I wont. Their understanding of the world and the way the world works is that power dynamics are the way the world works. Guest: Voddie Baucham. Were all one in Christ. In a speech given on "Cultural Marxism," Baucham blamed cultural change on a group called the Frankfurt school, a collection of Jewish scholars who he said set out to intentionally. So capitalism had to fall. You see, intersectionality says that the level of oppression and the kind of oppression that you experience combines itself in these areas and layers itself in these areas, these intersections if you will. Im going to try to do this quickly. This man sat under an overt Marxist pastor for decades. One, to explain why the revolution didnt occur as Marx thought it would. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Cultural Marxism is an agenda, not just an idea. There is brokenness here that has to be addressed. Dr. Baucham is the author of numerous books, including Expository Apologetics: Answering Objections with the Power of the Word, The Supremacy of Christ in a Postmodern World, and Family Shepherds: Calling and Equipping Men to Lead Their Homes. For more resources on these topics, you can visit www.founders.org. Now, back then, he had a wannabe mustache and that was it. In recent years we have a growing concern about "social justice.". Glad you find it helpful too. These individuals who were known for developing critical theory and popularizing the dialectic method of learning by interrogating societys contradictions and its most closely associated with the work of a number of German philosophers during the early twentieth century. From his time pastoring at Grace Family Baptist Church in Texas, to now serving as the Dean of Theology at African Christian University in Zambia, Voddie and his family have gone whole heartedly after this call to mission. And thats what I hope this session will be about. And its hard for him, knowing that I have the ability and opportunity to do that, to speak certain things into my life, for fear that I might. He is the One who defines justice and He has revealed what true justice is in the Bible. And hope for it in return. What's a resource where he talks about "cultural marxism?" I've seen lots of his proponents share snippets and sound bytes of him, but they lack the definition and nuance that makes me think it's not just a reactionary sentiment. Why? And so that really just begin to transform my thinking on this. And the more of those boxes you tick off, the more privileged you are. There are too many police officers that have been killed by citizens. But some of them kind of really put the thinking caps on and tried to figure out, okay, why didnt this happen and how can we move this idea forward? And to me this is the sinister part of the problem. On-air Personalities: David Barton, Rick Green, and Tim Barton. Theres one individual then in another group, Antonio Gramsci was an Italian Marxist and he was put in prison by the fascist. And again, let me hasten to say, Im not arguing that everybody who talks about justice issues is somehow excluding both. Send them a letter and say, hey, our church prayed for you this week and heres a letter sign. In this address, he unpacks Cultural Marxism identifying how it is incompatible with the Christian faith that has once for all been delivered to the saints. Therefore, all other groups can claim to be oppressed by them because the men are the trendsetters, the shot-callers, the status quo. We understand Marxism writ large, right? Thats why these things are important. And the whole idea was that in order for history to move forward that there had to be this revolt, workers of the world unite, right, from each according to his ability to each according to his needs. And the Marxist in the 19th century were really sort of discouraged about this 19th and 20th century, were really discouraged about this. This is how you gain power. No. Intersectionality in a nutshell basically is the idea that to the degree that you dont have those things you are oppressed, and so if you are male, heterosexual, cisgendered, native-born, American, able-bodied by the way, also attractive; theres pretty privilege too. And weve had some from Canada, but no other countries and I would love to be able to expand that in the way youre planting those seeds there, what a wonderful opportunity. Ideas matter. ,I*K+fwXfk}?8yWJqm But today, were actually going to share with you an interview that I just had with Dr. Voddie Baucham. I grew up in Los Angeles, California, in South Central LA. These are not issues that are being discussed. And so towards the end of his life, and then during the life of his followers, they tried to explain and understand why it is that capitalism didnt fall. Because weve got people who for years have been talking about how unified we are in Christ, who now are suddenly dismissing one another because of where they fall on a particular social issue. So, I thought about it in these ways. A number of things. Legislation, U.S. Culture, America, American History, Slavery, Church, Christian Church, Fatherless, Ghetto, LAPD Rampart Division, Murder, Homicide, Activists, Islam, Protests, Civil Rights Movement, U.S. Criminal Justice System, Juvenile Detention Centers, Victims Advocate, Group Homes, Influence, Skin Color, Black Power, Black Nationalism, Boys Home, San Antonio, Texas, Social Justice Warrior, Social Justice Theory, Social Justice, White Privilege, Intersectionality, U.S. Presidents, Jeremiah Wright, Philosophy, Homosexuality, Homosexual Agenda, Infanticide, Abortion, Hate Crimes, Hate Crimes Legislation, Race Relations, U.S. Race Relations, CNN, Economics, Karl Marx, Capitalism, Communism, Athe, Athei, Atheist, Antonio Francesco Gramsci, Frankfurt School, Germany, Italy, Hegemony, Columbia University, Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts, Network | Churches | Education | Homes | Work | Finances | Notes | Media | Property | Fund, Church: Cultural Marxism by Voddie Baucham, Church: Ethnic Gnosticism by Voddie Baucham, Church: Evangelistic Protest in America 2020 "Lord Give Me You, Everything Else Can Wait, We only Want You", Life: Does God Love Transgender People? Man, weve got way too many people in prison in this country. Often the person whos looking at their brother and saying, Ah youre just a Cultural Marxist, doesnt necessarily mean that thats what the person is even though they may believe that theyre espousing some of the ideas that come from Cultural Marxism. So thats where I come from. In recent years we have a growing concern about "social justice." And so, if youre doing 52 weeks and youre going through three different branches, and youre doing federal, state and local, our people were learning that idea of kings and those in authority is much broader than who the President is. In recent years we have a growing concern about "social justice." Absolutely. Thehegemony of the popular kids over the other students means that they determine what is and is not cool; hegemonyis also the term for the leading group or nation itself. Antonio Gramsci - 1900s Italian Marxists. Voddie Baucham has spoken of the unbiblical ideology imbedded in Cultural Marxism. Anybody who knows anything about anything says if I have a gun and you reach to grab my gun, one of us is in trouble. Nearly a decade and a half now Ive been addressing this issue. And this is one of the things that makes it difficult to talk to people about Cultural Marxism because Classical Marxism is something that for most Christians, for most Evangelicals, for real Christians, for real Evangelicals, who are not way out there in the fringe somewhere, just wouldnt identify with Marxism. And so, for me, I had an understanding of politics as something far off, something almost mythical, if you will. Voddie Baucham 40th Anniversary Panel. It is a disruptive ideology with a detailed agenda for transforming America. We apologize in advance. The police who policed my neighborhood were from the famous or infamous, depending on who youre asking, Rampart Division. And then number three, this particular institution is a very unique one. In recent years we have a growing concern about social justice. What is meant by that phrase, however, varies widely among those who use and promote it. While it's important for Christians to bring biblical clarity Thats the great irony here is that there are issues that need to be dealt with, that we need to press in on, that we need to press each other on, but this has been declared ground where were not allowed to fight because merely deciding to debate and argue these issues disqualifies you. %PDF-1.4 {18:30} And yet, I despise Cultural Marxism, Im not a social justice warrior, reject ideas like white privilege, intersectionality, and systemic racism theory, absolutely, unequivocally so. In the interview, Baucham called recent developments within the SBC "sinful," "shameful," and "scandalous." We imprison more of our population than like any two, three countries in the world. We need to overturn the cultural hegemony. {49:42} Why is this important? But then when the Nazis took over, they left Frankfurt, Germany and eventually ended up in the United States, in New York at Columbia University. That is so good. Jeremiah Wright was an overt Marxist He was not just a Cultural Marxist, he was also a classical Marxist. Yours in the Lord, jm Report R Richard T Well-Known Member Mar 25, 2018 1,241 825 57 Wyoming 45,382.00 Country United States Faith Non-Denom Marital Status Single Jun 4, 2020 #2 He is the One who defines justice and He has revealed what true justice is in the Bible. In this address, he unpacks Cultural Marxism identifying how it is incompatible with the Christian faith that has once for all been delivered to the saints. They are therefore, the oppressors. And it was like, thank you so much for praying, heres some specific things that you can be praying about. And so, he joined us at Patriot Academy and just a phenomenal time of sharing. Phone. Well what if youre not white and not male and not heterosexual, well now the oppression is even worse on you because you have these three intersections of oppression. Its hard for me to say Im not going to do that to him, my brother. {9:19} So what am I saying? I mean if capitalism is exploitation of the masses, and if history is all about these conflicts and if this conflict is going to come and if the next thing that is going to come is a post-capitalist society, then why havent we seen this? Check it out [emailprotected]. {59:34} But, for me, theres something that I have to consider. And the other thing is, people think, well, Christianity, its a Western religion, its a white religion. And for them part of it was the fact that people were receiving so much information through mass media. I was raised in south central Los Angeles, now just south L.A. And then you can also just go to wallbuilders.com, scroll down to the bottom and well be posting the videos as they come out. And they became professors, especially in the areas of education, sociology and political science. Everyone should hear this. My father was always an advocate. Frankfurt School - 1900s Social Theory School, Hegemony - Term to describe how control over another happens, Karl Marx - 1800s German philosopher, economist, etc. Many thanks! make known among the nationswhat he has done. 1 Chronicles 16:8. Thats not what Im here to say. And its an agenda that needs to be recognized and an agenda that needs to be confronted. UQang q?) The cultural hegemony is patriarchal. Thank you so much for your time today. And so, its amazing to help people understand those two things. So this was sort of his dialectic if you will thesis, antithesis, synthesis. Below is my summary of Cultural Marxism in todays society: Hi thanks for providing this transcription. He is the One who defines justice and He has revealed what true justice is in the Bible. And people could sign the letter, we signed it front and back and everything for people who were there at that service where we prayed for these folks. Its name calling and things get short circuited because of the name calling, and often neither side is being completely honest and we know it. Thanks for staying with us. What if youre not white, not male, not heterosexual, and not cisgendered So now you are a black, trans-male, lesbian Anyway (*laughter from audience*), now there are four intersections of oppression, right? The sinister part of the problem is that the end results of this agenda is real pain, real sin, real brokenness that doesnt get addressed. Because of what happened in WWI, they left Germany. We have Voddie Baucham with us. So again, this is where Im coming from on these issues. Amen? It meant, you know, heres how you think critically and biblically about not only your role, what your very understanding of what it means to be a representative, what it means to be in the government, you know, so on and so forth. Hes been actually teaching in Zambia for the last five years, hes been living there and hes Dean of a theology program and pastoring a church and just doing phenomenal work there and were going to ask him about that as well. In recent years we have a growing concern about social justice. What is meant by that phrase, however, varies widely among those who use and promote it. Its interesting, because there are a lot of Africans believe that America and the West is what it is because white people are superior. Before Dr. Bauchams lecture, I have provided a brief definition and a 5 minute video that will make his lecture more understandable. {1:03:7} And secondly, because there are issues real brokenness, real sin, real problems that if were not careful, we render ourselves unable or unwilling to address because of these ideologies that weve imbibed, which means that, finally, we have to love the gospel enough and we have to love one another enough. Racism in the heart of an individual. Any of these things sound familiar? And all of a sudden now, it wasnt far off anymore. Buddhist mother. So, a black, female, transgender, Islamic, Palestinian is being oppressed in all of these five areas. He worked in the criminal justice system. What is my goal here? He was a disciple of Hegel. Youve been listening to WallBuilders Live. And if we dont understand the difference between Classical Marxism, this economic system, and Cultural Marxism, which is very different than this in its approach, then if you just hear the word its like how can you say that, how can you suggest that? Number one, he believed that history had really three stages or epochs: 1) The Ancient Stage, 2) The Futile Stage, and 3) The Capitalist Stage. Or, in my case, a sell-out who is trying to curry favor with white people. So that you know what you ought to do. During the American Revolution, colonists fought to throw off the British hegemony. For we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly, working not at all, but are busybodies. We sure appreciate you listening today. In doing so, I hope to help you understand a couple of things. Three main ideas. Thats the man. Leverage those positions in order to educate and mobilize the masses against the hegemonic power. A REAL understanding of what is happening.. Did they just disappear and stop bombing things? You ever wondered why? Your browser does not support the audio element. Swords, shields, mighty men of valor you need all that. In this address, he unpacks Cultural Marxism identifying how it is incompatible with the Christian faith that has once for all been delivered to the saints.In recent years we have a growing concern about social justice. What is meant by that phrase, however, varies widely among those who use and promote it. And so, part of what Im having to do here is sort of deprogram that and go, wait a minute, guys, lets look at a world map and lets talk about the freest societies in the world and the least corrupt societies in the world and lets also overlay that with the societies where the gospel has penetrated the deepest. And the idea that Marx had was that capitalism was exploitative. He also addresses appropriate Christian responses to this phenomenon. Number two, theologically, all the rest of them were way far away from where he was. If you get it, its me. Amen? Heres the second problem. And so, the things that were able to do, we have a student labor program so were teaching students about the importance of work. Amen? Required fields are marked *. Its a sin. I only got to do that one time and that was pretty much it. The Frankfurt School was concerned with mass media and the mass media culture. And they believed that this explained why the revolution didnt take place. Christianity was on the continent of Africa before it was in North America, right? And often, Ive been around where people would, well, lets pray for the president or lets pray for this or the elections coming up, so lets pray. And so, its been amazing to help people get a hold of that. Does that sound at all familiar? The second idea was the idea of class consciousness that each one of these societal epochs contained internal contradictions and these internal contradictions are what would lead to struggle and would eventually lead to the next phase, which led to the third idea his idea of historical determinism. That cant be. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. He has spoken at Patriot Academy multiple times and just knocked it out of the park every time. And then the Frankfurt School has the idea called Critical Theory. And for some people it even disqualifies you as a Christian. Godly, Courageous Leadership: The Need of the Hour, Blest Be the Ties That Bind:The Duty of Church Membership. 2009 pgs 123-124 He took up Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in 2012 I was trying to think about a passage of scripture, you know, Im talking about Cultural Marxism; wheres that text? And everybody whos not that is a minority. And again, while I would actually love and enjoy to be treated with that level of brotherly love and respect, I cant demand it; I wont demand it. 970K views 3 years ago Dr. Voddie Baucham has spoken of the unbiblical ideology imbedded in Cultural Marxism. However, as this is transcribed from a live talk show, words and sentence structure were not altered to fit grammatical, written norms in order to preserve the integrity of the actual dialogue between the speakers. Pastor Baucham lays it all out, explaining what's going on now in our society and how the Gospel is the only solution. Voddie Baucham was born in Los Angeles fifty-some years ago and was raised by a single, deeply dedicated, mother (14). And its important on both sides. And it was things like, first of all, thank you so much for praying. In the following 4 minute video, Ben Shapiro explains this term and how it fits into the whole social oppressionthat democrats are always talking about at rallys and in politics: The following lecture by Dr. Baucham focuses on how democrats (and all who subscribe to it) are using social Marxism to change culture. And so, this is sort of been my journey and all that. And so, the level of influence here, number one, is a small country; number two, its a constitutionally Christian Republic. {12:15} Racism is real and its sin. One is guy by the name of Antonio Gramsci. There are far too many educational opportunities, too many educational resources in this country, for so many people to have so poor an education. But what I want to do is sort of put this into context to help you understand why its important, why this matters. By the way if you dont know what intersectionality is, whats the hegemonic power? He came to the United States fleeing the Nazis in Eastern Europe, fleeing the Nazis in Hungary, and he wrote a book called Americas Thirty Years War. And essentially his thesis was this: he ran away from what was happening in Europe by force only to come to the United States and watch it happen gradually over the course of a generation. That wasnt racism. Unless, the problem is not one police officer and his actions on that one night. In this address, he unpacks Cultural Marxism identifying how it is incompatible with the Christian faith that has once for all been delivered to the saints. As someone who grew up in drug infested, gang infested south L.A., the son of a single, teenage mother, I look at the Mike Brown situation and I want to say to all of the young, black boys like him who were young, black boys like me, We cant live like that. 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