Then on day five, I noticed the congestion in my ear getting worse than it has ever been and woke the next day with it so bad, my teeth and gums on that side are extremely painful and I have a low grade fever. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our. I explained to her about borax and different forms of arthritis and suggested she start by using homemade borax lotion since she was adverse to taking borax orally. I am quite confused with the dosage- I am taking 1 tbsp a day from mix of 1/8 tsp if borax in 1 l of distilled water - some sites suggest to drink that 1 litre if the mix of borax a day - please advise . While it is not as antiarthritic as borax, it does have anti-osteoporosis effects, it also has multiple protective effects throughout the body and your medical team may be more open to its use because of these multiple health protective activities that it has displayed in hundreds of studies. Thanks. Please share your experience with us! This would be the 1/8 tspn of Borax per liter of water sipped throughout the day for the recommended amount of days. Highly recommend activated charcoal for anyone going through a detox or for stomach pain. I also reminded her that borax is helpful for staving off osteopenia and osteoporosis. The only thing I did different was eat some ice cream the other night. According to the ODS, a safe intake of boron may be between 113 mg per day. I assume his intent was to use the first two weeks as a loading dose before going down to 4 days on + 3 days off. Question - you say to keep boron in your system throughout the day, but you also say you just put a pinch or 2 or 3 in your coffee and drink just once a day. DR'S prescribe it so much that people ate constantly getting sicker. Another example is molybdenum supplements should be taken, if you can find them! (I have used DMSO occasionally). Improvement of joint function with a specific nutraceutical containing calcium fructoborate in subjects with knee discomfort: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Is the ketogenic diet right for autoimmune conditions? My question: In your opinion, would it be "safe" for me to follow this Borax protocol for women? People with low bone health may wish to speak with a doctor about using boron supplements to replenish calcium and magnesium stores. At completion of two weeks, he had noticeable improvement. You are now using a very simple, very inexpensive method to keep your arthritis in remission indefinitely. As I do the same when I hear something new. Once you get good control you should not need DMSO at all and may be able to subtract the extra day of borax. Fill the bottle with 4 oz hot distilled water. I said I would consider it if taking glucosamine and condroitin didn't help and that I would let him know. ebay New Zealand looks like they have DMSO also : Then, take two days off before repeating the cycle. Click here to learn more. When I saw the recipe for applying it externally, with DMSO, I printed and stuck on my fridge and quit taking it internally, Then I had a fall in the gym end of January to my right side and lower backside that had me pretty immobile for 2 weeks to get dressed and help to get ex-rays. Staphylococcus is a unique bacteria that digests your cartilage, something they call proteoglycan and once the cartilage or out the other bacteria does the other work in digesting the along the joints rich in calcium, iron, and lack of circulation, being to their advantage as they are anaerobic creatures. Osteoarthritis is a wearing away of the joints, particularly those that have been subject to trauma, infection or over-use when injured. You might try a topical over the counter pain reliever that I have found to be fairly effective for pain relief. of vitamin D3 and 100 mcg of vitamin K2 or K3. After a month of use she told me that there were areas of her hands, the padded areas, that were no longer painful and her fingers also had less pain, but here fingers were still locking. Absolutely, NO selling of services or products, you will be removed from our group. Continued success to you! Add 1 teaspoon of borax (20 Mule Team is what I use). Hope this helps. Copper supplements are easy to find. No pain in the hands.. increased flexibility in the joints.. no clicking when I open and close my fingers. Here is a link to it :,aps,142&sr=8-1&th=1. But within 18 months most Dr's a reason to prescribe it again and therefor add on to what's still left in our bodies the last time. Taking prednisone, in general, is bad news period. All Rights Reserved. As you may know, large amounts of borax powder (aka 20 Mule Team) taken all at once are contraindicated. Dietary changes are also necessary. You can check the pollen count in your area at Getting wind, especially cold, in that ear causes it to get stuffy again. Another possible reason is because some people who might not be able to tolerate the full daily dose all at once, may be able to tolerate a full dose dispersed throughout the day. The arthritis damages joints and once the borax stops the damage process, the body can then start to repair some of the joint damage which can take time, whereas before the joint damage was occurring faster than the body could repair the damage. The most important remedy, whether you use the apple cider vinegar with baking soda, or the lemon with baking soda, is actually the baking soda. Only members can see who's in the group and what they post. She told me that if she could do it all over again, she would have never stopped taking borax, even if it were the cause of her anemia because she said she is so miserable now, she would rather have tried to deal with the anemia through natural means. The timeline for experiencing relief from arthritis symptoms while using borax can vary. Boron is a trace mineral. The MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet, which is the Bible for chemical safety and toxicity) for borax shows that borax actually has the same or similar toxicity profile as common table salt. How Viagra became a new 'tool' for young men, Ankylosing Spondylitis Pain: Fact or Fiction, Complementary Medicine / Alternative Medicine,,,,,,,,,,,, The initial evidence was that boron supplementation alleviated arthritic pain and discomfort of the author. If you are allowed to take anti rejection drugs and antibiotics, boron, as a natural supplement, should be as safe or safer than those toxic Pharma drugs. <<<, Rick: The reason why ibuprofen (or ibuprophen) works is that it is antifungal. My husband and I each take 4-6 mg per day. 02/21/15. I understand you feeling fearful about taking borax. I've been doing this every other day now for about 2 weeks. Sex and gender exist on spectrums. My skin got real flakey! I was diagnosed with arthritis in my back by a chiropractor. Bulk Pure Borax for business owners also avail. That helped reduce her pain level, but still the pain persisted after months of daily use. (n.d.). Today and tomorrow I will take 2 days off and try the 5 days on approach since I seem to tolerate the borax so well. ", Maria, This is a relatively conservative dose. Boron may be suitable for arthritis when taken in appropriate amounts. The usual dose I think is between 5-10 mg per day, if you can find them! I took a large capsule size of borax for arthritis and experienced brain fogginess and slight dizziness. After about three weeks of use, she related that her hands had further reduced pain, but her fingers were still locking when she would drive. Another application of borax has been for treating rheumatoid arthritis (RA). A Day in My Life - Soft boy. Apparently the found that once the plug the joints, the mycobacterium ate away at the screws of the joints which attaches to the bone. Read the recipes and feedback on EC's borax page. If you experience any adverse reactions, reduce your dosage or discontinue use for a while. Not sure if I technically have arthritis. What form of borax do you use? Alkalization is important also necessary to kill these fungus causing arthritis and a good remedy may be 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 glass of water twice a day, or perhaps a 2 tablespoon lime juice plus 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 glass of water (at least) taken twice a day. If your symptoms go away during your on days, you might try adding a day of borax to your regimen. I noticed I was feeling better and better, but today I feel amazing!!!! The factor that helps their growth are high free metal iron, lack of boron, high sugar, high calcium which protects the colonies. I wonder if that contributed. Doctors and nurses are amazed when I tell them I take it daily. Thank you everyone. Right after a shower is a good time. Borax is a versatile substance that can be used internally and externally to treat various health conditions. I will keep looking for it online. Borax, or sodium tetraborate, is a powdery white mineral that has been used as a cleaning product for several decades. Check out this information, This article, in my opinion, states that boron, which is what borax is, is very beneficial for kidney transplant patients. I'm very glad that the borax is working well for you to reverse your arthritis! Thanks for all your help. The studies suggested that borates could be a safe way to improve mobility and reduce joint pain in both humans and animals. This also adds further confirmation to the idea that borax does not work for everybody all of the time, as I have previously seen in other friends. About a year and a half ago I developed sciatic nerve pain in both legs from (stupidly) replacing a bathroom floor, took me 2 weeks on my hands and knees - what a mistake!!! TikTok video from Jasiel1111 (@jasiel11111): "@gulfcoastlady #createdtoheal #borax #arthritis #chronicpain #disease #detox #candida #heavymetals #foodismedicine #minerals". If the body still have regenerative capacity, your body can heal, and colloidal silver according to Dr. Robert Becker, has the ability to cause cells to be dedifferentiation - which is another word for stem cells. ' I had some reduction in finger and elbow swelling but the bottom of my feet are still swollen. It's important to note that borax can have side effects, such as digestive distress or flu-like symptoms. Tannins have an affinity of pulling out some iron out of the body. Created To Heal! 4. Hey which DMSO did you buy? Here is a copy of three posts by Ted discussing dosing of borax for arthritis that illustrate this dosing change : Replied by Ted Judging by the available studies, which are very limited, there could be a risk for kidney issues at high enough dosing. With its anti-inflammatory powers already being recognized by traditional medicine like Ayurveda, experts today are exploring it possibilities for treating inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Effects of Borax. it works! I did this for about a week but then started to feel feverish so I stopped. If borax isn't helping you, consider upping the dosage. Make sure to apply to clean skin before you do this because DMSO is a solvent. Visible. Clearly your pain levels have declined significantly! Additionally, borax has antifungal properties that can combat any fungal infection that may contribute to arthritis. However, I am now able, in my 4th month, to take a day off here and there. How is it working? I bought the box and it sat on my shelf for 3 months before I finally decided to try it at the dose recommended by Ted. Another option is to use higher dose lysine, vitamin C and glycine as a means to replace damaged joint material at a rate faster than the rate of joint destruction from osteoarthritis, but this is a little controversial and your medical team may not be open to this idea, but a definite consideration if they are. The reason is bacteria and their biofilms tend to exists in the medium of pH below 6. (2010). Borax is the key ingredient in Ted's Mange Cure. Thought I would share my new borax method with the EC community as it's working so phenomenally well, and fast, I am quite stunned actually. If those are destroyed, the microbes have no way of surviving and eating up your joints. This is a dilution of 3X more than of a single cup/glass, which is significant. The staphyloccus like bacteria (cartilage eating kind) have a weakness for magnesium. It is called Stopain and comes in a roll on bottle. Boron has shown anti-arthritic activity and anti-osteoporosis activity in people also. Don't give up on it too soon. My sciatica seems to have almost completely disappeared. I took a pinch of borax in my drinking water before bed last night and had a stretch of 4 and a 1/2 hoursof deep sleep before waking, which is about double of my normal. Susi from Alabama. To optimize the benefits of using borax for arthritis, drinking plenty of water while taking it is recommended. In any case, you can run these ideas by your transplant team and doctor to see if they are open to any of these options. In case if you want to look at other minerals, gettin some hair mineral analysis, and have a look especially on the Molybdenum, Cobalt, Iron, Silver, Iodine, Magnesium, boron and some others. I would drink it either twice a week or once a week. Researchers are also looking at boron as a potential treatment for malignant brain tumors and other forms of cancer. Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine, 16(3), 169-180. doi: 10.1177/1533210110392892, Pl, A., Klmn, S., Pajor, L., Kszegi, T., Gspr, R., Financsek, I., & Bender, T. (2014). This is hard for me since my mother had SEVERE osteoporosis and I was diagnosed with osteopenia several years ago: "The factor that helps their growth are high free metal iron, lack of boron, high sugar, high calcium which protects the colonies." For example, if you take boron fluoride is removed from the body. Unfortunately, borax is no longer working for that purpose for her. I was hesitant to drink the solution, so decided applying it topically would be OK (not sure why I thought that, the skin is a huge organ which absorbs all kinds of things, including Epsom salts and baking soda in a bath) The application at room temperature felt so good and relieving. Thank you for your quick response. The oral borax is a very simple, very easy and very inexpensive way. I also did a bath with it and baking soda, my skin dried to a crisp. Does anyone have experience or know if it's ok to use if you are on prednisone? I however prefer to take allantoin as a supplements maybe 10-50 mg/day might help too, with some aloe vera. Thank you so much Art, for your very helpful and comprehensive reply! It's important to note that arthritis is a degenerative disease that has likely developed over several years; therefore, healing can also take time. And people with Parkinson's can go wacko. If you know the half life of borax in the body, you can adjust it more precisely. Growing evidence for human health benefits of boron. Add a few drops of DMSO to the palm of your hand, rub your hands together, and then apply the DMSO on top of the borax. Like just a pinch in your coffee in the morning. I might try it. According to a study published in the journal Biological Trace Element Research, calcium fructoborate may help alleviate joint pain and inflammation in individuals with knee osteoarthritis. I would also take plenty of magnesium supplements such as magnesium citrate 250-500 mg/day for 5 days out of a week. Doctor didn't have any remedy for it, so I'm self medicating. Thanks! Is there a reason it's supposed to be sipped thruout the day? Higher doses may have serious side effects. Since 1963, evidence has accumulated that suggests boron is a safe and effective treatment for some forms of arthritis. Vets can use it and you can buy that quality for your farm animals or race horses. Sounds scary to me! Staphyloccocus weaknesses is of magnesium citate or magnesium gluconate 250/mg day. A soy milk should be UNSUGARED and taken about 250 cc, twice a day, which is more like a glass of it twice a day. ' What are the causes and types of arthritis. Discover the natural and effective remedy of using borax for arthritis. I know we've been told how great they are, but if you do a bit of research they are loaded with lectins and oxalates, the oxalates are the really bad ones as they settle in the joints and can cause loads of pain. Hallucinations and not sleeping which is a scary bad situation to watch your dad go through. Your results seem similar to mine where I just got steady improvement until all symptoms were just gone. How long is the solution in the bottle good for? I have been thinking the same, I will start adding Borax to my bath. For arthritis, osteoporosis, muscle cramps, joint pain or stiffness, or low hormone production take 10 mg (1.5 teaspoon) or more per day for several months or longer until your ailment has sufficiently improved. Fortunately, the boron found in borax can be obtained from alternative sources. It's the oxalates in the green drinks that hinder absorption of iron. It is used for cleaning houses and removing bugs. I did have a severe detox reaction the first few days of drinking it - mostly stomach pain, which I cured by taking activated charcoal. Therefore, I don't suggest starting with a pinch in a cup of coffee as it's much more concentrated. Mycobacterium have their weakness of a tiny amount of borax and staphyloccocus have their weakness of magnesium. Private. By accessing or using this website, you agree to abide by our Medical Disclaimer, Terms of Service, and Privacy Policy agreements. However, research and clinical trials are still ongoing in this area, so it may be some years before BNCT enters the mainstream. If it's bad enough I can have some dizziness but not pain. Each of these tend to form colonies around the cartilage, before they ever get worse. There are so many, very anxious to use this remedy for me and my husband. It previously was only available by prescription. I still have a little inflammation in my elbow, my wrist and a few fingers but it's not painful, just visibly noticeable. The cost of using borax for arthritis is less than a dollar per year and it doesn't get any simpler than an 1/8th teaspoon of borax for 4 or 5 days of the week! Following are some benefits caused by the use of borax. Of course I would check with my transplant coordinator first, as I've always done when wanting to take a new supplement. Rheumatoid arthritis causes many symptoms, including joint pain and stiffness. We link primary sources including studies, scientific references, and statistics within each article and also list them in the resources section at the bottom of our articles. digestive problems. I haven't felt rhis good in YEARS!!! Boron has anti-inflammatory properties that can help alleviate the symptoms of arthritis. Although I started that way, once I got to pain free, I would drink it faster and now I just drop my 1/4 teaspoon full in my mouth and wash it down with orange juice and it is still working. I may also consider taking vitamin B complex, at least a B50 kind (50 mg of most B's) for two days out of a week. They make them to keep the bugs from eating them (smart yea?) The article looks at the types, causes, and treatments, including natural, Medical News Today has strict sourcing guidelines and draws only from peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical journals and associations. Another supplement option that contains boron is calcium fructoborate. no issues. 2. The information on this website has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease. Is Borax and DE safe to take if I have a joint replacement? It takes 18 months for it to detox out of our bodies. She also stated that since I'm a perfect match with my sister (based on certain markers), I virtually would never run the risk of rejecting the new kidney, and thus slightly decreased my immunosuppressant doses. I don't heat mine to dissolve it because I'm putting mine in coffee. I think it wouldn't hurt to make note of every single arthritic symptom you have experienced since getting arthritis and then review that list at one months use of borax as a basis for comparison. Perhaps twice is better but one time works for me. That one you should also be able to get at your local pharmacies. A dose of 15,00020,000 mg can be fatal in adults, while high boron intakes in babies can cause anemia, seizures, skin rashes, and thinning hair. Using borax internally as a treatment for health problems may not be comfortable for everyone. Topically in a bath is very highly diluted and would be less likely to be reactive with the skin, but your concentrated solution is just that, highly concentrated and in that case could be reactive with the skin. (2), However, it's worth noting that while foods such as nuts and legumes do contain boron, boron deficiency is still relatively common. Borax is a natural remedy that can effectively treat various types of arthritis and joint problems. However, an average dose I think are appropriate are 25 mg of borax in drinking water, or I can just do it another way around with 1/8 - 1/4 teaspoon of borax in one liter of drinking water that is drank in divided dose throughout the day. Background: I've been diagnosed with osteopenia, & some age-related osteoarthritis, and am mostly non-symptomatic especially when I'm consistent in completely avoiding sugar, dairy, and "bad" carbs! So even though I started May 10th it wasn't a consistent amount. I bought boron supplements just in case, 3mg on Amazon, but I'm sticking with the laundry soap because it works. Hi Elaine, borax may be what is causing it, BUT right now, trees and flowers are releasing a lot of pollen, and that could aggravate any existing sinus/ear/eye condition. After many Chiropractic treatments I got some relief but not completely, last treatment was November 2022. Other vitamin supplements, such as SAMe or turmeric, may also help relieve the symptoms of arthritis and reduce pain and inflammation. General. Type 2 diabetes and cognitive decline: Is Tai chi more effective than walking? Curcumin doesn't stop osteoarthritis the way borax can, but it can significantly reduce the damaging inflammation and oxidative stress that it causes and consequently, significantly reduce joint damage, potentially making it possible for you to live with osteoarthritis indefinitely. Additionally, more information about the possible side effects of borax can be found on this page. I'm 67 and a post-kidney transplant patient. And an impressive number of dogs and other animals have been cured of mange with Ted's Mange Cure. Boron helps to regulate hormones, especially estrogen and testosterone. Borax gets used in glass, ceramics and pottery-making purposes. 5. Soy milk is quite helpful for arthritis, perhaps from the vitamin K and the manganese, in which it is high in. Massage into the skin until most of it has been absorbed. She is also knitting again which had gotten to painful to do as she liked to do. The one used in laundry? A saturated borax solution is made with 1% hydrogen peroxide to use externally to kill the yeast. and for the bugs it's like shards of glass, but for us our mouths and teeth are so big that we just gulp them down and the body deposits them in joints and muscles. Today, modern ingredients have mostly replaced borax in cleansers and cosmetics. For men, dissolve 1/4 teaspoon of borax in 1 liter of water, and sip it throughout the day for five days. I may try it again at some point. I think I would try this myself. It is cleaned and has 3 different Magnesiums, where the Pink Salt is dug by hand and never cleaned. Group created on February 15, 2018. Although there is no recommended daily intake for boron, experts suggest that a dosage of between 113 mg per day is safe to take. Obviously, the treatment of related pain is an enormous source of profits for Big Pharma, not to mention hip and knee replacement surgery. I'm also a 72 y. o. guy and I've been taking borax on a daily basis for about 15 years. The Royal Society of Chemistry estimates that people take in around 2 mg of boron per day through diet alone. Borax (think 20 mule team} cures arthritis osteoporosis and tooth decay - FUCK YOU MEDICAL MAFIA !! It is available online and in many health food stores. So spreading the dose may make it more tolerable for more people and potentially decrease the potential for a negative reaction.., Low odor DMSO - Dimethyl sulfoxide liquid (3.4 Oz - 100ml), Pharmaceutical grade, High purity, Heiltropfen. As far as your topical reaction to Borax, it may be the concentration level. Boron is essential in maintaining the correct levels of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus in the body. no pain! I was concerned about using a full 1/8th of Borax so used a pinch in my coffee once a day for about 3 days now. For example, silver or colloidal silver, taken everyday, one tablespoon twice a day for several months will encourage stem cells in the body, but the best thing of all is it seems to destroy the "slime" or biofilms along the joints. You will see that the toxicity level of borax is identical to table salt. Vegetarians tend to get the most boron from their diet because they typically eat more plant-based foods, which are good sources of boron. Schizophrenia: Researchers say network disruptions in the brain may be a factor, Schizophrenia: How blood vessel growth in the brain may be a factor, Why adults in rural areas face higher risk of heart failure. I took 3 days off from internal Borax like you said and by day 4, today, I had a little more inflammation even though I took Borax today, hoping tomorrow is better. Using borax for arthritis and autoimmune. While more research is needed to fully understand its mechanisms and efficacy, using borax for arthritis has shown promise. Is it ok to continue heating the mixture each day to dissolve the borax? Although experts do not fully understand the connections between rheumatoid arthritis and depression, there may be benefits to using antidepressants. Half an hour later, the pain was more intense and never let up until bed, Next day, tried again with 3 drops and still in pain and now today I am in worse pain in my side, So I am ready to give up and wondering what I am doing wrong or what does a few drops mean for DMSO. The review also found that people with osteoarthritis had lower concentrations of boron than people without osteoarthritis. It works for me and I'm still drug free. Some people also believe that borax lubricates the joints, leading to improved mobility and less discomfort. I read the reviews on here about 6 weeks ago and decided to try the "20 Mule Team Borax" from Walmart using the quarter teaspoon daily dosage. I also really like the Charcoal House brand. Plus absolutely no side effects. For instance Dr Newnham saw a young girl aged 9 months with juvenile arthritis. Borax is often labelled as 'poison', but salt is not. MNT is the registered trade mark of Healthline Media. I followed your recipe for my sore spots and I'm not sure if that or internal Borax worked but it's helping. After the first two weeks he went down to 4 days a week and the benefit remained steady and improving. I would only use the 20 Mule Team borax. One need apply the borax and DMSO solution only once a day to see results. While they may not be as effective as borax, they can still contribute to bone and joint health. I've been using borax as a successful preventative against arthritis but I also use it to prevent fungal infections as well -- borax is the ultimate anti-fungal! She no longer has a fear of oral borax at Ted's suggested dose of 1/8th teaspoon in a quart of water each day for 4 or 5 days per week. This was more effective than the borax lotion, but she still had pain in both hands and her fingers would still lock in place such as when she was holding her steering wheel while driving and she would have to pry them open which she said was very painful and they would often make a loud popping noise when she would pry them open, which she said was very painful to do. And coffee is not the same as water, especially to the body. It is also available at Walmart if you have one near you. Take a new supplement arthritis in my 4th month, to take allantoin as a potential treatment for brain. And phosphorus in the body it either twice a week or once a week but started. To follow this borax protocol for women 4-6 mg per day skin dried to crisp. Trade mark of Healthline Media better and better, but today I feel amazing!!!!!! Another example is molybdenum supplements should be taken, if you experience any adverse reactions reduce... 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Vitamin D3 and 100 mcg of vitamin K2 or K3 last treatment was November 2022 by hand and cleaned...: is Tai chi more effective than walking be fairly effective for pain.! They have DMSO also: https: borax for arthritis? _from=R40 & _trksid=p2499334.m570.l1313 & _nkw=DMSO & _sacat=165857 of it been...