[pronounced like maroon] What a nimrod! Wont let her alone for a second. The ninth variation was titled Nimrod. Intergalactic space traveler on a five-year mission. Bugs then looks for the handcuff key while going through keys to \"the garage, the car, the front door, Bugs then whistles to the audience \"woo woo!\", and the back door\", and finally has the key, but Elmer blows up with a tremendous explosion off-screen; and as Bugs tells the audience \"Oh, well\", Elmer finally catches and tells him he's in trouble but Bugs distracts Elmer by wearing his hat and impersonating a Mountie and telling Elmer, \"Attention! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Build a tower up to heaven, enter God's throne room and kill him. sparrowxc: That is considered one possibility, [but many discount it.](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/nimrod). It is not clear that watchers of the cartoon understood the C18 sense of the word as a great hunter, but the term has stuck US, 1932. Hecht/Fowler are doing it; Bugs is doing it. Bugs Bunny and Nimrod (also Carrots) (Apocryphal): Bugs Bunny and other Loony Tunes cartoons remain the bar by which all other cartoons are measured. How to add double quotes around string and number pattern? (Starting with Nimrods Son), ghaelon: i always wondered why the sentinel nimrod in the xmen franchise was named idiot. Did Jesus have in mind the tradition of preserving of leavening agent, while speaking of the Pharisees' Yeast? By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Nimrod represents the rare case in which a word's etymology is still wide open for debate. No doubt the naming of the ship reflected this too. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Good thing Bugs Bunny wasnt around to dissuade them. That makes about the tenth. In American English, however, the term has acquired a derogatory meaning of "idiot"; there are various hypotheses as to why. Prior to Bugs Bunny's popularization of the word, Nimrod was primarily used as a Biblical reference. Their next idiot quotation isn't until 1963. Nimrod. In 1940, however, everything about the word changed. Few people knew the biblical reference and easily latched onto the modern definition. Etymology of Nimrod and how Bugs Bunny changed our Language WordHistorian 206 subscribers Subscribe 4K views 2 years ago How did Bugs Bunny change our language and what does that have to do. Im glad Ive found some clarity. As we broke our way through the coverts and ravines, and the deer started up and scampered off to the right and left, the rifle-balls would whiz after them, and our young Nimrods dash off in pursuit. Given the ubiquity and longevity of the cartoon, nimrod, as we know it today, stuck around. In 1909, British explorer and Antarctic specialist Earnest Shackleton became the first person to come as close to the South Pole as any human had possibly done. When in fact they did something or said something stupid. Good thing Bugs Bunny wasnt around to discourage them. / The 1933 'Great Magoo' mention, which seems the first attested for the 'dope/ass' sense, is 'failed hunter' related. From memory he did call Elmer Fudd a Nimrod once or twice. 183 He's in love with her. I'm not convinced there's any "anti-hunter" sentiment in the (limited) currency of forms like. wolfamongyou: I could see how calling someone a mighty hunter sarcastically could lead to that. You know how you have that uncle who you doesnt understand you (and vice versa)? Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Bugs bunny. Nimrod definition: A hunter. In context the use of the word meant to mock Fudds foolhardy abilities which kept the rabbit, Fudds prey, out of his cross hairs, so to speak. Wont let her alone for a second. [4], But is this folk etymology actually true? Safire most certainly knew the contemporary definition of nabob, a man of great wealth, and he deliberately used it to skewer the elite. Why, look at you! doctorcrimson: Was he responsible for the diversity of language on earth and therefor a complete failure? Makes sense. Perhaps the interesting question is when did "nimrod" take on a life of its own, independent of the Biblical meaning? Why hasn't the Attorney General investigated Justice Thomas? Withdrawing a paper after acceptance modulo revisions? CherethCutestoryJD: I wish I was the grandson of Ham. We only got it by process of elimination since Dookie seemed even less likely to have been in the bible, NoOneOnReddit: I have a couple ancestors whose names were Nimrod.. But Bryan A. Garner blames Bugs Bunny. Please refer to this meta post for additional details. So that could still be considered dimwitted imo. The Moguls are the Muslim descendants of the Mongol conquerors of India; as early as 1653, Mogul was being used to describe powerful, dominant people, according to the OED. Not a change in the meaning of the word. NIGMENOG.B. Nimrod, the word, soon became synonymous with a bumbling fool, like Fudds character. Jgerin German meant hunter.. I can't say with 100% certainty that tchrist exists: maybe it's just a fake name created by another user on here to hide his excessive number of posts. You call yourself a Mountie? ironic); any person who likes to hunt. Anyway, a second lane opens up and as I drive by I see his window is down and I shout NIMROD! then I notice the dude is black, then I realize how much that could sound like another N word. In Dantes Inferno Nimrod is condemned to the eighth circle of hell for treachery. English Language & Usage Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts. Daffy Duck: Precisely what I was thinking, my little Nimrod. In What Makes Daffy Duck he says it at about 5:36. . However, a Google search on "elmer fudd nimrod site:imdb.com" reveals no other instance than from "What Makes Daffy Duck (1948)". Hooplah73: I suppose it could also be in reference to the Enigma Variation Nimrod, that Edward Elgar had written for a close friend and inspiration whos surname was Jaeger, the German word for Hunter. Please subscribe if you enjoyed the video!Don't forget to Like and Comment as well!*These are affiliate links to all the things I used to create this video. The negative connotation of Nimrod can be traced back to a Bugs Bunny cartoon from 1940, where Bugs called the hunter Elmer Fudd a poor little nimrod in a mocking tone. TIL In the Bible, Nimrod was a mighty hunter. You will never find an orthodox jew calling his son Nimrod. As a result, today, few people even know that nimrod is actually a Biblical reference. What are possible reasons a sound may be continually clicking (low amplitude, no sudden changes in amplitude). In English, the term nimrod seems to have morphed sometime in the 20th century from meaning "mighty hunter" to meaning, roughly, "idiot" or "dipstick". Jonathan Lighter writes that 'currency of the term owes much to its appearance in a 1940s Warner Bros. cartoon in which Bugs Bunny refers to the hunter Elmer Fudd as "poor little Nimrod"'. yonthickie: It was years before I found this out and discovered why Americans thought it was insulting to call someone a famous hunter/king. The polar expedition itself is named for Shackletons hand picked ship, the Nimrod, a reference to Nimrod, the biblical figure and mighty hunter before the Lord from the Book of Genesis. Most children didnt get the reference to Nimrod in biblical terms and the sarcasm went way over their heads. Another possibility is that there was an unattested dialectal or slang term for an idiot similar to Australian English ning nong, and that it became conflated with the more respectable term, perhaps as a euphemism. So while Daffy Duck did not invent the insult, its use in the cartoon certainly did popularize and cement the sense in American slang. When Elmer finds Bugs, Bugs is seen taunting a snowman that looks exactly like him by saying, \"So you call yourself a Mountie! Can members of the media be held legally responsible for leaking documents they never agreed to keep secret? Jonathan Lighter writes that currency of the term owes much to its appearance in a 1940s Warner Bros. cartoon in which Bugs Bunny refers to the hunter Elmer Fudd as poor little Nimrod. (Tenured faculty). Offscreen, Bugs is sentenced to death by firing squad. Likehow on *earth* did this poor guys name come to mean what it does? nimrod ( plural nimrods ) (chiefly US, informal, derogatory) A foolish person; an idiot . Most examples suggest an intermediate form where Nimrod is used deliberately to mock a hunter. Rather than a slight, however, Elgars piece was a compliment. It's believed the gate was used to provide access to Mesopotamia as far back as 3500 BC. machlangsam: Son of Cusha mighty hunter andpothead or pot farmer? The practice of nicknaming someone in an ironic fashion is much older than this citation. Those who wished to board the Nimrod, some might say, were playing a fools game. Shackleton didnt hide the discomforts and dangers of the mission when he advertised for a team of men . hunting-man ; a sportsman. Very interesting stuff. Whether Bugs actually said it or it was Daffy Duck who called Fudd a "nimrod" is debatable. You can't catch me. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. As a sarcastic reply to Fudd's skills as a hunter . Rather than a slight, however, it was a compliment. See also, @Chenmunka: "wasn't that just sarcasm? A nimrod was someone who was held in high regard. That may have been the implication, but certainly not the description, of Shackleton and his crew. Yes, its time for when good words go bad., For many years, centuries even, nimrod meant a hunter, perhaps even a great one. This story is detailed in the Book of Jasher, which is included in some versions of the Bible. (LogOut/ 183 Hes in love with her. As he wrote in "The Ongoing Tumult in English Usage," an essay in Garner's Modern English Usage, Bugs used "nimrod" to taunt his nemesis Elmer Fudd (a hunter, no coincidence): "What a moron! AudibleNod: Its like calling some Einstein or Sherlock after they posit a stupid question or make a rookie mistake. An amusing piece, Elgar said referring to his friend and subject, August Johannes Jagear, a music publisher and accomplished violinist. [] With us, however, many of the party were young and inexperienced, and full of excitement at finding themselves in a country abounding with game. He called Elmer Fudd a nimrod ironically, as Nimrod was a very accomplished hunter in the Bible. One suggestion is that Bugs Bunny's references to Elmer Fudd as a "poor little Nimrod",[1] while most likely using the term's "hunter" sense, contributed to the development of a sense "one who is easily confounded". Jonathan Lighter writes that 'currency of the term owes much to its appearance in a 1940s Warner Bros. cartoon in which Bugs Bunny refers to the hunter Elmer Fudd as "poor little Nimrod"'. God instructed the post flood humans to "spread out upon the face of the Earth" But Nimrod, who had conquered most peoples in existence at the time, did NOT want to divide his kingdom. Their next idiot quotation isnt until 1963. The name comes from the Hebrew word meaning "rebel". . Elmer was always hunting Bugs Bunny, I saw lots of such cartoons. "[3] However, this could still have been used in the sense of a hunter (i.e. As I understand it, if enough of us agree then the whole language changes & this becomes a footnote in language history like when Bugs Bunny changed the meaning of Nimrod on a whim" The Nimrod Expedition despite its name was not a mission for dummies. The community has decided to no longer support these questions. In 1899, composer Edward Elgar wrote a symphonic piece that had 14 variations each written for or about a personal acquaintance. . 138 [deleted] 6 yr. ago Finding valid license for project utilizing AGPL 3.0 libraries, Unexpected results of `texdef` with command defined in "book.cls". Yes, the Nimrod Expedition, despite its insinuation, was not a mission for dummies. This will of course be invalidated the very second that someone shows an instance where Bugs too called Elmer "Nimrod". Interestingly enough, the Mesopotamians had a war god whose name was Nintura, who was also known as a mighty hunter. How did Bugs Bunny change our language and what does that have to do with Nimrod? If they made it back, which was doubtful, Shackleton implied, honor and recognition would await them upon return. Basically, only Nimrod-types need apply, he implored. poonjam: People used to bitch ab reposts. Maybe the answer was not well-suited for this arena; however, am I the only one who thinks it ridiculous to ask one to provide evidence for his personal experience? Ben Hechts and Gene Fowlers 1932 playThe Great Magoousesnimrodto refer to a man who relentlessly pursues women, a hunter of a different type: Hes in love with her. As the firing squad lines up to execute Bugs, Elmer tells Bugs that he can make one last wish before he dies, which prompts Bugs to break out into \"Dixie\". Its a somewhat common name in Israel. Its bonus episode 4. This led to a generation of kids thinking Nimrod is a synonym for idiot or moron. NYScott: Wait, does that mean the color [maroon](https://youtu.be/Y8GGpYFmkYI) isnt dumb? TIL Homer Simpsons idea to fill a mine with other cities garbage dissuaded a small Canadian town with the exact same idea. yaxamie: From Wikipedia: Nimrod, in the Old Testament of the Bible, was the great-grandson of Noah and the 1st King of Babylon who built the Tower of Babel. Just watched Wild Hare and can confirm no mention of Nimrod there. I can attest that I also heard the term during the 60s (in Kentucky) with the same sense. [1] http://www.nytimes.com/1981/10/11/world/alternative-to-awacs-british-nimrod.html, dansedemorte: Even back then no one read the bible either. xlinkedx: There was a mighty biblical hunter named Elmer Fudd? Whether this usage was widespread, or how it influenced the final meaning where the hunter connotation is unintended, might be beyond reach. In fact, its hard to find any modern usage that uses nabob nicely. LostRib: This came up at a trivia night where they asked about a green day album that shared its name with a biblical hunter. Canto XXXI. Shackleton had christened the ship he chose on that journey by a term that reflected the missions quest. Etc. WingmanZer0: This explains the X-men character named Nimrod. Links to Merrie Melodies on DailyMotion may come in handy for verification.). Won't let her alone for a second. It was Daffy Duck that called Elmer a Nimrod. Don't stick your fingers in the fan, you nimrod! Everyone thought it was just a new word for idiot that they hadnt heard before because, even though they claim its the most important book ever, hardly anyone actually reads the bible. Nimrod isn't an insult classically speaking. Oldskoolguitar: Nimrod became ironic, just like when calling some Enistein. Fudd. (But hold on to that thought. Basically they were all nimrods, like the expedition name would suggest, but not in the way you think. But you don't have to dig deep to find a different definition. (LogOut/ The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Bugs Bunny . Not to The Oxford English Dictionary, which says that Nintura begat Nimrod, etymologically speaking, and that Nimrod translates from the Hebrew to we will rebel. Turns out that neither Nintura nor Nimrod were particularly benevolent, and the first non-capitalized use of nimrod was tyrant. That usage is now obsolete. He named it Nimrod. It is apparently still a popular name in Israel. That sense didnt last, becoming obsolete within a century, but in the seventeenth century the word began to be used as an epithet for any hunter. This goes on for a while and it is infuriating as I am on my lunch break, short on time, and am already fed up with society. Bugs Bunny Changed The Meaning Of The Word "Nimrod" Taz Only Appeared In 5 Shorts 11 Episodes Were Withdrawn In 1968 Due To Their Use Of Ethnic Stereotypes Mel Blanc's gravestone reads "THAT'S ALL FOLKS" Bugs Bunny Is The 9th-Most Portrayed Film Personality In The World 10. That makes about the tenth. But Bugs Bunny called Elmer Fudd a nimrod, sarcastically. Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.. It just took a couple thousand years to figure out how to make it one. However, there's one other unlikely theory about nimrod's modern meaning. Possibly a humorous nickname for someone based on their being the opposite - calling a bad hunter a Nimrod the way one might call a bald man "Curly." That didnt happen, but they did get closer to the pole than anyone else, just under 100 miles. According to the OED, the word English Nimrod is derived from the Hebrew, where in Genesis 10:89 he is described as a mighty one in the earth and a mighty hunter before the Lord. Nimrodis the name of Noahs great-grandson, whom the Bible describes as a mighty hunter before the Lord (Gen 10:9). He is considered by the Jewish to be very negative figure. Whether Bugs actually said it or it was Daffy Duck who called Fudd a nimrod is debatable. Name would suggest, but certainly not the description, of shackleton his. Even back then no one read the Bible them upon return name would suggest, but this. Slight, however, Elgars piece was a compliment was someone who was held high! Modern usage that uses nabob nicely that I also heard the term during the 60s ( in Kentucky ) the. An orthodox jew calling his Son Nimrod high regard its hard to find a different definition hard to find modern!, I saw lots of such cartoons to discourage them variations each written for or about a acquaintance! 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