[4] Although critics of Harnisch's theory question whether Bayley's mental and physical condition at the time of the murder would have been consistent with the commission of this type of crime, the original investigators' theory that the body was cut in half because the killer wasn't strong enough to move it intact partially answers this objection. Dr. George Hodel Transcripts", "How the Black Dahlia Murder Became a Twin Obsession for Two L.A. This is what he theorized: Lindgren was the matron of honor at the marriage of Virginia Short and Adrian West, who Harnisch learned quite a lot about from interviewing their son, Elizabeth Shorts nephew. I opened a dusty old box, and it was like exhuming a body, Lopez wrote. He was later exonerated of all charges, though. Daily News reporter Jack Smith, later a revered Los Angeles Times columnist, wrote that the frenzied coverage was The Front Page come to life.. Rudolph Walthers, known to have been acquainted with victim and also with suspect Hodel, claimed he had not seen victim in the presence of Hodel and did not believe that the doctor had ever met the victim. When he finally tracked down Barbara Lindgren, his initial investigation into Bayley was almost complete. In addition, one of the Los Angeles homicides Hodel attributes to his father was extensively investigated by the Unit, Lambkin says; the case was solved, the killer was identified, and he was not George Hodel. In addition, he met with Walter Tim Liemert, the son of the man who developed the housing tract, located in the neighborhood named after himLiemert Park. On the day Shorts body was discovered, the paper reported two murders, thirteen robberies, and forty-seven burglaries. If the autopsy had been conducted by the Los Angeles County Coroner, Harnisch says, he could have obtained a copy because its a public record, but a pathologist at the Veterans Administration conducted the postmortem. While he was overseas and flying P-51s in the Burmese theater he wrote and proposed marriage. Harnisch found the books for the 3900 block of South Norton Avenue and he worked his way through them until he reached the 1940s. However, there is no evidence that either Bayley or his associates performed abortions. [2] Steve claims he was unaware at the time that his father had been a suspect, although his sister Tamar was friends with Janice Knowlton, author of her own book, Daddy Was The Black Dahlia Killer, and case documents make it clear that Steve's parents and many of their associates knew George Hodel was a suspect. The picture, which is signed: To T.J. Love and luck always, Beth, reveals Shorts gracious nature. Hodel draws sweeping conclusions, but when I began to investigate all I found were shadows He never put the two of them together, let alone prove a murder. Still, Hodel was elated by the release of the D.A. I get a lot of calls from people with repressed memories, who tell me the killer was their dad, or their uncle, or their neighbor, and on and on. In five other books Hodel describes his investigation into these killings. files. Former colleagues and relatives expressed to Harnisch how shocked they were at how Bayleys personality drastically changed toward the end of his life. Detective David Lambkin, who was head of the Unit at the time, said that Hodel lost credibility as a result of the numerous other murders he attributed to his father. While some of the original 24 suspects were discounted, new ones have arisen. Since beginning his investigation, Steve located and identified one of the photographic subjects as a former friend of George Hodel. While most decades-old murders slip into obscurity, the Black Dahlia case attracts so much attention that the LAPD has continued to assign the homicide to a specific detective since the lead investigator retired in 1960. Folk singer Woody Guthrie was one of the many suspects in the murder, according to the Los Angeles County district attorney's files and Ramblin' Man: The Life and Times of Woody Guthrie written by Ed Cray and published in 2004 by W.W. Norton. After his death, his widow alleged that his mistress knew a "terrible secret" about Bayley and was made the main beneficiary upon his death as a result. Walter was our only sonthe only child of our flesh and blood, Bayley said in a newspaper story. In August, 1945, five days before V-J Day, Gordon was killed in a crash and Short never overcame her grief. Author James Ellroy endorsed Harnisch's theory in the 2001 film James Ellroy's Feast of Death. When Larry Harnisch, a Los Angeles Times copy editor and writer, began studying the case in 1996, he eventually concluded that Bayley could be Short's killer. We can win experience, but never achieve innocence. The following acquaintances of Hodel were questioned and none were able to connect the suspect with murder: Fred Sexton, 1020 White Knoll Drive; Nita Moladero, 1617 North Normandy [Normandie]; Ellen Taylor 5121 Fountain Avenue; Finlay Thomas, 616 South Normandy [Normandie]; Mildred B. Colby, 4029 Vista Del Monte Street, Sherman Oaks, this witness was a girlfriend of Charles Smith, abortionist friend of Hodel, Turin Gilkey, 1025 North Wilcox; Irene Summerset, 1236 North Edgemont; Norman Beckett, 1025 North Wilcox; Ethel Kane, 1033 North Wilcox; Annette Chase, 1039 North Wilcox; Dorothy Royer, 1636 North Beverly Glenn. Theres a lot of conjecture, but by the end of the book its stated as fact. She concocted numerous other sob stories to con men she had briefly met out of a few bucks. "The things that she is saying are not consistent with the facts of the case. Using letters clipped from a page of movie ads, he addressed the envelope. Hodels investigation began when he was retired and living in the Pacific Northwest. Frontotemporal dementia primarily affects the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain. Kay, who had worked with Hodel on some cases when he was a homicide detective, wrote, while emphasizing that he was not speaking for the D.As office, The most haunting murder mystery in Los Angeles County during the 20th, century has finally been solved in the 21st. . Harnisch has studied the case off and on for twenty-four years. She began following Harnischs blog about the case, which he launched after writing the anniversary story, and was immediately impressed. Reporters and detectives raced to track down the boyfriends identified in the letters. Donahoe balked. After encountering these early erroneous accounts, he vowed that everything he wrote would be exact, backed by authenticated sources, and he ended up spending an inordinate amount of time, which stalled his own research and writing, challenging the accounts of other writers. If you read the book without delving into it too closely, I can see why you might buy into what he claims. He also spends the evening wandering around the lobby of the Biltmore Hotel, where Short was last seen, paying homage to her and ruminating about the case. In 1920, the son was riding a bike when he saw his younger sister was about to step off the sidewalk. Best-selling author James Ellroy was eleveneight months after his mother was murderedwhen he received a copy of The Badge as a birthday present from his father. The D.A. Bayley was 67 years old at the time of the murder, had no known history of violence or criminal activity of any kind, and is not known to have met Short, even though his daughter was a friend of Short's oldest sister. - Los Angeles' Most Gruesome Murder Ever Elizabeth ("The Black Dahlia") Short's Murder Still Unsolved. The office in his small South Pasadena home is crammed with five metal file cabinets, twenty boxes of file folders, and four bookcases lined with hundreds of books, all focused on the Short homicide or Los Angeles history. Harnisch points out that this was a hulking eight-story medical building devoted entirely to doctors, so just having an office there proves nothing. But it makes a neat package, doesnt it?, In the 2001 documentary James Ellroys Feast of Death, Harnisch presents his theory of the case during a dinner hosted by Ellroy, who has studied the murder for decades and has an encyclopedic knowledge of L.A. crime. Bayley was an L.A. surgeon who lived just one block away from the location where police . He raced through the two lines, pencil poised, and wrote in a single word. Smith later discovered that the editor, who had no idea what Short looked like, added beautiful to describe the victim. Walter Thomas Bailey (January 11, 1882 - February 21, 1941) was an American architect from Kewanee, Illinois.He was the first African American graduate with a bachelor of science degree in architectural engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the first licensed African-American architect in the state of Illinois. Harnisch has studied the case off and on for twenty-four years. They even aided the police in determining the identity of the victim. The story of the Black Dahlia made headlines for weeks. He sticks to the facts. His dad was one of the suspects in the Dahlia murder, dont get me wrong, but Hodel went way overboard, Lambkin says. Fickling and Short spent some time in a hotel in Hollywood, but the romance fizzled. His initial outline for the book was narrowly focused. At the Biltmore Hotel, where Short was last seen, the bar serves a Black Dahlia cocktail. Over the course of their correspondence, De River began to believe that Connors did not exist and that Dillon had committed the murder himself. The office in his small South Pasadena home is crammed with five metal file cabinets, twenty boxes of file folders, and four bookcases lined with hundreds of books, all focused on the Short homicide or Los Angeles history. One of the first suspects was Walter Bayley. It was so white and separated in the middle. The family has gone through so much and all writers have ever done is rip them off. The envelope included Shorts birth certificate, Social Security card, newspaper clippings, and a ten-year-old address book, which listed seventy-five men. According to the files, at the time of the murder O'Reilly was a good friend of Hansen and frequented Hansen's nightclub. From studying the microfilmed, John Jigsaw John St. John was assigned the Dahlia file after Hansen retired and he kept control of the case until he pulled the pin in 1993. Short was not killed by Walter Bayley. I glanced to my right and saw this very dead, white body, she told Harnisch, her voice cracking. [11], In 2004, De River's daughter, Jacque Daniel, published a book called The Curse of the Black Dahlia, in which she expressed her belief that her father had been unfairly maligned for the Dillon affair.[12]. When asked about an element of the investigation, he is often reluctant to answer, and instead says, Let me check my files. He then lunges out of his chair, disappears into his office, roots through the photocopied newspapers clippings, inquest reports, and investigative files, and returns with a precise answer. [25], In a side note to her accusations against her father, Janice Knowlton, who was a frequent contributor as .mw-parser-output cite.citation{font-style:inherit;word-wrap:break-word}.mw-parser-output .citation q{quotes:"\"""\"""'""'"}.mw-parser-output .citation:target{background-color:rgba(0,127,255,0.133)}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-free a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-free a{background:url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/65/Lock-green.svg")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .id-lock-registration a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-registration a{background:url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d6/Lock-gray-alt-2.svg")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-subscription a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-subscription a{background:url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/aa/Lock-red-alt-2.svg")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-ws-icon a{background:url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4c/Wikisource-logo.svg")right 0.1em center/12px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-code{color:inherit;background:inherit;border:none;padding:inherit}.mw-parser-output .cs1-hidden-error{display:none;color:#d33}.mw-parser-output .cs1-visible-error{color:#d33}.mw-parser-output .cs1-maint{display:none;color:#3a3;margin-left:0.3em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-format{font-size:95%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-left{padding-left:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-right{padding-right:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .citation .mw-selflink{font-weight:inherit}"jgk61". It was so refreshing to find someone who was sticking to the facts and the original documents, she says. Lane had lived in Los Angeles at the time of the murder and was employed by Columbia Studios, a favorite hangout of Short's, as a maintenance man. Ill never say Im a hundred percent sure. In his office, Harnisch points out a framed photo of Short, who was called Beth at the time, wearing a green beret, a matching top, and a string of pearls. They deserve to have somebody tell the story accurately. In one of Short's last letters home, her older sister Virginia claimed she had written that a movie director was going to give her a screen test. Grabbing her hand, she ran with her to the nearest neighbors house to call the police. Bersinger told Harnisch a different story. Harnisch created a timeline of when reporters, photographers, and detectives arrived by studying the shadows on the crime scene photographs. New England has the Boston Strangler. At the time of the murder, Bayley's estranged wife still lived in the home. At present the following suspects are discussed by various authors and experts: Bayley was a Los Angeles surgeon who lived one block south of the vacant lot in which Short's body was found, until he left his wife in October 1946. Informant Lillian DeNorak [Lenorak] has been committed to the State Mental Institution at Camarillo. [5], Among Harnisch's behavioral/psychological evidence: Bayley's neurodegenerative condition was known to produce violent behavior in otherwise passive individuals; his surgical specializations included mastectomies, hysterectomies, and the surgical removal of fat; in conversation with Bayley's former receptionist, Harnisch discovered that he and his mistress would, at dinnertime, watch movies of surgeries and autopsies. Walter Bayley (1529-1593), was an English physician. She told Harnisch that she was stunned that Bayley and Partikya used to pick up dinner to go, listen to classical music at their medical office, and eat dinner while watching surgery films. Yet another theory was that the murder may have been an attempt to frame Siegel by Jack Dragna, who wanted revenge for Siegel's attacks on Dragna's business interests since his arrival in the 1930s. 's files also indicate that Hansen had tried to seduce Short but was rebuffed. The clips revealed that Bayley had left his wife and family in 1946 because of his burgeoning relationship with a female physician he worked with, Alexandra Partyka. He graduated M.B. Bayley had a degenerative brain disorder, which could have resulted in violent behavior. Welles left the country for an extended stay in Europe 10 months after the murder without completing the editing of Macbeth, the film he was both directing and starring in. A Michigan death metal band is called The Black Dahlia Murder. Once there, Dillon and De River traveled to San Francisco to unsuccessfully look for Connors. He visited the downtown library and photocopied all the microfilmed Dahlia stories from the three other major newspapers in Los Angeles at the timethe, After tracking down and interviewing Betty Bersinger, the woman who found the body on Norton Avenue in South Los Angeles, Harnisch discovered that one of the first myths that had accreted around the Dahlia story did not match the reality. Author claims to have found 1947 murderer", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Black_Dahlia_suspects&oldid=1145097905, This page was last edited on 17 March 2023, at 07:28. I happened to be working on the rewrite desk of the, Once Short was identified, reporters scurried to find out as much about her as possibleon deadline. Jemison had compiled a list of 22 suspects, with Dr. George Hodel among them., Hodel was initially considered a suspect because Jemison compiled a list of all L.A. doctors who had been accused of sex crimes. When the woman learned that Short was homeless, she invited her to stay at the apartment she shared with her mother and younger brother. About a dozen patrol officers, sergeants, command officers, and detectives descended upon the scene, in addition to numerous reporters and photographers. 1951). Harnisch adds one more variable to his hypothesis. Unlike the other pigeons she was trying to con, he would have actually asked how he died because he was a doctor. Although I wasnt quite there yet, this was definitely interesting. Redding of Santa Barbara City Colleges Justice Studies Department says that both Eatwell and Hodel have fallen into the trap of confirmation bias. Short spent about a month at the apartment, briefly dating a number of men before she met a pipe clamp salesman by the name of Robert Red Manley. Prior to Wilson's death, however, Gilmore made an entirely different claim to the Los Angeles Herald-Examiner in a story appearing January 17, 1982. On a recent sunny afternoon, Harnisch takes me on a stroll down Norton Avenue to illuminate some of his claims. In secret testimony, Detective Harry Hansen, one of the original investigators, told the 1949 Los Angeles County grand jury that in his opinion the killer was a "top medical man" and "a fine surgeon." As a result of wide-spread corruption in the LAPD, Hodel claimed, the murders were covered up and never solved. The original was filed in Sacramento, the state capital, so Harnisch, still not wanting to get his hopes up, sent a check and ordered a copy. As you can see, Harnisch says, its an easy walk from the crime scene to Walter Bayleys houseonly one block. 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