of times. You do not really need a bunch of activities to fill the time. 1 worksheets for First Communion: eCopybooks With Cursive Writing Practice, Printable Baltimore Catechism No. A. It is a change of heart that leads to true repentance and faith (Gal 5:22; Ep
How were godly persons saved before the coming of
What does the third commandment teach us? fZN$f57=1L{Dv-8kmBOa-h" We handle all grading and record-keeping. A. God made me. 3:16; 1 Pet 1:10, 11). 218 32
Answer: He is Almighty. A. In addition, the book includes interesting background information for parents and teachers on every question. We should pray in the name of the Lord Jesus (John 14:13, 14; 16:23, 24; Hb
The Reformed Kidcast - A (free) podcast (27 episodes in total) where a dad discusses the GCP version of the catechism with his two young kids. the holy catholic church: the communion of saints: How do you know that you have a soul? I thought I'd write supplementary catechetical material that would have a more systematic and dogmatic approach. 89.Q. What do we pray for in the first petition? 2:24, 25; Rm 8:7). xref
A. Six. A. Christ is Jn heaven, seated at the right hand of God the Father (Rm 8:34; Col
Staples and office stores like that can print the books quickly and cheaply. Catholic Catechism Prayers 1. Questions about the Word, the Church and the
Answer: The Holy Spirit, 34. 128Q. h1f",_m),hD((s`_KG9a2@qjH!%J^&Z
0000125602 00000 n
A. I put it in the Resource Library so that it's easy to find when you need to print another copy (ask me how I know!). A. Sin is any transgression of the law of God (1 Jn 3:4; Rm
The Angelical Salutation. Should babies be baptized? really was God Jn human flesh. To be pure in heart, language and conduct (Mt 5:27, 28; Ep 5:3-5; Ph 4:8, 9). He puts them into the body of Christ by making them a living part of all
If you want practice worksheets, quizzes, audio, and a printable booklet see our order page for Confirmation catechism products that teach the main Baltimore questions and answers for Confirmation. Now, I wasn't offended at all - I totally get it. What is the ninth commandment? What is meant by the atonement? A. Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Is it that it has been memorized by your oldest? A. Out oftheir descendants God selected certain individuals through whom He revealed Himself and His plan of salvation. A. Baptism and the Lords Supper (Mt 28:19; 1 Cor 11:24-26). adopt and sanctify those for whom Christ should die (Ex 33:18, 19; Eph 1:3-5; Rm
Discover books, gifts, and curriculum that will delight their imaginations, inspire their curiosity, and strengthen their faith. They shall be cast into hell (Ps 9:16, 17; Lk 12:5; Rm 2:8, 9,12; 2 Th 1:8,
Answer: Three, 7. Who is the first person in God? (Lk 1:49,2:19,2:51. Answer: Jesus, 43. A. What does the Holy Spirit do for you? verses 1, 31; Acts 14:15; Rm 11:36; Col
Answer: Jesus Christ, 22. Who was the mother of Jesus? That is why I consider this catechism as useful as the big Catechism, in which you can find answers to the most important questions of life: Where does this world come from? 66:22; 1 Thes 4;16, 17; 2 Pet 3:10-13; Rv 21:1-4). Whom does God want you to be like? What do we pray for in the third petition? 130.Q. 2.Q. 0000082279 00000 n
A. A. A. Adam and Eve (Gn 2:18-25; 3:20; 5:1, 2; Acts 17:26; 1 Tim 2:13). To show that his disciples belong to him, and to remind them of what he has
For this purpose, I decided to use a question-and-answer format, similar to the catechism I myself used when I was little. Who made you? For very young students this is practically every word, so it is nice to also have the text already printed on the copywork pages to give a better reference as to where to write and what to write. A church is an assembly of baptized believers joined by a covenant of
A. It will make them strong and brave. A. Read my full disclosure policy here. 1:7-10; 2 Tim 4:1). Boys love to pretend to be the priest, altar boys, or the Godfather. What does the eighth commandment teach us? Paperless or printable. Suffered under Pontius Pilate; was crucified, died, and was buried: An Act of Love. Frame yours, if you like, with inexpensive trim. Physical, moral, and spiritual difference and complementarity are oriented toward the goods of marriage and the flourishing of family life. 132.Q. Check out: Kill Puppies For Satan Pdf About Minedit &~=|2@M;/mo
$13-]0\qm\30J,y.^}l)]'YBd$w '+qv6"w>K=-Rb8=!"!zFad+ rqC648Y>j7 g[x0? How is Christ a king? I also think when kids hear other kids their own age talking about God and using the language of the catechism it's really a good spark to keep them going! 0000061324 00000 n
Q. (Must have!) They teach us our duty, make clear our condemnation, and show us our need of
Then there are times when you can help the children practice at home and then at church what they'll do for their First Communion. Arthur Devine) - pdf, text, kindle format These Are the Sacraments (Abp. 1:9, 10). By loving him and doing what he commands. Since everyone is made in Gods image, how should we treat them? 114.Q. He does the work of a prophet, a priest and a king (Hb 1:1-3; Rv 1:5; Mt
(Deut 18:15, 18; Jn 1:18; 4:25;
21.Q. Order ourBaltimore Catechism worksheets . 39.Q. * St. Anne's Helper Catholic Coloring download has a treasure trove of traditional PDF printable coloring sheets. Romans 5:1, Titus 3:4-7 51. desire to be holy and to gain heaven where God lives? So, we learned to freshen our lines in June so they lasted longer after a September start. 1-5: Pr 5:21; Hb 4:12, 13). Catechism Of The Catholic Church PDF Turnback To God April 28th, 2018 - Download Catechism Of The Catholic Church PDF I am sure you might have heard about . YouCat. It is Gods goodness as revealed Jn his law, and as honored Jn Christs
A. Sure! A. Questions 31-33: See this post (includes craft). The body returns to dust, and the soul goes to be with God or to a place of
3677 This is what the Sisters used to do for us. What happens to men when they die? Instead, do a right click, and choose "Open Link in New Window." It is Gods goodness in receiving sinful rebels as his beloved children (John
), be sure to read this post. Yes. Questions 64-71: See this post (includes printable). A. Baptism testifies to believers that God has cleansed them from their sins
This is basically the same as the two above - except that it has modified the questions to reflect a belief in believers baptism instead of paedobaptism - so the questions on baptism are different. daughter, nor thy man-servant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy
All rights are reserved. A. 0000017077 00000 n
Who are they? 8:26, 27). ISufW!ikodX#cb
What should you do if you sin? They offered sacrifices according to Gods commands (Ex 24:3-8; 1 Chron
It is Gods goodness as revealed in his grace by choosing certain sinners for
The Great Commission Publication Version: You can find this online here from the OPC. Catholic Coloring Book Download. It provides a strong foundation for further instruction as they grow. 79.Q. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. A. Christ for salvation, receive baptism, and love their fellow men (Mt 5:21-24; 1
0000010201 00000 n
commandments perfectly (Pr 20:9; Ec 7:20; Rm 3:19, 20; James 2:10; 1 Jn 1:8,
vv. The forgiveness of sins: At the Lords Supper, the church eats bread and drinks wine to remember the
A. 94.Q. 0000067443 00000 n
Where did Jesus go? I know it's so much easier to do just about anything if it's organized and the "stuff" I need is readily available. Cor 13:6; James 4:11). 2.Q. Whom else did God send to save us? Cor 15:3, 4). God made all things (Gn 1, esp. I think they were genuinely worried that I'd run out of material too soon to keep blogging. A. Can any man keep these ten commandments? What happens after death? Children of catechetical age and adults will be brought to the sacraments of baptism, confirmation, and the Eucharist through the development, promotion, and implementation of the initiation process presented in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore
The Catholic Bible for Children Free Shipping Catholic. A. 34.Q. Jn 9:31; Rv 4:11). 11K views, 428 likes, 445 loves, 3.6K comments, 188 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from EWTN: Starting at 8 a.m. 26:14, 15). It was from his lineage that aRedeemerwas to come andsave the world from its sins. /. Answer: He helps me, 35. 16:19-31). - All rights reserved. 48.Q. A. Many older children have a computer tablet that they use for games. I treasure that the children can learn better penmanship and I like having them keep their work in a binder. 1. Remember that we live the catechism every day, so it doesn't all have to be done in class. z>d;dFw lD%hR]vS`t.q(XOy\{ps1zBb3Hq)X'lL8EP2x]x~vqK!mQcb
1b~[k" 1EGY.b:?P#~%ib;c~!@j)"l=e,asiGu0@f&/25):i! 142.Q. What else did God make? YOUCAT is coherent You get clear answers to clear questions. * All grouped into files for your convenience and all interactive. What is the second petition? 98.Q. Older children memorize their catechism answers. 55.Q. Yes. %%EOF
Who made the world? Why Did Christ give these ordinances? <>stream
What happened to our first parents when they had
Why dont you need to be scared? In the Bible alone (Job 11:7; Ps 119:104; Is 8:20; Mt 22:29; 2 Tim 3:15-17). Answer:The family of God, 37. 3. Homeschool catechism class is often as much a learning experience for parents as it is for children. 136.Q. Fulton Sheen) - read online; or pdf here The Sacramental System (Fr. Answer: The Father, 8. Who is the second person in God? You can use our St. Anne's Audio Catechism to help. Download "My Little Book of Bible Stories", "My Free Catechism" - 4 Books in One Volume. What is it to repent? We are happy to be reproducing the original Baltimore Catechism series as prepared in the . JM(}# 7pr>*Y^
olWj7>jD1Fzk!Z.itttc$ vT. What is the first petition? Questions 22-27, and 41-42: See this post (includes printable). 57.Q. will be done in earth, as it is in Heaven. By loving him and doing what he commands. Why do you need Christ as a priest? Question 1: See this post(includes craft). The Lords Supper is for those only who repent of their sins, believe in
1 Pet 2:21, 22). Ask me Whoo songs - I wrote a whole post about these songs here. If you found this post (and the download) helpful, be sure to save it on Pinterestso others can see it too. He comes to live within them to guarantee that they will receive the wonders
Our hearts must be changed before we can be fit for heaven (Ep 4:17-24; Col
Answer: Talking with God, 47. Yes. A. That way you can see if you want to stick with the subscription or perhaps just use it to decide which albums (physical or digital) you want to buy. What did Jesus teach us to pray? This is great for parish classrooms or forCatholic homeschool. x\n8}Wv/]L `w&00XvcxIIdv. In how many persons does this one God exist? He then selected Abraham to be the Father of His chosen people. A. Mt 21:42; 22:29; 2 Tim 3:14-17). Yes. That the gospel may be preached in all the world, and believed and obeyed by
A. **Start by reading through the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. 33.Q. The Lessons of the Catechism Lesson 1 On the end of Man Lesson 2 On God and His . Over many years the Super Sharpie lines would disappear as the Expo dry erase pens would slowly remove the lines, yet this stopped after about three months. Thy kingdom come. From the 128 Page Catholic Family Catechism Disciples Edition, with notes, pictures and imprimatur CHRISTMAS & INCARNATION and made perfect for Heaven, helped by Part 1: THE CREED our Masses, merits, indulgences and 8. Who is Jesus Christ? sufferings and death of Christ (Mk 14:22-24; 1 Cor 11:23-29). What is the fourth commandment? No. What else did God make? 36.Q. 0000000792 00000 n
What is a covenant? 5:12-15). What is prayer? It is our hope that it will also help adult Catholics to revise and deepen their own knowledge of the Faith. endobj 113.Q. I've now decided to make these materials, or "books," available to other parents who feel the need to supplement their children's catechetical instruction in school with something more systematic. Live with Christ for ever, Jn a new heaven and a revise and deepen own... The a God is angry with the wicked every day, so it does n't all have to scared... God is angry with the wicked every day ( Ps 7:11 ; Mal ;. And the flourishing of family life wine to remember the a is in heaven the Catechism day! Can See it too the Rosary every night is excellent practice for being quiet in church helpful. It was from His lineage that aRedeemerwas to come andsave the world, and difference. Happy ( Gn 8 Bible alone ( Job 11:7 ; Ps 8:4-8 ) 1:26-28 ; 119:104. Our first parents when they had Why dont you need to be is, Thou shalt not unto. 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