We didn't have him tank much but he always tanked Hyjal trash and Felmyst in Sunwell. Welcome to Wowhead's Feral Druid Tank TBC Class Guide, updated for of Burning Crusade Classic! Warlocks will be neck and neck as the premiere DPS choice in The Burning Crusade with Hunters, and offer a ton of premium utility that raids can't pass up on like Health Stones, Banish, Portals, Soul Stones, and more. When you purchase Retribution picks up more spells and consistency, though still is below the pack on the charts. recipes and the new elixir, potion, and transmute masteries making it a strong Equip: Increases your shield block rating by 12 (1.52% @ L70). which enables them to survive where others cannot. damage. Tankadin, unlike other tanks, do a big chunk of their aggro from reactive damage. follow him on Twitter. health scaling, giving them the largest health pool early on. SEARCH. Others coming from gear upgrades. player and multi-class player, currently playing on Gehennas Horde. Another class that struggles in Vanilla WoW but gets a big glow up in WoW Classic TBC is the Hunter. [Libram of Repentance] the first item you should buy with your badges. To help you along in choosing and pairing your Burning Crusade Classic professions, we've broken each down here. but also makes them be hit by enemy abilities more easily. Pvp wise druid is phenomenal so I just have to say my experience as a holy pally and a arms warrior got us to glad. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. This was a first for me so apologies that my mic runs live all the way through the video, hopefully getting to hear me heavy breath like Darth Vader and vaping and drinking all the way through it didn't cause your ears too much harm!! https://discord.gg/5jsuQtk its a bit light on users at the moment but i aim to build a good community there. If you want to hear my thoughts or see a video on a specific topic, just let me know and i will accommodate the best i can, you can put content requests in on Discord. used to supplement your goldmaking, along with a variety of other means to The 5% increased health Best options are shown first, while others are at the bottom of the list. Druids are the only class in the game capable of fulling all four roles: Bears scale incredibly well with Stamina, Armor, and most defensive stats at an incredible rate, and even by the end of the first tier they can have some staggering numbers. While Protection Warriors are absolutely replaceable in TBC with Ferals, a Protection Paladin's unparalleled area of effect (AoE, or multi-target) threat capabilities means that every raid brings at least one for tanking trash mobs. Equip: Increases your shield block rating by 16. I love Druid PvP and I dont anticipate Ill even want to queue as a pally, and I enjoy cat dps more than ret for sure. This can guarantee around 100 more TPS or more if you know how to do it correctly. Finally, Alchemy is an excellent gold maker with its transmute Table of Contents: What is a Tankadin; Basic Numbers . Paladins use mana and build threat with spell damage, with the key to their threat-generation being [Righteous Fury]. In TBC, Warriors get a reality check, as nearly every class and spec has caught up with them. A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. as well! Simply type the URL of the video in the form below. Please navigate to the other pages to get information on gear, rotation, talents, and more. This threat is also affected by. [shield of the Wayward Footman] BoE world drop. Looking back at our criteria, it is obvious why Warriors are in the S-tier. WoW Classic TBC Mage Ratings: PVE 4/5 - PVP 4.5/5, READ MORE: WoW Classic TBC Pre Order: Deluxe Edition, Dark Portal Pass & more. And in the end, Fury will likely outdo Arms on DPS most of the time. Basic rotation for holding more than 1 mob: Seal of Righteousness -> pull with Avenger Shield (careful) -> Holy shield -> Concecration -> Refresh Holy Shield and Concecrate. This effect does not stack. [Legplates of the Righteous] The Black Morass. Ill work on both during TBC (but mostly the paladin I prefer the class.). Feral (cat) druids also get some extra power in their bleeds (and no debuff cap to hold these back), and are flexible Arena competitors. or read this page for a short introduction. [Gauntlets of the Righteous] The Shattered Halls, [Girdle of Valorous Deeds] Black Morass (Heroic). Good to mention this since many mobs and bosses in Karazhan are undead. Shattered Halls was an important 5-man dungeon you needed to run as part of the Serpentshrine Cavern (SSC) attunement process. raids and dungeons, as they all have unique benefits that are worth learning This makes them will catch up with Warriors, but it takes the final tier of scaling before the Equip: Increases the block value of your shield by 23. TBC brings out the best in Ferals, showing their versatility as the best main tank and the best off-tank if it werent for those pesky Paladins AoE threat! That would of been a great combo to have in retail. WoW Classic Season of Mastery will restart Classic with some fantastic new changes to shake things up - this includes the removal of World Buffs, changes to bosses (including higher health pools), and the removal of the Debuff Cap! they bring are their cooldowns, as their Shield Wall and You can aspire to the legendary Warglaives of Azzinoth, which a lucky few will wield to crush in end-game PVE and PVP alike. On single target tanking, Kings is ALWAYS better. tank ranks. The Healing tier list has seen some changes - Resto Shaman remain the prime utility healer, but Priests are starting to win out on the raw numbers side. especially early on in the first tier. Regrowth cast, but has little PvE uses. Most items are suited for warriors and in order to be able to hold threat, you will have to gem/enchant for Spell Damage. Contribute The real MVP, however, is Protection, which becomes arguably the best tank in the game in TBC! Weapon You should always have 2 types of weapons one for avoidance (typical tanking weapon) and another for threat (a caster-dps weapon). Paladin's primary downside is their reliance on gear. TBC Classic Wild Mage Tank Specified, Builds, furthermore Talents . Hunters absolutely take over in The Burning Crusade, being able to fit their whole rotation into one button thanks to a simple macro. 4. the party haste buff from Gnomish Battle Chicken, and powerful stamina WoW Classic TBC Phase 2 continues to push along as raids challenge the might Tempest Keep and Serpentshrine Caverns. No part of this site or its In no situation, you should get your SoV to drop. Use: Permanently adds 16 defense rating and 17 dodge rating to a head slot item. MASTERCLASS. You put your points in ret so you can still solo quest and just tank with RF and consecrate using SoR for melee threat. TBC pushes Balance druids forward by improving the Moonkin experience from the OOMkin woes of Vanilla WoW. Thank you for taking the time to read our Feral Tank guide for TBC. Regular blessings last for 10 minutes, while Greater Blessings last for 30 minutes. Raids: Paladin focuses on single tank healing, druid on multi-tank or single with time for some raid healing. you could always level your druid to 70 exclusively for resto pvp, and pve with your pally, resto druid and human rogue is top tier 2v2. among tank specs for PvE in TBC Classic, we have created a page dedicated to As feral Id be OT and dps (I prefer cat for the interesting rotation), and to get ready for TBC Ive done a decent amount of off tanking in MC and ZG on my Druid. PALADIN. You dont have defensive stance and shield block, or feel like a tank without being specifically talented into it. with Stamina, Armor, and most defensive stats at an incredible rate, and even bring top tier single-target threat generation, great damage, and some other You stay ret and just tank anyway. owners. Welcome to our Feral Druid Tank guide for TBC Classic, tailored Warriors ran the show in WoW Classic as the best option for DPS and tanking alike. Since you generate threat using spell power, this simply increases your TPS. Each subscriber has equal chance of winning the giveaway. I hope to be able to share all I've learned with anyone who shares that interest! You want BoS for sure, both for threat as youve mentioned, but also for damage mitigation, which will become pretty necessary after around ZF, but I dont think many pallies actually go 31 points deep into prot, even those who spend most of their time in instances tanking. I basically didnt get out of Kara in retail TBC and never played pservers, but if there are encounters where theres a MT on a single boss do you just put on healing gear and heal? That goes for healing also, stacking lifeblooms is a chore. Use: Reduces damage from each attack by 68, up to a total of 1150 damage absorbed. Your healers will be full of mana and ready to toss a heal on you anyway. [boots of Righteous Fortitude] Anzu (Sethekk Halls Heroic summon), [Elementium Band of the Sentry] The Arcatraz, [DathRemars Ring of Defense] The Mechanar. hitbox (especially males), which grants them a slightly increased casting range, There will be lots of druid talk! While other specs are still playable, BM will reign supreme every time. Character - Flip Class - Druid Server - Earthshaker EU Discord link - https://discord.gg/5jsuQtk Battlenet tag - scottejaye#2305 Catch me on Twitch most nights - Scottejaye87 Full give away details: I am looking way way forward into the future and to even reach the 1k give away could take a good while, but the speed at which we hit these milestones ultimately comes down to your support and my content, so lets work together to make it work! Leatherworking is also a strong profession as it allows you to Blizzard so you can get initial threat with consecrate and just kite large packs while dipping back in to consecrate again. Because of this, while Ferals are the best single-target tank, they often act as off-tanks simply because Protection Warriors and Paladins still do an acceptable job of tanking a boss, but do very little damage when not tanking. Who wants to be a BE. Equip: Increases defense rating by 20 (8.46 @ L70). Equip: Increases your dodge rating by 11 (0.58% @ L70). damage/threat generation of Bears or the AoE damage of Paladins, but they are Anyone who tries to level with a lot of points in prot is gonna feel gimped. You can also use it to keep track of your completed quests, recipes, mounts, companion pets, and titles! Warriors' real strength lies in their defensive toolkit, [Vambraces of Daring] Hellfire Ramparts (Heroic). I hope this guide provides you with all the information you need to make the best out of a Feral Druid. Gbok spam can work In raids but its not so great for smaller groups since the threat comes from buffing multiples of the same class. A tank is a character whose primary role is to absorb damage and prevent others from being attacked. The draw will be done on my discord server live and on youtube streaming, recorded and posted as a short video within 7 days of streaming. All raid members must stay within 25 yards of at least one Warglaive of Azzinoth. Unlike other classes, Druids do not have a choice when it comes to race. For my classic pally I went into consecrate early and tanked a ton of dungeons all the way to 60, and I have him deep prot with some T1 and still occasionally log on to tank a UD strat or scholo because its so much fun. WARRIOR. Seal of Vengeance Alliance Paladins were blessed with this spell. All but a few of the Paladin's abilities have gained major increases to their spellpower scalings, meaning that spellpower will have a much larger effect on increasing the damage and threat output of your abilities. slower to start than Warriors or Druids, and need a bit more time and energy to I'll make sure on the next one I am muting my stream when i'm not speaking :) Don't forget to like and subscribe for more wow classic content, now including TBC! You can have any number of different scrolls active on you (unlike 3.0+). WoW Classic TBC brings a wide range of content for PVE players and PVPers alike. You will forever be underestimated due to not being a warrior. Using mana is also an advantage You do not need to be hit for rage (You do, however, get mana from being healed dont forget that!). recommend you to read the rest of the page, as that is explained in more detail . WARLOCK. More TBC Paladin Tank Guide (1-70) TBC Paladin Tank Guide (1-70) TBC Paladin Guide. You will choke many of those. 1 More posts from the classicwowtbc community 233 Posted by 4 days ago Holy Shield +30% (35 with a relic) chance to block, 8 charges (talented). TankadinTools. You can DPS, MT, or OT. All you really need from prot is the 3% hit. Lasts 20 sec. If you want to go Alliance, you must be Night Elf. Equip: Increases defense rating by 26 (10.99 @ L70). Druid players have massively expanded options in TBC that let them contend in PVE and PVP environments, with an extra emphasis on PVP success. Not for leveling you dont. Being a tank is being the most important player in the raid. The classic choice for tanks. with Druids is their damage smoothing, as they have no Use this when you have aggro issues. My Guilds T2ish Thunderfury Prot Paladin agrees (-the Ret since he is deep prot). document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Someone once said that you cant go home again. This time around I'm going druid for arena but going to have a pally still. The only milestone giveaways that are negotiable are as follows: 3/6 month WoW time can be swapped for Amazon Voucher of equal value. Of course the prot tree is completely unfinished and Im not going to put in all the effort to convince people that gbok cheesing makes it somewhat viable, so raid tanking is a no-go. They are All Greater Blessings (except Wisdom) generate threat for each player buffed by the spellcast. Old players, mostly those who played in retail Vanilla/TBC, will overestimate consumables and will harshly disagree with me on the following: The truth is Consumables are nice. competitive. Instead, use: [Superior Wizard Oil] -Provides +40 spell damage for an hour. I mean past ZF, its pretty noticeable that pallies are not naturally tanky like warriors are. Both of them give +30 stamina and +20 spirit. Which will be great for 5 mans/heroics and a rude awakening when they all realize they dont have raid spots, Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, Wrath of the Lich King Classic Discussion. WoW Classic TBC Phase 3 releases tomorrow, meaning that class rankings will undoubtedly change. Last Stand are above and beyond what either of the other tanks bring, and DPS at maximum efficiency with the same talents. in the next few sections. WoW Classic TBC opens some new avenues for mages, including utilizing the Arcane spec. You use mana for your spells. Rogues will have a mixed experience in TBC, one that may lack in comparison to Vanilla WoW. 6. You need to spec prot if you want to tank. a short explanation on the reasoning behind its position. Overall the best professions for a Feral tank to keep are Engineering and Enchanting. And a temporal discombobulator! when glyph of the gladiator came out, there were discussions in the warrior forums to stack stamina and use res to get uncrittable, and . The spirit is actually a wasted stat, but +30 stamina is a great buff. Both are good choices, but if you want the path of least resistance, go paladin. Even in classic you tank all the way up to nearly 60 with almost no points in prot because the level of threat needed is very low. And with pre patch paladin will have a taunt making prot even less necessary for leveling. I was wondering which class you guys think is more fun in terms of healing/tanking in tbc? In Classic TBC, Hunter will be the most dangerous DPS in PVE next to Warlocks, and in a much more simple way. For more articles like this, take a look at our The Wowhead Client is a little application we use to keep our database up to date, and to provide you with some nifty extra functionality on the website! Now we land on Vanilla WoW's golden child, the Warrior. Warlocks will take advantage of this throughout TBC, pushing into Affliction to make it count before rounding out with other specs in later tiers. Equip: Increases the spell power of your Consecration spell by 47. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. [spicy Crawdad], [Fishermans Feast]. Warriors can still use their wide array of single-target spells for In Phase 5 content, they can become absolute Quick leveler and strong solo class, able to stealth, deal high burst damage and heal; Best tank / DPS hybrid class, as most talents, and even gear, can be shared between both roles; Defenses are gear dependent and surviving can be a struggle until good gear is attained; Weak scaling with gear due to reliance on feral attack power on weapons and dots / energy, which do not scale with secondary stats; High skill cap class, requiring good dot management, tanking know-how and the advanced, 4. While only tank is considered a top tier spec, Balance brings powerful buffs They bring multiple support spells which can be used during tanking downtime, such as Innervate and Rebirth, both of which are vital in most raid encounters. spikes in damage because of this. (2 Min Cooldown). 305 3 . three tanks have both pros and cons, and all three tanks are 100% viable in The best and only choice. Equip: Increases your shield block rating by 24 (3.57% @ L67). Lasts 2 hours, persists through death. 5. only brought by Leatherworkers, although the early versions of drums require you Paladin tanking is a lot more interesting and fun than druid tanking. One class that is certainly looking forward to WoW Classic TBC is Druid. To be in with a chance to bag one of these milestone give aways, you simply just have to be a subscriber, that's it! Avoid using those. [Flask of Blinding Light] This one, giving +80 Holy spell damage, is a huge increase in TPS. Click the links below to navigate the guide him stream on Twitch, or However, in pvp, resto druid is great fun. ), Warrior TBC ratings: 3.5/5 PVE - 4.5/5 PVP, READ MORE: WoW Classic Ban Wave Targets Thousands of Accounts in Error. This guide will help you to improve as a Tank Feral Druid in all aspects of the game, improving your knowledge to face the hardest Dungeons and Raids from The Burning Crusade Classic. Melee hits have a chance to stack a holy dot on the target, stacks up to 5 times. Protection Warriors This includes Heroic Dungeons and 3 Raids . downtime, such as Innervate and Rebirth, both of Obviously, liking the videos would also be nice but there is no bonus points for it. People who have done both, what do you think? .Includes: Seal buff tracker (Supports all Seals) Judgement of the Crusader debuff tracker Crusader Strike & Judgement cooldown tracker (large) Exorcism,. But you should have time to get both up during the pre-patch if you want, as both classes get substantially smoother leveling thanks to Talents and Skill changes. Paladins are actually quite desirable in raids and make excellent off-tanks. More importantly, they're also in the logs. [Flask of Fortification] +500 HP, +10 defense rating. TBC pushes Balance druids forward by improving the Moonkin experience from the OOMkin woes of Vanilla WoW, and giving them Insect Swarm. You would never been bored having a druid and paladin and the variety of play is great. Here, you will learn how all you need to know to play Exorcism Deals holy damage to an enemy Demon or Undead. Privacy Policy. You may then ask, why bring other tanks at all? While Protection Warriors are absolutely replaceable in TBC with Ferals, a Protection Paladins unparalleled area of effect (AoE, or multi-target) threat capabilities means that every raid brings at least one for tanking trash mobs. From what I gather Id have much more fun tanking as a pally than a Druid. Druids also If you had to level/gear up one now for tbc, which would you go? The choice is yours. The winner will be drawn publicly and using a random number generator or the wow in game rolling system. Feral druids, check out our guides below: This guide has been written by Seksi, original Burning Crusade Use: Each successful block heals you for 120. Level SUPER fast in both RETAIL and Classic and make HUGE gold at 80 with Gold Assistant which tells you the best farms and profession crafts-https://www.restedxp.com/ref/scottejaye/Want to support the channel for free? These combos are actually slightly better (theoretically) than the Flask of Fortification. READ MORE: WoW Classic TBC Pre Patch: Two Weeks Isn't Enough. Warlock may have clocked in just below some of the premiere DPS classes of Vanilla WoW, but they'll be top dogs on the charts in TBC. incredibly valuable in high-target situations where getting aggro quickly is At the same time, the raid must spread out to minimize the damage taken from Illidan's Fireballs. In addition to this, Feral Tanks share the same talents as Feral DPS; this means that when they are not actively tanking, Druids can still deal competitive single-target damage. The DPS tier list has seen very little change - with Warriors slightly on the rise, but the top 3 of Hunter, Warlock and Mage staying strong. While this ranking is RealSport101 is supported by its audience. Bias as I was a paladin in BC, holy was my main spec but I still tanked BT/hyjal as prot. does not mean much if you can still potentially die in just a few hits. Since Classic Wow launched, I've found a new way to enjoy the game; participating in Feral Druid theorycrafting communities and performing well in an underdog class has been a fun challenge. Paladin is for money, druid is for arena. You really dont because Prot relies on Blessing of Sanc and Holy Shield to hold threat. But that isn't the only Classic WoW gameplay going, as WoW Classic Season of Mastery is aboout to begin! Warriors will have options with debuff limits gone and a new physical damage buff to play Arms instead of only Fury all the time, but you'll struggle to make the same kind of DPS meter impact you did in Vanilla. The Tank tier list sees very little change in TBC Phase 2 - with Warriors remaining the best single target tank, Paladins remaining the best AOE tank, and Feral Druids doing enough of both to always fill a useful raid slot while DPSing on fights where a bear isn't needed. Resto, Boomy & Feral (tank) all do decently well in PVE. gaps early on. If you go pally you dont level prot. )Maelstrom Gaming - Supporter You can now find an easy way to navigate WOTLK related videos and join an ever evolving website where there will be class guides, boss guides, bis lists and so much more from all the top content creators in the Classic WoW scene - https://www.scottejaye.com/Hey all, check out my feral videos like the Feral DPS WoW Classic Guide - https://youtu.be/8XyQXXzmcMc also check the first 5 minutes of this video to get all the details on the give away - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHAjucamW28\u0026t=2488s Enjoy our look at the tanking classes - druid, warrior and paladin in TBC.So this is different..Thank you Noxxe for joining me on this and bringing your vast knowledge of tanking in TBC. You go use mana and build threat with spell damage for an hour block by!, they 're also in the raid the key to their threat-generation being [ Righteous Fury.... 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