Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc, or its affiliates. Mexican Riddles in Spanish with Answers Dee may potentially empathize more with Mexican riddles and Spanish brain teasers from school due to her own experience as a Ph.D. With a few of these Spanish jokes in your back pocket, youll sound like a native and have some fun too! Su sombra. Learn them all, and youll be in the know next time you get laughed at while speaking Spanish. Quin es el santo patrono de los zapatos?San Dalia. Arde y no se quema, quema y no es candela.Big, so big, bigger than the Earth. Some who? Regardless of its form, it will always have a hidden or double meaning and it will be presented as a puzzle to be solved. Small talk and humor can be some of the trickiest parts of language learning. "If . What did the surfer say when he saw the tsunami approaching? Por qu no estn juntos?B. So glad you're here. Hello! The sole of the foot. Learn More. What did number 1 say to number 10?If you want to be like me, you have to be sincere. Clean meaning:Smaller balls (as opposed tobaln or bolawhich refer to a larger ball) used in sporting events. Cmo se despiden dos qumicos?cido un placer. Okay, the dirtiness here is caused by a common mix-up between the two words listed above. I hope you love using these family friendly Spanish riddles in the classroom or at home! Spanish riddles are one of the many Spanish fun lessons you can learn from Homeschool Spanish Academy! )The manager responds: If you could spell it all along, why didnt you say so? 2. 6. Let us tailor a Spanish package that suits your needs and interests and become one of the 580 million Spanish speakers of the world. Que le dijo el nmero cero al nmero ocho? Aur neechay se aik aisa cheej nikalti hai jis se sab piyar kartay hain. Cmo se siente un oso enfadado?FuriOSO. Answer: Butter. Una rana. Qu le dijo el 8 al 12? He had loco motives. Yo mama so fat, she left in high heels and came back in flip flops. Qu dice una taza a otra taza?Qu tazaciendo? This lighter stuff helps you practice what you already know and exposes you to specific cultural expressions that help you understand the language as a whole. Make connections with the previous knowledge you had about them. Por qu una seora lleva pegamento al restaurante?En caso de romper la dieta. All rights reserved. The letter y.49. Cmo se queda un mago despus de comer?Magordito. Just like the famous U.S. brand of tennis shoes. 21. See answer. Slo una vez al aot celebras ese da,y conmemoras la fechaen que llegaste a la vida. One bench says to another one:Lending you money again do I look like a bank? How do you get bread to talk?Put it in water all night, and the next day it will be soft. Vegan and Vegetarian Vocabulary in Spanish, 18 Meanings of Cuenta in Common Spanish Idioms, A-Z: Beginner Spanish Word Lists for Kids + Free Flashcards, 50 Essential Medical Phrases for Your Upcoming Physical, 100+ Basic Spanish Words and Phrases for Travelers, The Sweetest Guide to Valentines Day Vocabulary in Spanish, 7 Spanish Reading Games for Kids: Boosting Literacy Skills, 45+ Mission Trip Spanish Phrases You Need To Know, 44 Essential Spanish Quotes and Proverbs to Fuel Your Motivation, Spanish Body Parts: Vocabulary, Idioms, and Culture, 10 Ways Learning Spanish Can Improve Your Childs Behavior. Here come the challenging Spanish riddles. 3) En qu mes una nia habladora habla menos? The adivinanzas are an awesome form of entertainment for people of all ages. Depending on who your audience is, you might opt . 23 .Donde viven los Minions?En CondoMinions. 9. 46. Suddenly, "Qu comiste hoy en el almuerzo?" becomes a dangerous question. Al cabo de un ao, cul de los dos es el mayor? Question: What's long and hard and has cum in it? Its like how somebody might say I do do that in English and be met with a Haha, you said doo doo.. Por qu se fue el tamal al hospital?Ta malito.2. 14. La letra Y. Mexican jokes, or jokes about any race, that perpetuate negative racial stereotypes and racial hatred aren't funny in our opinion. Sacerdote: Pepito, quieres ser Cristiano? No, padre. Sign up for a free class today and make your Spanish teacher laugh! Riddles most frequently fall into two categories: enigmas and conundra. Porque quiere ser una caja fuerte. This might be my favorite section. You tie me down to get me up. A secret17. *wink wink*. It never drinks coffee, it always drinks tea. 7. The great thing about a dirty knock-knock joke is that it's almost always unexpected.There's just something inherently innocent and family-friendly about the setup for a knock-knock joke, so when it takes a left turn and the punchline is jaw-droppingly filthyso much that you look around the room to make sure there are no children presentit gives you a new appreciation for this classic . Some can work in either Spanish or English, and some only make sense in Spanish (the puns especially!). 4. Show Hint Show Answer what am i riddle dirty adult humor Dislike Like If I Miss, I Hit Your Bush Riddle: If I miss, I hit your bush. Literally "That, that, bread with cheese". Dirty meaning: The two amigos There is no Spanish word for sports-related balls that isn't funny. Por qu una caja se apunt al gimnasio? Want a hint? In those cases, have everyone sit or stand in a circle, spaced apart in the same manner as you would in a line. Lets clear all this up right away:Pechugais for talking about chicken breasts andpechois a more technical term for a human chest. 6. 6. Wouldnt it be great to connect with native Spanish speakers on this realest of levels? The fathers name is Juan and the son, I already told you. The last 15 Fat insults. Whats the best place for mid-week, one stop shopping?Wal-MARTES! Si no sabes (if you don't know), espera (wait) Answer: la pera (the peer) Un seor gordito (A chubby man), muy coloradito (very red), no toma caf (doesn't drink coffee), siempre toma t (always drinks tea). 4. Un libro. I will never forget the sound of eight Quiteoslaughing hysterically at my Spanish blunder. Suddenly, Qu comiste hoy enel almuerzo?becomes a dangerous question. Have some faith-filled fun with these funny Christian jokes, religious puns and church humor that will keep you laughing (and possibly groaning) for all of eternity! "The white guy goes " I like to cook liver and cheese. You automatically have to define a dog as a male or female dog when speaking, either aperroorperra. Un mentiroso. 3. Hay tres clases de personas: "There are three kinds of people:" las que saben contar y las que no. (You may want to write it out in english too) 1.) She has a lifelong passion for travel, scientific research, languages and lizards. 37. Clean meaning:There is no clean meaning, this is just an all-around sexual thing to saybut lots of Spanish learners say it. Show Answer 2. Youll get some giggles if you say this one with misplaced emphasis, silly context where it could be somehow construed sexually or if everyone has had enough Presidentes(popular brand of Dominicancerveza nacional) that night. 10. This riddle appears in the following downloadable PDF files: Riddles for Kids.pdf; Medium Riddles.pdf; Short Riddles.pdf Practise pronunciation while having fun at the same time!60 riddles and tongue twisters that will help students to improve their pronunciation: R's, J's, GU's, V and B, etc. 22. Cmo se llama el pez ms negativo?Pesimista! The P Word Riddle: I am a five letters word starting with "P". Pequeos, redondos, con agujeritos, valemos muy poco, solos o juntitos, mas de nosotros depende el buen vestir de la gente. In the first, there is so much fire it looks like hell. What if soy milk was just regular milk introducing itself in Spanish? PDF. Un banco le dice a otro:Que te preste dinero otra vez tengo cara de banco? And it doesn't mean we can't find humor in those differences, or that it's wrong to laugh at truly funny Mexican jokes, for example, as long as they're not offensive. Pepito, me han dicho que eres muy rpido con las matemticas. Redondo soy como un pandero, quien me tome en verano que use sombrero. I have food and I can't eat. Its true, though learn Spanish and you can enjoy double the memes and double the jokes. Below are five riddles in Spanish and see if you can work them out; don't worry we have also put the answers at the end of the article. I have numbers, and I cant read. Dirty Who am I Riddle Riddle: Most of the time when I go in, I cause some pain. 2) Qu te pertenece a ti y sin embargo los dems lo usan con ms frecuencia que t? What can you find in the center of Paris? Its pretty much a toss up when youll get someone snickering at you for using it, no matter where in the world you arethough Ive heard the word is actually off limits in Chile and Peru, so you might want to ask when you arrive at your Spanish-speaking destination. Toc, toc. Quin es? Lola-Qu lola?-Lola drones Espera que estoy con lame-Lame que? Lame tralladora. Qu se lava en playas muy pequeas?Microondas! 43. It ain't over till the fat lady sings. In some countriesI myself am only aware of this happening in parts of Mexicosome native speakers defer toblancoswhen theyrediscussing eggs. A: Me neither. dirty food riddle funny riddles adult humor Dislike Like You Move Me Around With Your Lips And Tongue Riddle: I am long, you move me around with your lips and tongue, I get wet with saliva and I get sucked. 8. Es blanco como la leche y fino como la seda. "If I . 11. You play with it when you're bored. 31. This particular word is twice as bad because you can also eat bolas in many parts of the Spanish-speaking world. Qu le dice el 1 al 10?Para ser como yo tienes que ser sincero. However, Im adding a little explanation below each pun to help you grasp the idea behind each one of them, and then you can judge if they are funny or just silly. Have a great time with your family and friends while trying to solve these brain puzzles. Again, this is another case of word mix-ups. ( Bad joke! Download a printable version of these riddles. The olEstoy calienteinstead ofTengo calorswitcharoo. He calls up and his dad and asks "did something come in the mail today?" and then when his dad asks "what", he replies "deez nuts" referring to his danglers before bursting out in laughter. - Porque tiene muchos problemas. Libro de poco tamaoque slo tiene doce hojaspero se lee en un ao. Answer: A Broom. An elevator 3. Pesa ms un pjaro de tres kilos o un beb de tres kilos?El pjaro porque pesa tres kilos y pico. Bullshitter! 36. y blanco me amasaron. Which room must he choose to survive? Esteban, Hand-picked for you: 15 Ways to Learn Spanish by Watching TV. 15. Yo mama so poor, ducks throw bread at her. 2. Vino mi suegra. Chuckle under my breath. Read carefully and do not jump the gun! 6 Storybooks in Spanish Your Kids Will Love, 45+ Mission Trip Spanish Phrases You Need To Know, Spanish Tongue Twisters for Perfecting Your Pronunciation, 5 Fun and Engaging Ways to Introduce Spanish to Your Preschooler. Mercury was a god in the Roman empire. Qu dijo el Viejo MacDonald cuando tuvo una hija?Hi-ja Hi-ja Oh. Qu hace una abeja en el gimnasio?Zumba! Theres no way to avoid the crassness, no matter your context or technically perfect Spanish. Me canso ganzo. A Mexican thinks his wife has an affair but she says he is the only Juan. Visit the section of adivinanzas at for more riddles in Spanish. Custom-tailored to fit your needs, you choose your program, schedule, favorite teachers, pace of learning, and more.. 2. Let me know in the comments below! If youre not speaking to biologists, maybe you could pretend you only know the word for frog (rana). Here's a list of related tags to browse: One Line Riddles Goat Riddles Country Riddles Mexican Riddles Interesting Riddles What Is It Riddles Mexican Riddles What Am I Riddles The results compiled are acquired by taking your search "in spanish" and breaking it down to search through our database for relevant content. Cul es el vino ms amargo? The sole of the foot. Tiene hojas y no es rbol, tiene piel y no es animal.It rustles but has no leaves. Preparo bien el terreno y la semilla siembro y aunque siempre ando esperando, a que el sol y la lluvia lleguen a su tiempo. Dirty Riddles Riddles For Adults. It doesn't cure it, but it keeps the sheets off my legs at night. You dont always want to say pecho when talking about people (or yourself), since that can be awkward if youre in the midst ofa girls night out or something. What am I? Its just proof that, deep down, nobody ever really grows up enough to stop giggling at unintentional sexual euphemisms and scatological humor. Knock, knock. Two for the price of Juan. Corro y salto muy ligerito.Long ears, short tail. Mam, mam, puedo usar tu coche? No sin mi supervisin! Ay pero no tengo superpoderes, mam. There are a number of reasons as to why riddles are great when learning Spanish. De qu se alimenta un len muerto de hambre? 34. FluentU is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to I sometimes ask you to spit and not swallow it. A rabbit. El que no adivine, qu lento es!It looks like gold, its not silver. All rights reserved, 90 Dirty Riddles with Answers for a Naughty Mind, 100 Best Riddles with Answers for Kids and Adults, 30 Tricky Number Riddles and Answers for Smart People, 55 Hard Riddles with Answers for Kids and Adults, 75 Logic Riddles with Answers that Will Blow Your Mind, Word Riddles: 90+ Word Games to Test Your Brain, 100 Easy Riddles (with a Twist) Anyone Can Solve, 75 Best Riddles for Teens with Answers that are Fun, 100 Good Riddles for Kids and Adults (with Answers), 150 Best Funny Riddles for Kids and Adults (with Answers), 75 Most Interesting Riddles for Kids that are Fun, 55 Tricky Riddles for Kids to Keep Them Guessing, 70 Fun School Riddles Your Kids Will Love, 55 Best What is it Riddles for Kids and Adults, 75 Best Bible Riddles for Kids and Adults, 55 Best What Am I Riddles to Keep You Guessing, 55 Best Math Riddles with Answers that are Fun. Fishy Fun Mauricio: Qu hace un pez? Pue pap noel.C. updated JUN 18, 2010. "those who know how to count, and those who don't." Pepito,cunto es 2 x 2? Empate. Y 2 x 1? Oferta! The pupils of his eye. Qu es?If you have it you want to share it. A couple of these Spanish riddles are Mexican. What do you take to feel better?I take distance. Your Lips Around my Head. - Pap, qu se siente tener un hijo tan guapo? A Spanish riddle can be a question, a phrase, or a statement. El que no lo learn a spanish joke, a spanish riddle, and a spanish tongue twister! 8. These two words mean its soft, however if you say it quickly it sounds like est hablando, which means its talking. Soy pequea y afilada y pincho con mis puntadas. Tengo dos cabezas, siete pies, tres manos y cinco ojos. In English, we have our own vulgar word that technically means female dog but is almost never used for that reason. A una la mandaron a frica y a otra a Oceana. 1. Because it wanted to be a strong box, meaning a safe.38. 37. What is it? While they were hiking, a large blue fly flew across their path. Do you want to practice your puns with a native Spanish speaker? I am dirty, I love being filled with wood, but someone only goes down on me once a year. So, by skipping one little syllable you can change the whole meaning of the sentence. 27. 9. Circle: Sometimes you're working with too tight of a space to allow for a straight line, such as indoors in a bedroom. You get a better insight to the culture of different Spanish speaking countries. If you take them off, you will cry. Llegar vs Llevar in Spanish: Whats the Difference? They don't work in the future, either. 33. Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Contact Us 2022 HSA. The Riddle of a god Planet. 20. Qu es algo que siempre cae, y nunca se rompe?Whats something that always falls but never breaks? We all know what a sausage looks like, and we all know what that word can mean in the right (or wrong) context. You try to jump but there are hungry sharks in the sea. Y en la tercera hay leones que llevan aos sin probar bocado. Nombre. I have a joke about time travel, but you guys didn't get it. 5. - No s hijo, pregntale a tu abuelo 2. [FREE] Dirty Riddles With Answers In Spanish | new! 8. Required fields are marked *, document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "ad28058ec6d47ae88c3bec0085b620e5" );document.getElementById("aab6c27e07").setAttribute( "id", "comment" );Comment *. Blanca soy, blanca nac, pobres y ricos me quieren a m. If you share it, you no longer have it. I have layer upon layer. Si no sabes que es, espera.White on the inside, green on the outside. Dirty Riddles Clean Answers #1 - dirty mind riddle Difficulty Popularity You stick your poles inside me. click for answer. 15. Chorizo Clean meaning: Sausage 12: segundo de enero, de febrero, de marzo 12: second of January, of February, of March41. Cmo haces para que un pan hable?Lo pones en agua toda la noche y a la maana siguiente ya est blando. Si la dejamos se pasa;si la vendemos se pesa;si se hace vino se pisa;si la dejamos se posa. 16. These adivinanzas (riddles) have answers and can be downloaded as a printable PDF. 2. That said, we're all different and those differences should be celebrated. Una cajita redonda, blanca como el azar, todos la saben abrir, nadie la sabe cerrar. An enigma is usually expressed in metaphorical or allegorical language that requires Un mapa - A map. Qu es? Check our affordable pricing and flexible programs. Practice Spanish and have fun with these five riddles in Spanish about animals with answers!More riddles with answers in Spanish: Un grupo de chicos estaban sentados en un banco y pasaronn 2 monjas.Dijo uno Las conozco, una tiene una heladera y otra tiene una joyera. Cmo sabes t eso? Porque una es Sor Bete, y la otra Sor Tija. Eso, eso, pan con queso. But trust me, you can do it! Te sirven para escribir, dibujar, sealar y sentir.They are useful for writing, drawing, pointing, and feeling. 23. A Spanish speaker enters a store and asks: Hay ampolletas?Clerk: Hello, Mr. Polletas. Check out: The Ultimate Guide to Advanced Spanish Vocabulary. In this post, well learn what puns are and how they can help us learn Spanish. Awesome form of entertainment for people of all ages si no sabes es. La fechaen que llegaste a la maana siguiente ya est blando can the... Hay leones que llevan aos sin probar bocado a frica y a otra Oceana! Get it go in, I already told you crassness, no matter your context or technically Spanish.? Put it in water all night, and youll be in the of... If youre not speaking to biologists, maybe you could pretend you only know the word for frog ( )... Hable? lo pones en agua toda la noche y a otra taza qu. Un len muerto de hambre doesn & # x27 ; t funny pones en agua toda la y... A una la mandaron a frica y a otra taza? qu tazaciendo said, we #. 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