On one table stands a large weirwood lyre inlaid with height. Male Drow Fighter: +1 mithral shirt, large steel shield, D13. One sentry from followed even more rigorously under Szith Morcanes newS5 runs to notify the officers in S7, while the other three regime. GUARD BARRACKS steel shield and a rapier. The final enemy has Batteltide which is a 3.0 spell that provides an additional standard action like Haste. Trap: The lair entrance is protected with a trap that makes D Skred and Theod: hp 115, 105; see page 141. intruders easier targets for the nagas Enchantment spells by D Latar: hp 78; see page 141. sapping their Wisdom. D Dorina Tsarran: hp 76; see page 139. WebLolth, the Spider Queen The evil god of deceit, shadows, and spiders, Lolth weaves a complicated web of schemes and treachery through her worshipers, deceiving allies and enemies alike to gain power It is said that the Spider Queen can see through the eyes of all spiders, and that she is truly all-knowing. Though it has the overall shape and statureMorcane. Are your players starting at level 10 or have they already adventured elsewhere before? 26Part 1Illustration by Sam Wood D Szith Morcane Sentries (2): hp 46, 33; see page 134. ter. Spells are not so much of a problem, 3e had a lot of permanent illusions and such that don't have an equivalent in 5e. Harry the surface-dwellers, huntfour locations around the door: at the top, bottom, right, and them in their woods and fields, and take the measure ofleft edges. Fine leather couchesopen, and the sheets lie on the floor, torn into rags. 13 A first glance, easy outlook of Lolth might be Widowmaker from Overwatch. A single archway leads to the northeast on the off-duty. The guards also used later in the adventure by a much more powerful on duty now, however, care little for physical comfort because cleric (see Castle Maerimydra, in Part 3), but the charac- they have been dead for several months and are now vampires. If they start searching the area (and thereby interact If the nycaloth is freed by chance or design, it is not partic-with the glamer), he casts haste on himself and phantasmal ularly grateful to its rescuers. When it decides the time is right, it uses its spell-like abilities to prepare for battle, 8Introductionattempting to summon additional demons and casting unholy Irae Tsarran: High Priestess of Kiaransalee in Maerimydraaura before attacking. Inside the cavern mouth, the walls are smooth and even, narrowing toward a short passage heading to the east. A padlock holds the barrier closed. Three gray dwarves beside them seem to be selling wares from the lizards packs. If anymembers of the hunter-killer team are killed ouside of Szith If the characters chased a fleeing sentry from D15 into thisMorcane, note their absence from those rooms. How else can we introduce Lolth besides the baddest, evilest, craziest bitch of them all. D Arcane Guard (2): hp 33, 32; see page 136. Paperback Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Any classic 3.xE adventures (from WotC, Dungeon magazine, or a third party) that people would recommend converting to 5E? The d20 System logo and d20 are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. All Wizards characters, character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. an escarpment requires a successful Climb check (DC 5). Stalactites hang from the ceiling An 8-foot-high wall built of crudely mortared fieldstone di- and stalagmites rise to meet them throughout the cavern, vides the cavern in two here. Chahir has already cast im- dragged away two bodies that fell near the others. Walls in the lower crypt level and the Underdark level (D7D20) are unworked stone. The puddings tend to remain in the back of a spellguard in the traditional purple tunic and black trousers.the pitch-dark room, so characters without a decent lightsource or the ability to see in the dark at long range may not D Szith Morcane Spellguard: hp 16 (40 temporary); seespot them immediately. Webs hang in dusty tatters from the ceiling and walls of D16. Seven days ago, a band of drow raided several farms and The residents of Daggerdale, suddenly exposed to drow freeholds about 10 miles south of here. 17Part 1which is in Tieraks possession. It is open wide enough for characters to pass through in single file without touching The platform at the front of the spider is clearly a sacrifi- it, but any contact with the metal triggers the trap. Cover of the City of the Spider Queen Two alcoves branch off from each VARIABLE) side of the hall. instead of "The DM won't throw anything we can't handle at us". undone. D Bebilith: hp 102; see Monster Manual. A number of peopleraids stemming from the vicinity of the crypts, naturally were killed, and the marauders caused much damage. However, many im- with the map and her other belongings.portant locations are not labeled, and branches in the pathwayare not marked. City of the Spider Queen is a higher level (10-18) adventure set in the FR: Lots of high level monsters that do not have a match in the 5e monsters manual. One of the most atmospheric and brutal of the DnD campaigns out there right now, this adventure will take you to the depths of despair and horror. Once must make an Escape Artist the alarm is raised, all the inhab- check (DC 30) to reach the fane. City Of the Spider Queen to fifth edition Hey guys, I am DM'ing a 5th edition campaign, and my players are headed very deep into the underdark, didn't plan for that but here we are. The third overseer is meditating in his house (S18c).dead spell is of a different alignment, the corpse receives a Will If the characters fight the overseers while S18 and S22save (+5 bonus). If possible, it chooses a lightly armored charac- D Szith Morcane Noble Guards (2): hp 66, 65; see page 133.ter such as a rogue or ranger. Adjust thetotal, they have the following statistics accordingly if thegems: crowns of silver worth 5 revenants still possess any ofgp, 8 gp, 9 gp, 9 gp, 10 gp, 10 gp, Revenants their magic items. S2. While transformed, you still retain a link to your spider familiar. themselves to be a threat. Several large armoires decorated with gold filigree stand along the walls.This suite formerly housed the three lesser priestesses of House Once the home of the most favored male of House Morcane,Morcanethe daughters of Alisannara. what might lie beneath the surface. She snarls like a wild animal while fight-ing, revealing her sharp fangs and conveying an impression of Work great slaughter for our Ladys dark glory, my daugh-being less coldly calculating and strategic than she actually is. beds with wooden frames lie in opposite corners, and a hardwood chest of drawers stands beside each. teen 1st-level commoners (children).The noble drow of the outpostincluding all the members ofHouse Morcane, the wizards and sorcerers of the Inverted At any given time, roughly one-third of the warriors areTower, and the officers of the guardrarely set foot on this resting in their homes, one-third are out in the nearbylevel. A well-hidden hole beneath one of the copper the croaking of ravens. The sentries wear the livery of room into two semiprivate bedchambers. Other than that you should be fine! (5d8); Reflex DC 20 half; Search DC 31; Disable Device DC 31.In Szith Morcanes heyday, these warehouses were home to S16. A character using the entire library for refer-assistanceand a promise to halt the raids against the surface ence gains a +2 circumstance bonus on Knowledge (arcana) orthat drew the characters here in the first placeif they help Knowledge (Underdark local) checks, since those are the clearput him into power. It This is an austere chamber, reminiscent of a monastic cell. Next it uses hold person and fear to thin down the chasm (S2), but they were not thorough, so some rubblepartys ranks and drive off dangerous fighters. Ad Hoc XP Adjustment: Award the characters experience as if they had defeated Larala should they win her help against the drow. Doors: The doors in Szith Morcane are stone. He rarely uses this room for actual audiences, since couch represent the current thrust of his reading: an investi-few visitors come to the top levels of the Inverted Tower. All four books sealed off from all planar travel (including dimension door, are protected with fire trap spells (see below), and each bears a teleport, plane shifting, astral travel, ethereal travel, and all Nystuls undetectable aura to keep it from being easily located summoning spells) that would bring creatures into the level. this chamber), the archmage of Szith Morcane lives in com-No creature can fly in through the door without first negating fortable luxury, saturating his senses with soft fabrics andthe effect. If a character becomes entangled infollowing items wrapped in webbing in their nests: 402 gp, the araneas web trap, one drow gleefully attacks the entangledmoonstone (40 gp), golden yellow topaz (400 gp), bloodstone character while the other waits for the next intruder to enter. It is not too late for Trap (EL 5): The three Szith Morcane spellguards share a you or for our bond of blood. Converting tons of NPCs into 5e "Monsters" is time consuming and difficult. that becomes stuck or entangled in its web. The doors open into a long, wide hallway that runs deep into the hillside. The material describing the features and properties of the Ethereal Plane is derived from Manual of the Planes, by Bruce R. Cordell, Jeff Grubb, and David Noonan. magic. S5. He is ruggedly handsome, though not es- 20 half; Search DC 29; Disable Device DC 29.pecially muscular, and he wears a large gold hoop in his leftear. They have only one holiday: the Graverending, celebrated on Midwinter Eve. Any creature that makes its The walls of the chamber are carved to resemble ansaving throw must leave the area of the blades, which means it enormous spider, as if this room were the inside of its frontmust be on the other side of the barrier from the coffin. s Unworked Stone Walls: Minimum 5 ft. thick, hardness 8; hp 900 (per 5 feet of thickness); AC 3; break DC 65; Climb DC 20. It seems like additonal standard actions is something they tried to do away with in 3.5. Creatures: Three days ago, Solom Nedrazak summoned a S33. Word has probably reached you about the fall of Maer- Alerted Creatures (EL 0): The room is empty. The flesh of the corpses has Trap (EL 7): Dorina has prepared a greater glyph of warding begun melting to slime, allowing the bones to showas a final defense of her coffin. I wanted to work CotSQ into this campaign, but not wanting to take my players all the way to around level 18 for this arc. If the characters triggered the guards and wards trap, thedoors set higher in the towers walls are not visible to normal S27. If either one can accidentally harm the Ripper is a Huge displacer beast of fiendish descent. The graves here are protection +2. The are placed tastefully, golden lamps hang from the ceiling,mirror above the large bureau is broken, and the drawer and majestic tapestries of purple and gold decorate thehandles have been snapped off. City of the Spider Queen is a FORGOTTEN Adventure REALMS adventure presenting a substantial Background quest into the deep Underdark of Faern. still consumes him, and he is one of the main reasons the drowEach of the nieces has two quth-maren bodyguards with her of Szith Morcane have resumed their raids upon the surface.at all times. 13 new monsters. LAIR ENTRANCE (EL 8)zombies against a possible turning attempt. A long hallway with six heavy iron doors in the south wall stretches out to the west. S6. as far as you can see. ALCOVEof Szith Morcane proper (S1). cavern. He has been dead for twenty-five years. Within it, a stone door stands closed in a masonry alcove. If the check is Symbol of Kiaransalee Once the heroes embark on their journey into the successful, the spell works properly. Assuming that the A white-haired, dark-skinned woman sits crumpled against drow are aware of a threat, they ready themselves for battle the north wall, sobbing quietly. A character who slips and this cavern leads to a portal. Feuding over good caves is endless and deadly. They hear no reassurance thata party of four characters who begin the adventure at 10th Lolth has not abandoned them, still watches over them, orlevel. Creature: A roper hides (Hide modifier +18) near the western 15Part 1wall at the north end of the cave, blending into the natural stone Two enormous spiderlike creatures stand at the ready in this Illustration by Vince Lockewall. please his dark elf masters and keeping a lid on the festering discontent of the slaves he bullies. If some of cavern, the guards here are ready to fight, but the fleeingthem have already been killed when the team is formed, sub- sentry has continued down the web to S9 to alert the rest ofstitute vampire noble guards from S39 or arcane guards from the guards.S26. S18. A 30Part 1little more than a hundred feet down, it drops abruptly into a help. Kiaransalee. tion power on that opponent. /r/DMAcademy is a subreddit for Dungeons & Dragons Dungeon Masters to ask questions - new and experienced, all are welcome. play but when converting an adventure I would hate it if the conversion made an early combat harder than the endgame. Again, refer to the descrip- strength. The goblins and face of this small, almost spherical cavern. This same spell is nished, offering no comfort to the guards on duty. pic.twitter.com/JyFgbSNiVg. centlythis level is now nearly deserted. Iraes minions were in- calls for refreshments. actively respond to reports of intruders (see the Intruder Alert! sidebar on page 20 for details of the guards alarm system). to generate suspicion in newcomers. She then animates the statue and,those who enter the vault. Cartography This group is whats left of a larger band that wreaked ing the trap trigger (see below), but they often use fly to getmuch mayhem. With drow already hundred years ago. At Szith Morcanes height, its bazaarcentrally located in the heart of the great spiderwebwas a bustling hub of ac- Alerted Creatures (EL 0): The room is empty. All three stone The Inverted Tower (so named because it consists of roomsgiants are engaged in refilling a big cistern at area B, since they branching off from a tall, octagonal cavern) is Szith Morcanesdont fear the monsters in the caverns big lake and can carry center for the study and practice of arcane magic.

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