Their greatest advantage is a captivating charm, and the determination to succeed in life no matter what difficulties they will have to face. Whats the difference between the Major and Minor Arcana? There is a slight crossover between this card and Justice, where both refer to a particular truth or righteousness being brought about. If in a current relationship, consider if you have really healed from the past, and if the past is influencing your present. There may be information that is still unknown to you, research that you still have to undergo, and more advice and clarity that will be revealed along the way. With the instinct pacified and trust in yourself restored, you can almost grasp the feeling that you can face anything life throws at you. Each suit represents a different facet of life. How about if youve made a decision, and cant go back on it? We have a tendency to relive past traumas. Thus, the querent succumbs to the others demands and whims, however irrational, to ensure that their submission will be accepted and compensate for the weakness of their spirit. Strengths way of resolving conflicts isnt force or direct control; it is by calming and pacifying emotions, and looking for a beneficial, win-win resolution. Note that since this is not the final card of the Major Arcana, or the first, the change hasnt come quite yet, but you are being urged to prepare and decide upon it. Strength reversed denotes repression, stress, weakness, incapacity to communicate, and forceful behaviors. The work of the individual is complete. If you ask how someone feels about you, the Eight of Wands is an indication that they feel excited by you. When the Strength card is drawn to describe how someone sees you, it means they find you beautiful and . In Tarot reading, only major tarot arcana are used in a straight position. Perhaps a break to focus on self-care is in order. Ignoring your true potential and how strong you really are lead to a lack of confidence. She is not only very pretty and attractive; she also emits an aura of confidence, bliss, and resolution. What does the Judgement Tarot card mean by reversed? But if theres something you can do and say about it, why then let these angry thoughts continue? Considering the above, the Strength card in reverse will likely represent a woman who is conscious of her struggle, who is trying to fight her way through an unfair world, who wants to be strong and independent, but has yet to trust in her abilities. This in turn creates a transformation of the self, almost like a rebirth, so that you can move forward without being stagnated by guilt. In this way, we are prioritizing our passions. The card is a sign that its time to speak up for yourself, embrace who you are, and face your challenges with bravery. Knight Of Wands As Feelings When it comes to the Knight of Wands, this card indicates feelings of intense attraction. There may be a sense of regret or loss, but it is one that is always present when old situations and energies are let go of. Confidence is silent. Being afraid of outside judgement can naturally stem from sensitivity or self-consciousness, which are not negative qualities, but rather ones that can be worked upon and understood. This is a time for spiritual advancement, tuning into higher frequencies, and discovering your gifts and paths. In reverse, Strength as a challenge might indicate the following. Persistence and training can help you to tame your instincts and embrace your nature. Its saying, This was meant for you. That is diametrically opposed to the Magician, the beginning of our journey, where we had an infinity of options to choose from. This person can perceive you as someone who knows what to do in difficult situations and knows which decisions to make. Its best to approach these situations like the figure on the card, namely with consideration of the power structure between the people involved and with a gentle yet firm touch of courage and assertiveness. Frankly I haven't told him any of my woes or struggles really. In light of a job prospect or opportunity, the Judgement card is positive affirmation. Some people behave like this; they may need you, but they will put up a fight if you are abrupt and forceful with them. They want you to recognize your flaws and truths as a person. This radiant woman has achieved the impossible; in the classic parable of the beauty and the beast, she has tamed the lion, the king of animals, with her bare hands. Be brave, calm, and patient, and learn to work with others. For this reason, this section on career will focus more on general career direction and advice. Positive reinforcement, recognizing mistakes, and looking beyond immature transgressions is how you mend a broken heart. The first response that might jump into your head is a person who is of a judgemental nature. Even the slightest trigger can reawaken a shadow of memory and emotion that we have stored deep inside our minds. He might see me as cold and independent also. Ive recently started working with an online psychic reading company and Ive received some great feedback. A conflict involving the reversed Judgement card indicates that it will not be successful in resolution until either party can admit the truth. You know the path you need to take, yet you are refusing to confront it. Try stepping out of your comfort zone, and remember that you will find true love when you learn to love yourself with all your imperfections. When reversed, the Strength card indicates inner conflict, cowardice, and feeling vulnerable. Its ultimate purpose is to allow spirit, mind, and body alike to become stronger and better. But this will ultimately open you up to many more possibilities and provide closure for the past. With the ability to tame the wild beast that is the heart of man, she demonstrates her harmony with nature through love and compassion. Strength in an upright position is truly a wonderful card to receive. Position 2: Negative feelings. When you do not trust your own intuition, with too many conflicting internal and external factors, look to past situations. Do not let emotions cloud your judgment. The Strength card can direct to a place where you build physical strength, like the gym, or the natural habitat of wild animals. Most importantly, do not be afraid of the change that will arrive ahead of you. Check it out, then let me know your experience. There is some sort of clarity or deeper knowledge that they have recently learned about you. Give your partner space, but also take good care of them. Id love to hear about your experience. It predicts a clearer vision internally, so that you may see what has blinded you before, as well as all the things that you are better off without. The Judgement reversed talks of a person who thinks they are doing the best for you. Your surrounding environment can also hold indicators of which direction you need to take. Pull three cards off the top of the deck, and position them to be read from left to right. A positive outcome is close, but it needs you to be willing to take risks and release past doubts. It can take on the form of rage, fear, inner conflict, and hunger. If this person has not known you previously, or even if they have, the Judgement card shows that they perceive you as someone who they can grow with. You have the decision to make but it is not as imperative as it would be if the card was upright. She protects and accepts her loved ones with all their flaws, knowing that everybody needs the gentle, nurturing touch of a sensitive female figure in their life. Furthermore, this card tells us to forgive and close wounds from the past. When the Strength card appears reversed in a love reading, it may suggest emotional abuse and some kind of power play. You will be experiencing emotions of contentment, joy, and hopefulness. Life may seem unbearable for a while, and a hidden danger will be revealed. Someone might want to get close to you and get to know you better. Sometimes I use it when I go to bed, or even in my office with my Asakuki Diffuser giving off the gentle scent of lavender in the air. How do you cleanse tarot cards in between readings. Strength evokes indomitable determination. Your environment may cause trouble for you because you seem either too weak to persevere or so mighty that others can be jealous of your beauty and power. This deviant behavior creates a sense of insecurity and fuels codependency. Dark times may not be over yet, but youre ready to face any obstacle that lies on the road ahead. A symbolic gesture of bravery and fearlessness, it refers to a subtle control over the animal instinct. On one hand, this card might urge you to remove mental blocks such as self-doubt or over-analysis. If you've been considering giving up on your dreams or love life, don't! If you're doing a relationship reading, you can even designate the first card as yourself, the second . Find supportive friends and family who know how to lift you up and give you appropriate advice. We all have that animal-brain that cannot resist and will get us into trouble. You wont find another like her! But exactly because it is reversed, this situation is truly over, and its time to stop hanging onto remnants of emotions that need to fade. It is not a matter of personal choice anymore because, at this crossroads, only one path is the right one and it leads to the complete and perfect creative matrix of the World. In the modern, highly competitive financial world, only the bravest and the smartest claim the rewards. In the Judgement cards case, they may even know some truth about you, but refuse to accept it. Even in cases where physical distancing is not possible, such as when you may be financially dependent on another, do not hesitate to focus on your own emotional healing. Small things such as reconnecting with friends, or doing things you enjoy, will help you heal and recognize what the truth is. Unresolved issues you had forgotten may emerge to test your patience. If yes, it means that he has positive feelings for you and does not have any negative feelings towards your relationship as well. It could, however, be someplace where the seeker has experienced trauma. These tell you whether the place is right for you or not. They await judgement by the heavens for both past wrongdoings and virtues. And dont deny these feelings, allowing them to slowly eat away at your mind. The message is clear: rise to the calling or remain trapped in a purgatorial-like state, upon an expanse of open water, with no purpose nor future. However, consider if thats what you want from a romantic affair, especially if you feel overwhelmed and your energy levels drained. In the Rider Waite card, the figure is standing in an open field, suggesting someplace in nature where one could feel reinvigorated by the fresh air and splendor of the trees and mountains. Similarly, places involved in activism focus on spreading truth, statistics, and social awareness. Voc pode lutar por suas opinies e suas crenas e no tem medo de ser diferente. Tarot shows you what negative feelings are associated with you in his case. If that is the case, the seeker has repressed their emotions, views their instincts and urges in a bad light, or has developed a weak, codependent character. This card usually does not refer to slight shifts in perspective, such as a revealing of a new talent or secret, but rather a complete shift, as if a whole new identity has been cast upon you. To a person who thinks of you as represented by the Judgement card reversed, you seem to be quite a confusing figure to them. Consider this phrase: nothing for me that is not for others. Not so much related to health issues, but endurance and successful recovery. Ask yourself, What do I need to do to give up on this? How can you move on from the past, whilst fully registering and not avoiding what has ended? That is what quiet power means, to treat lifes even most unpredictable challenges with respect, as an opportunity to become stronger and better. My interpretation: I think he sees me as very emotional and sometimes I can be very intense and dramatic with my feelings (I do feel intensely and I'm a pretty energetic person). As an action card, Judgement stresses that the time is now. The Judgement card in reverse talks of reflecting internally upon how you can learn from past situations. Fits of anger are ordinary and can be managed if you approach the incident with empathy. Stay away from people who revel in demeaning others because their toxic, narcissistic power trip will sooner or later turn against them and devour all that is good around them. You may have made a decision to change career paths completely, or are about to accept an offer that will start a new era of new possibilities. When the whole universe seems to stand against you, there may be a good reason for that, and all the power in the world wont change a thing. It can take the form of self-doubt, pressure, aggression, and abuse. You can use the cards to denote past, present, and future, or, situation, action, and outcome. And lastly, the Judgement card refers to feeling enlightened. Do you think its time for a promotion or maybe a promising investment? In older versions of the Tarot, this card is numbered 11, suggesting the beginning of a new cycle and the replenishment of vital energy. The advice the Judgement card gives is to look upon higher guidance. They have been reformed, which is why they will inspire you to take action. Intelligence, purity of will, beauty, self-mastery; this powerful woman lacks for nothing! Your current career phase may be nearing completion, and you have made the decision to move onto something that resonates with your purpose and path. The fire sign Leo, ruled by the Sun, and the Strength card share the most obvious symbolic connection between Astrology and Tarot: the fierce lion. Strength describes a situation of joy and inner calm. If everyone fixed this in their hearts, wouldnt all conflicts be much more easier to deal with? A friendship may be holding you back from accessing your true identity, career path, or making wise choices. One could say that Strength is opening the lions mouth, enabling it to speak. You can read spreads daily. Theres a chance somebody wants to take something from you without your consent, expects you to take care of them no matter what, or desperately tries to prove they are better than you, and anybody else for that matter. Listen to what the universe is trying to teach you. It can allude to places in justice or law enforcement and social or volunteer work. The person of interest is perhaps scared of what you might say and do. Both parties have now understood what they had to work on individually. If they dont want to listen, at least youve done your part to resolve the matter. In terms of symbolizing particular fields, buildings associated with any type of law enforcement or social work can be represented by the Judgement card. It could also mean that you need to take a break. It is a power struggle, and one side is trying to silence, control, and devalue the other through force, aggression, or negligence. The following period in your life, as represented by the Judgement card, is one of self-introspection. This situation might drain your powers and cause you to doubt yourself. In a career reading, Strength indicates that its time to prove your worth. As an indicator of emotional and mental blocks, the Strength card in reverse calls on you to embrace trauma and build up your self-esteem. Judgement proclaims a force greater than any individual, the crucial unavoidable summons of the sublime, arcane, and metaphysical from within, without, above, and beyond a universal awakening! Strength calls on you to practice forgiveness, compassion, and self-control. Tarot also gives some hints why he thinks about you often or less often. They may even get butterflies in their stomach when they see you. A Tarot reading can tell you if he misses you, but it can also tell you how much he misses you. They like to decide what is right for you and what is not, what you should and shouldnt do, and who you should be. Acknowledge and express what you feel, but dont let emotions get in the way of understanding what its all about and working things out. Alternatively, an argument with a family member, partner, or friend may make you realize something about yourself, triggering a breakthrough. But everyone charts their course and adjusts their plans accordingly along the way if you dont know what to do and the plan is not yet obvious to you, what good can come from despair? When Judgement is reversed, the querent is still hanging onto a chance of resurrection in the relationship. To master this obstacle, you have to have faith in your powers and let your voice be heard. In the latter, avoiding the decision will naturally result in not turning them in, which is not a decision that has been guided by your full moral judgement. An outcome to a decision might not be clear to you just yet, but it is important to mention that it is perfectly alright not to know everything at one moment in time. Strength reversed denotes inner conflict or that you greatly influence another persons feelings. This can be catalyzed by an inner revelation. As an outcome, Strength blesses you with inner power, courage, and certainty. I have them in my office and they create a zen feel for me while Im working. The Tarot is, after all, a tool for guidance. Ask for anothers advice and opinion if needed, and do not rush to superficial conclusions. Ive collected a number of articles that are related that you will find beneficial. In reverse, Strength is holding on too tight, refusing to let go, and becoming easily irritated. You could be choosing between two groups of friends, or even deciding whether to cut-off a toxic friend; decisions that are more direct. She is not only very pretty and attractive; she also emits an aura of confidence, bliss, and resolution. Find the basis of your anxiety and try to defuse the situation. Forgive those who hurt you because they did not know any better, but do not forget; every life lesson you have picked up by now is invaluable. Outcome, Strength indicates that its time to prove your worth thoughts continue and better second... The beginning of our journey, where we had an infinity of to... Is opening the lions mouth, enabling it to speak provide closure for past! The determination to succeed in life no matter what difficulties they will have to face any obstacle lies. Not for others, an argument with a family member, partner, or doing things you enjoy will! Read from left to right one could say that Strength is holding on too tight, refusing to go. 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