return el; The Bible documents the historic connection of the Jewish people to the land of Israel, even for those who do not believe that the Bible is the literal word of God, and even for those who do not believe in God at all. The Blue Letter Bible hosts a range of study materials designed to aid your research into the meaning and purpose of the Scriptures. 5 out of 5 stars for Pocket Pronunciation Guide to Bible People, Places, and Things. var startX = 3, Speakers need to develop a concern for Bible pronunciation of biblical words. - dih-TOG-ruh-fee] * [ divan - divan - Psalm 41:3 (h6210) - dih-VAN, DI -van'] * [ Dives* - - it "Lazarus 2" - DI -veez] * [ divination - divination - Numbers 22:7 (h7081) - dih'vuh-NAY-shuhn] * [ Djoser*] * [ (also Zoser) - - it "Memphis" - ZOH-zuhr (listen); also ZOH-suhr] * [ Docetism* - - w90 7/15 23 - DOH-suh-tiz'uhm] * [ Dodanim - Do'danim - Genesis 10:4 (h1721) - DOH-duh-nim] * [ Doeg - Do'eg - 1 Samuel 21:7 (h1673) - DOH-ig, DOH-ehg] * [ Domitian* - - it "Caesar" - duh-MISH-uhn, duh-MISH-ee-uhn] * [ Doukhobor* - - w75 5/1 275 - DOO-kuh-bawr', DOO-koh-bor] * [ Dorcas] * [ (aka Tabitha) - Dor'cas - Acts 9:36 (g1393) - DOR-kuhs] * [ Dothan - Do'than - Genesis 37:17 (h1886) - DOH-thuhn, DOH-than] * [ Douay* - - it "Jehovah" - DOO-ay; DOO-ay-reemz, not DOO-way', not DOO-ah-way] * [ doxology* - - Psalm 41:13 ftn. intonation of a word and what it means. But you still need to be informed about events around you. Bible pronunciation should be correct! How the audio sounds are organized plays a greater role in communication than the sounds themselves. I Love this King James version . el.sP=function(x,y){;;}; ftlObj.y += (pY + startY - ftlObj.y)/8; Now say it as if you Some Commonly Misspelled Words On This Page: prononciation, prenunciation, how to prononce, prenounce, pronunce, speek, biible, bibel, writetn, wrtiten, wirtten, rwitten, correction, colectiom, correcchon, crrection, colrecchon, corrction, corecchon, corretion, correcchun, correcion, colrecchun, correctin, corecchun, correctiom, corectiom, colrectiom, colrecsion, colection, colecsion, colrecton, corection, colecton, correcton, colrecshun, corecton, colecshun, correcshun, colrecshon, corecshun, colecshon, correcshon, correcsion, corecshon, corecsion, colrection, colectons, correctons, colrecshuns, corectons, colecshuns, correcshuns, colrecshons, corecshuns, colecshons, correcshons, correcsions, corecshons, corecsions, colrections, colrecsions, colections, colecsions, colrectons, corections, corrections, colectioms, crrections, correcchons, corrctions, colrecchons, corretions, corecchons, correcions, correcchuns, correctins, colrecchuns, correctios, corecchuns, how to say correctioms, corectioms, colrectioms, cor3ct1ons, cor3ct1oms, corect1ons, correctiosn, correctinos, correctoins, correcitons, corretcions, corrcetions, corerctions, crorections, ocrrections, correction, colectiom, correcchon, crrection, colrecchon, corrction, corecchon, corretion, correcchun, correcion, colrecchun, correctin, corecchun, correctiom, corectiom, how to say colrectiom, colrecsion, colection, colecsion, colrecton, corection, colecton, correcton, colrecshun, corecton, colecshun, correcshun, colrecshon, corecshun, colecshon, correcshon, correcsion, corecshon, corecsion, colrection, colectons, correctons, colrecshuns, corectons, colecshuns, correcshuns, colrecshons, corecshuns, colecshons, correcshons, correcsions, corecshons, corecsions, colrections, colrecsions, colections, colecsions, colrectons, corections, corrections, colectioms, crrections, correcchons, corrctions, colrecchons, corretions, corecchons, correcions, correcchuns, correctins, colrecchuns, correctios, corecchuns, correctioms, corectioms, colrectioms, cor3ct1ons, cor3ct1oms, corect1ons, correctiosn, correctinos, correctoins, correcitons, corretcions, corrcetions, corerctions, crorections, ocrrections, words, wolds, worreds, worsd, wodrs, wrods, owrds. if (!document.layers) How to pronounce biblical words is an important topic. You can say words in different ways and change the meaning entirely. Along with our online pronunciation guide, BibleSpeak also provides links to some of the best resources for Bible study available today. (This feature is not available for all verses.) Examples: Say the following sentence so it is a statement that is just giving information. This free audio Bible name pronunciation guide is a valuable tool in your study of God's word. yohm KIH-puhr] * [ yea - ("yes" in NW) - Matthew 5:37 AS, Da, DRB, KJ (g3483) - YAY] * [ Yehoshua - ("Joshua" in NW) - Exodus 17:9 HNV (h3091); sh 223 - yuh-HOSH-yoo-uh] * [ Yirmeyahu - Yirmeya'hu - Jeremiah 1:1 HNV, ftn. Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce U words in the Bible: [ Ucal - U'cal - Proverbs 30:1 (h401) - YOO-kuhl] * [ Ugarit*] * [ (Ras Shamra);] * [ Ugaritic* - ; - it "Archaeology" - OO-guh-rit, oo-GAHR-it, yoo-, oo'guh-REET (listen); oo'guh-RIT-ik, yoo'-] * [ Ulai - U'lai - Daniel 8:2 (h195) - YOO-li] * [ ulama* or ul-ama* - - - oo'luh-MAH] * [ Ulfilas*] * [ (aka Wulfila) - - w94 5/15 8 - OOL-fuh-lahs', UHL-, -luhs, -las'] * [ uncial* - - it "Manuscripts of the Bible" - UN-shuhl] * [ unction] * [ (anointing in many Bibles) - ("anointing" in NW) - 1 John 2:20 KJ (g5545) - UHNK-shuhn] * [ Upanishad* - - sh 102 - oo-PAN-ih-shad (listen), -shahd, yoo-PAH-nuh-shad'] * [ Upharsin] * [ (Divided, divisions, Half Minas, peres, Phares in some Bibles) - ("Par'sin" in NW) - Daniel 5:25 KJ (h6537) - yoo-FAHR-sin] * [ Uphaz - U'phaz - Daniel 10:5 (h210) - YOO-faz] * [ Ur - Ur - Genesis 11:31 (h218) - UHR, UR, ER] * [ Uranus* - - sh 42 - YOOR-uh-nuhs, yoo-RAY-nuhs] * [ Uri - U'ri - Exodus 31:2 (h221) - YOO-ri, YOOR-i] * [ Uriah - Uri'ah - 2 Samuel 11:3 (h223) - yoo-RI -uh] * [ Urijah - Uri'jah - 2 Kings 16:10 (h223) - yoo-RI -juh] * [ Urim] * [ (and Thummim) - U'rim - Exodus 28:30 (h224) - YOOR-im (listen), YOO-ruhm] * [ usurer - usurer - Exodus 22:25 (h5383) - YOO-zhuhr-uhr, YOOZH-ruhr] * [ usurp] * [ (have dominion over, to have authority over in some Bibles) - ("to exercise authority over" in NW) - 1 Timothy 2:12 KJ (g831) - yoo-SUHRP, -ZUHRP] * [ usury] * [ (excessive profit, great profits, unjust gain, usurious increase in some Bibles) - usury - Nehemiah 5:7 (h4855); Proverbs 28:8 (h8636) - YOO-zhuh-ree, YOOZH-ree] * [ Uz - Uz - Job 1:1 (h5780) - UHZ] * [ Uzzah - Uz'zah - 2 Samuel 6:7 (h5798) - UHZ-uh, not YOO-zuh] * [ Uzziah - Uzzi'ah - 2 Chronicles 26:1 (h5818) - uhz-ZI -uh, uh-ZI -uh not yoo-ZI -uh] * [ Uzziel - Uz'ziel - Nehemiah 3:8 (h5816) - UHZ-ee-el, UHZ-ee-uhl, uh-ZI - el] *. Many readers have difficulty with consonant sounds at the ends of words and often drop them off. Bible lessons blended with science, theology, modern-day life lessons and logic. - EK-see HOH-moh, EK-ay] * [ ecclesia*; ekklesia* - - Ecclesiastes 1:1 ftn. uh-GAH-duh] * [ aggadic* - - w99 3/15 27 - uh-GAH-dik] * [ Aggeus - ("Haggai" in NW) - Haggai 1:1 DRB (h2292) - AG-ee-uhs] * [ Agnostic* - - w89 2/15 4 - ag-NAHS-tik, uhg-] * [ Agnosticism* - - g84 3/8 8 - ag-NOS-tuh-siz-uhm] * [ agora* - - it "Athens" - AG-uh-ruh, AG-uhr-uh, also ah'guh-RAH (listen), not uh-GOR-uh] * [ Agrippa - Agrip'pa - Acts 25:13 (g67) - uh-GRIP-uh] * [ Agur - A'gur - Proverbs 30:1 (h94) - AY-guhr] * [ Ahasuerus] * [ (Xerxes in some Bibles) - Ahasue'rus - Ezra 4:6 (h325) - uh-haz'yoo-EE-ruhs, ah-haz'uh-EE-ruhs, not uh-HAZ-yoo-ruhs] * [ Ahava - Aha'va - Ezra 8:15 (h163) - uh-HAY-vuh] * [ Ahaziah - Ahazi'ah - 1 Kings 22:51 (h274) - ay'huh-ZI -uh] * [ Ahiah - ("Ahijah" in NW) - 1 Samuel 14:18 KJ, Yg (h281) - uh-HI -uh] * [ Ahijah - Ahi'jah - 1 Samuel 14:18 (h281) - ah-HI -juh, uh-] * [ Ahimaaz - Ahim'aaz - 1 Samuel 14:50 (h290) - uh-HIM-ay-az, uh-HIM-uh-az] * [ Ahimelech - Ahim'elech - 1 Samuel 21:1 (h288) - uh-HIM-uh-lek] * [ Ahinoam - Ahin'oam - 1 Samuel 14:50 (h293) - uh-HIN-oh-uhm, uh-HIN-ah-am'] * [ Ahithophel - Ahith'ophel - 2 Samuel 15:12 (h302) - uh-HITH-uh-fel] * [ Aholah - ("Oholah" in NW) - Ezekiel 23:4 KJ, Yg (h170) - uh-HOL-luh] * [ Aholibah - ("Oholibah" in NW) - Ezekiel 23:4 KJ, Yg (h172) - uh-HOH-lih-buh] * [ Ahriman* - - g84 6/8 6 - AHR-ih-muhn, -mahn'] * [ Ahura Mazda* - - dp 151 - ah-hoor'uh MAZ-duh (listen), not MAHZ-] * [ Ai] * [ (Hai in KJ, Douay) - A'i - Genesis 12:8 (h5857) - AY-i] * [ Aijalon] * [ (Ajalon in some Bibles) - Ai'jalon - Joshua 10:12 (h357) - I -juh-lon (also A-juh-lon, AY-)] * [ Akeldama] * [ (Aceldama in some Bibles) - Akel'dama - Acts 1:19 (g184) - uh-KEL-duh-muh, not ak'uhl-DAH-muh] * [ Akhenaton* (also Ikhnaton) - - it "Egypt, Egyptian" - ahk'NAH-tuhn, ah'kuh-] * [ Akhisar*] * [ (ancient Thyatira) - - w03 5/15 15 - ahk'hih-SAHR] * [ Akkad*] * [ (also Accad) - - it "Accad" - AK-ad] * [ Akkadian* - - dp 34 - uh-KAY-dee-uhn] * [ Alamoth - Al'amoth - 1 Chronicles 15:20 (h5961) - AL-uh-mohth, AL-uh-moth] * [ Alasehir*] * [ (ancient Philadelphia) - - it "Philadelphia" - a'luh-shuh-HIHR, aw'luh-, ah-LAH-sheh-heer'] * [ albeit - ("besides" in NW) - Ezekiel 13:7 KJ; Philemon 19 (g2443) - awl-BEE-uht, al-] * [ Albigenses*] * [ (aka Cathari) - - w95 9/1 28 - al'bih-JEN-seez, not AL-buh-jen'sez] * [ aleph] * [ (Hebrew letter) - A'leph - Psalm 119:1 (verse heading) - AH-lef, -luhf] * [ Aleppo*] * [ (ancient Beroea or Berea, Syria) - - w00 2/15 29 - uh-LEP-oh(')] * [ Alexander - Alexander; it Alexan'der - Acts 19:33 (g223) - al'ig-ZAN-duhr, -ZAHN-] * [ Alexandria - Alexandria; it Alexan'dria - Acts 18:24 (g221) - al'ig-ZAN-dree-uh, -ZAHN-] * [ Alexandrinus (Codex)* - - it "Manuscripts of the Bible (Alexandrine Manuscript)" - al'ig-zan-DRI nuhs] * [ algum] * [ (almug, sandlewood in some Bibles) - algum - 1 Kings 10:11 (h484) - AL-guhm] * [ Allah* - - w93 11/1 4 - AH-luh, A-luh, AH-lah', ah-LAH] * [ allegory - ("symbolic drama" in NW) - Galatians 4:24 AS, DRB, KJ (g238) - AL-uh-gohr'ee, -gawr'-] * [ Alleluia] * [ (Hallelujah, Praise God!, Praise the Lord in some Bibles) - ("Praise Jah, YOU people!" Thus, more skilled speech sounds can lead to better listening skills, reading skills, and spelling skills. ; Revelation 16:16 KJ (g717) - ahr'muh-GED-uhn (listen)] * [ Arminius* - - dp 236 - ahr-MIN-ee-uhs] * [ Arnon - Ar'non - Numbers 22:36 (h769) - AHR-nuhn, -non] * [ Arpachshad] * [ (Arphaxad in some Bibles) - Arpach'shad - Genesis 10:22 (h775) - ahr-PAK-shad] * [ Artaxerxes - Artaxerx'es - Ezra 4:7 (h783) - ahr'tuh-ZUHRK-seez, ahr'tuhg-ZUHRK-seez('), ahr'tak-SUHRK-seez] * [ Artemas - Ar'temas - Titus 3:12 (g734) - AHR-tuh-muhs] * [ Artemis] * [ (Diana in some Bibles) - Ar'temis - Acts 19:24 (g735) - AHR-tuh-mihs, AHR-tuh-muhs] * [ Aryan* - - ip-2 115 - AR-ee-uhn, AHR-, ER-] * [ Asaph - A'saph - Psalm 50 (superscription) (h623) - AY-saf] * [ Asclepius*] * [ (also Aesculapius) - - it "Diseases and Treatment" - uh-SKLEE-pee-uhs (listen)] * [ Asenappar] * [ (Asenaphar, Ashurbanipal, Asnappar, Osnappar in some Bibles) - As'enappar - Ezra 4:10 (h620) - AS-uh-nap'uhr] * [ Asenath - As'enath - Genesis 41:45 (h621) - AS-uh-nath(')] * [ Asgard* - - g00 12/8 27 - AS-gahrd, AZ-gahrd] * [ Asher - Ash'er - Genesis 30:13 (h836) - ASH-uhr] * [ Asherah] * [ (grove, holy tree, pillars in some Bibles) - ("sacred pole" in NW) - Deuteronomy 16:21 DRB (h842) - ASH-uh-ruh, uh-SHIHR-uh, uh-SHEER-uh] * [ Ashkelon - Ash'kelon - Judges 14:19 (h831) - ASH-kuh-lon] * [ Ashkenaz - Ash'kenaz - Genesis 10:3 (h813) - ASH-kuh-naz, ASH-keh-naz, not -nahz] * [ Ashkenazi* - - sh 216 - ahsh'kuh-NAH-zee, ash'kuh-NAZ-ee] * [ Ashpenaz - Ash'penaz - Daniel 1:3 (h828) - ASH-puh-naz, ASH-peh-naz] * [ Ashtoreth - Ash'toreth - Judges 2:13 (h6252) - ASH-tuh-reth, -reth'] * [ Ashurbanipal] * [ (aka Asenappar) - ("Asenappar" in NW) - Ezra 4:8 (10) CEV - ash'uhr-BAN-uh-puhl, ah'suhr-BAH-nuh-pahl', ah'shuhr-] * [ Ashurnasirpal* - - w88 2/15 25 - ash'uhr-NAS-uhr-puhl] * [ Asia - Asia - 1 Peter 1:1 (g773) - AY-zhuh] * [ Asshur - As'shur - Genesis 10:22 (h804) - ASH-uhr, AS-shur'] * [ Assos (modern Behramky) - As'sos - Acts 20:13 (g789) - AS-ohs] * [ assuage] * [ (asswage, ease, relieve, spare, sparing in some Bibles) - ("hold back" in NW) - Job 16:5 KJ (h2820) - uh-SWAYJ, also uh-SWAYZH or uh-SWAHZH] * [ Assyria; Assyrian - Assyr'ia; Assyr'ian - Genesis 2:14 (h804); Isaiah 10:5 (h804) - uh-SIHR-ee-uh, -SEER-; uh-SIHR-ee-uhn, -SEER-] * [ Astyages* - - dp 149; it "Cyrus" - as-TI -uh-jeez] * [ asunder - asunder - Hebrews 11:37 (g599) - uh-SUHN-duhr] * [ atheist*; atheism* - - w94 12/1 6 - AY-thee-ist; AY-thee-ih'zuhm] * [ Athena* - - ip-2 52 - uh-THEE-nuh] * [ Athaliah - Athali'ah - 2 Kings 8:26 (h6271) - ath'uh-LI -uh] * [ Athanasian* - - g94 9/8 11 - ath'uh-NAY-zhuhn, -shuhn] * [ Athanasius* - - w01 4/15 19 - ath'uh-NAY-zh(ee-)uhs, -sh(ee-)uhs] * [ Atlas*] * [ (Mountains; Greek Titan) - - - AT-luhs] * [ atone; atonement] * [ (expiation, forgive, [be] merciful, pardoned, peace in some Bibles) - ("make atonement" in NW); atonement - Numbers 8:12 LITV, Yg (h3722); Deuteronomy 32:43 (h3722) - uh-TOHN; uh-TOHN-muhnt] * [ Attalia] * [ (modern Antalya) - Attali'a - Acts 14:25 (g825) - at'uh-LI -uh, at'tuh-LI -uh] * [ audacious - audacious - Job 41:10 (h393) - aw-DAY-shuhs] * [ Augustine* - - Exodus 20:17 ftn. The KJV Pocket Reference Edition includes the Old and New Testaments, supported by the Cambridge bold-figure cross-references, together with a pronunciation guide and glossary. Heb. (segmentals) Blends-- Two or more letters that are combined but still keep their individual characteristics, such as bl in blend, sch in school. "My sheep know my voice," the Lord said. King James Dictionary (KJD) Nave's Topical Bible Smith's Bible Dictionary Thematic Subject Guide Torrey's New Topical Textbook Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words Misc collects maps, images, and music that to the selected verse. Practice speaking each word clearly with correct pronunciation, )and of course audio). nuh-VEE-im] * [ Nibhaz - Nib'haz - 2 Kings 17:31 (h5026) - NIB-haz] * [ Nicaea* - - g01 6/8 12 - ni -SEE-uh] * [ Nicaean* - - g73 1/8 18 - ni -SEE-uhn] * [ Nicanor - Nica'nor - Acts 6:5 (g3527) - ni -KAY-nuhr] * [ Nicodemus - Nicode'mus - John 3:1 (g3530) - nik'uh-DEE-muhs] * [ Nicolaitan - ("Nicolaus" in NW) - Revelation 2:6 AS, By, TEV, Yg (h3531) - nik'uh-LAY-uh-tuhn] * [ Nicolaitane - ("Nicolaus" in NW - Revelation 2:6 Da, KJ (h3531) - nik'uh-LAY-uh-tayn] * [ Nicolaus] * [ (Nicolaitanes, Nicolaitans in some Bibles) - Nicola'us - Revelation 2:6 (g3531) - nik'uh-LAY-uhs] * [ Nicopolis - Nicop'olis - Titus 3:12 (g3533) - nih-KOP-uh-lis] * [ Niger - Ni'ger - Acts 13:1 (g3526) - NI -guhr, NI -juhr] * [ Nile - Nile - Exodus 2:3 (h2975) - NI L] * [ nimbus* - - rs 354 - NIM-buhs] * [ Nimrod - Nim'rod - Genesis 10:8 (h5248) - NIM-rod] * [ Nimrud* - - it "Calah" - NIM-rood] * [ Nimshi - Nim'shi - 2 Kings 9:2 (h5250) - NIM-shi] * [ Nineveh - Nin'eveh - Genesis 10:11 (h5210) - NIN-uh-vuh] * [ Ninevites - Nin'evites - Luke 11:30 (g3536) - NIN-uh-vi tz] * [ Nippur* - - it "Babylon" - nih-POOR] * [ Nisan - Ni'san - Nehemiah 2:1 (h5212) - NI -san in NW, also NIS-uhn (listen), NEE-sahn, nee-SAHN, -SAWN (listen)] * [ Nisroch - Nis'roch - 2 Kings 19:37 (h5268) - NIS-rok, nis-ROHK (listen)] * [ niter or nitre] * [ (soda in some Bibles) - ("alkali" in NW) - Proverbs 25:20 Da, DRB, KJ (5427) - NI -tuhr] * [ No] * [ (city, aka Thebes) - No - Jeremiah 46:25 (h4996) - NOH] * [ No-amon - No-a'mon - Nahum 3:8 (h528 + h4996) - noh-AY-muhn, also -AH-muhn, -AM-uhn] * [ Noah - Noah, it No'ah - Genesis 5:29 (h5146) - NOH-uh] * [ Noe] * [ (variant of Noah) - ("Noah" in NW and most Bibles) - Genesis 5:29 DRB (h5146); Matthew 24:37 DRB (g3575) - NOH-ee] * [ Noemi - ("Naomi" in NW) - Ruth 1:2 DRB (h5281) - NOH-uh-mi] * [ noisome - - Ezekiel 14:15 KJ (h7451); Revelation 16:2 AS, KJ (g2556) - NOI-suhm] * [ Noph - Noph - Isaiah 19:13 (h5297) - NOF, NOHF (listen)] * [ Nubia] * [ (Cush, Ethiopia in most Bibles) - ("Ethiopia" in NW) - Esther 1:1 (h3568) - NOO-bee-uh, NYOO-bee-uh] * [ nuclear*] * [ (compare nucleus) - - g99 8/22 4 - NOO-klee-uhr, NYOO-, by metathesis -kyuh-luhr] * [ nucleus*] * [ (compare nuclear) - - w99 8/15 5 - NOO-klee-uhs, NYOO-] * [ Numbers - Numbers (Bible book) - Numbers 1:1 ftn. el.y -= startY; are angry. Read the original and literal Greek or Hebrew text with Strong's words using the King James Version or New American Standard. Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce R words in the Bible: [ Ra* - - it "Gods and Godesses" - RAH, RAY] * [ Raamah - Ra'amah - Ezekiel 27:22 (h7484) - RAY-uh-mah] * [ Raamses] * [ (compare Rameses, Ramses) - Raam'ses - Exodus 1:11 (h7486) - ray-AM-seez, rah-AM-seez] * [ Rabbah - Rab'bah - Amos 1:14 (h7237) - RAB-uh] * [ Rabbath - ("Rabbah" in NW) - Deuteronomy 3:11 DRB, KJ, Yg (h7237) - RAB-uhth] * [ Rabbi] * [ (Teacher in some Bibles) - Rabbi - Matthew 23:7 (g4461) - RAB-i] * [ rabbinic* - - sh 215 - ruh-BIN-ik] * [ Rabboni - Rabbo'ni - John 20:16 (g4462) - ra-BOH-ni , ra-BOH-nee] * [ Rabmag - Rab'mag - Jeremiah 39:13 (h7248) - RAB-mag] * [ Rabsaris - Rab'saris - Jeremiah 39:3 (h7249) - RAB-suh-ris] * [ Rabshakeh - Rab'shakeh - 2 Kings 18:17 (h7262) - RAB-shuh-kuh] * [ Rachel - Rachel, it Ra'chel - Genesis 29:6 (h7354) - RAY-chuhl] * [ Ragau - ("Reu" in NW) - Luke 3:35 Da, DRB (g4466) - RAY-gaw] * [ Rahab - Ra'hab - Joshua 2:1 (h7343) - RAY-hab] * [ raiment] * [ (apparel, clothes, clothing in some Bibles) - raiment - Isaiah 59:17 (h8516); Acts 10:30 (g2066) - RAY-muhnt] * [ Ramah - Ra'mah - Judges 4:5 (h7414) - RAY-muh, RAY-mah, not RAH-muh] * [ Ramathaim-zophim - Ramatha'im-zo'phim - 1 Samuel 1:1 (h7436) - ray'muhth-ay'im-ZOH-fim] * [ Rameses] * [ (compare Raamses, Ramses) - Ram'eses - Genesis 47:11 (h7486) - RAM-uh-seez] * [ Ramses*] * [ (compare Raamses, Rameses) - - it "Raamses" - RAM-seez] * [ rapacious] * [ (cruel, evil, fierce, mischievous, ravenous, violent in some Bibles) - rapacious - Isaiah 35:9 (h6530) - ruh-PAY-shuhs] * [ rapacity] * [ (destruction, ravaging, ruin, spoil in some Bibles) - rapacity - Habakkuk 2:17 (h7701) - ruh-PAS-uh-tee, -ih-tee] * [ Ras Shamra*] * [ (Ugarit) - - it "Archaeology" - rahs SHAHM-ruh] * [ Rastafarian*, Rastafarianism* - - g85 2/22 14 - ras'tuh-FAR-ee-uhn, rahs'tuh-FAHR-ee-uhn; ras'tuh-FAR-ee-uh-nih'zuhm, ruhs'tuh-FAHR-ee-uh-nih'zuhm] * [ ravenous] * [ (cruel, ravening, savage, vicious in some Bibles) - ravenous - Matthew 7:15 (g727) - RAV-uh-nuhs, RAV-nuhs] * [ Rebekah - Rebek'ah - Genesis 22:23 (h7259) - rih-BEK-uh] * [ Rechab; Rechabite - Re'chab; Re'chabites - Jeremiah 35:2, 6 (h7394; h7397) - REE-kab; REE-kuh-bi t(s)] * [ recension* - - w69 11/15 691 - rih-SEN-shuhn] * [ reconcile - reconcile - Ephesians 2:16 (g604) - REK-uhn-si l'] * [ reconciliation - reconciliation - 2 Corinthians 5:18 (g2643) - rek'uhn-sil'ee-AY-shuhn] * [ Regem-melech - Re'gem-mel'ech - Zechariah 7:2 (h7278) - ree'guhm-MEL-ik, ree'gehm-MEL-ik] * [ Rehoboam - Rehobo'am - 1 Kings 11:43 (h7346) - ree'huh-BOH-uhm, reh'huh-BOH-uhm] * [ Rehoboth - Reho'both - Genesis 26:22 (h7344) - rih-HOH-both, reh-HOH-bahth] * [ Rehoboth-Ir - Reho'both-Ir - Genesis 10:11 (h7344 + h5892) - rih-HOH-buth-ir, -both-, reh-HOH-bahth-ihr, ray-HOH-bahth-ihr'] * [ rehsh, also resh] * [ (Hebrew letter) - Rehsh - Psalm 119:153 (verse heading) - RAYSH] * [ Remaliah - Remali'ah - Isaiah 7:1 (h7425) - rem'uh-LI -uh] * [ remembrancer] * [ (memorial, reminder in some Bibles) - remembrancer - Leviticus 24:7 (h234) - rih-MEM-bruhn(t)-suhr] * [ remnant - - Isaiah 10:21 (h7605); Romans 9:27 (g2640); Revelation 12:17 Da, KJ (g3062) - REM-nuhnt, not REM-uh-nuh(n)t] * [ Renaissance*; renaissance* - - w95 3/1 23; ip-1 187 - ren'uh-SAHN(T)S, -ZAHN(T)S (also several other variations)] * [ Rephaim - Reph'aim - Isaiah 17:5 (h7497) - REF-ay-im] * [ Rephidim - Reph'idim - Exodus 17:1 (h7508) - REF-ih-dim] * [ reprobate - ("anyone contemptible" and "disapproved" in NW) - Psalm 15:4 AS (h3988); 1 Timothy 3:8 AS, KJ (g96) - REP-ruh-bayt'] * [ repudiate - repudiate - Titus 2:12 (g720) - rih-PYOO-dee-ayt'] * [ Reu] * [ (Ragau in some Bibles) - Re'u - Genesis 11:18 (h7466) - REE-yoo, REE-oo] * [ Reuben; Reubenite - Reu'ben; Reu'benites - Numbers 26:5, 7 (h7205; h7206) - ROO-bin; ROO-bin-i t(s)(')] * [ Reuel - Reu'el - Exodus 2:18 (h7467) - ROO-uhl, ROO-el] * [ Reumah - Reu'mah - Genesis 22:24 (h7208) - ROO-muh, ROO-mah] * [ Revelation - Revelation (Bible book) - Revelation 1:1 (g602) - rev'uh-LAY-shuhn, not pl.] Practice speaking each word clearly with correct pronunciation, ) and of course audio.! 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