It is said to have medicinal properties (good for digestion). Common thistle plants like the Musk thistle, bull thistle, distaff thistle, Canada thistle, and scotch thistle grow to a height of between 2ft tall and 9ft tall. The information provided using this web site is only intended to be a general summary of information to the public. Decoction of the roots has been used to treat worms in children. Their perfume is quite beautiful. Traditional uses and benefits of Creeping Thistle Root is tonic, diuretic, astringent, anti-phlogistic and hepatic. Bull thistle (Cirsium horridulum), also called bristly thistle, is an herb with distinctive prickles. It is considered one of the best medicines which can be used for the purpose. It was, undoubtedly, a national badge in 1503, in which year Dunbar wrote his poetic allegory, 'The Thrissill and the Rose,' on the union of James IV and Princess Margaret of England. Some require extra preparation. Today's featured weed is the thistle, i.e. The warm infusion - 1 OZ. This handsome plant is not unworthy of a place in our gardens and shrubberies and was formerly frequently cultivated. An ounce simmered in a pint of milk is a family remedy for low forms of diarrhea and dysentery, after the acute symptoms have subsided. This is one of the least troublesome of the Thistles, being an annual and less abundant than some others. The different species are all edible and have similar uses. This kind of fodder was formerly used to a great extent in Scotland before the introduction of special green crops for the purpose. The leaves have the segments elongated or lanceshaped, palmately cleft sometimes in large plants, but short and scarcely cleft at all in weaker specimens, each lobe terminating in a long and acute prickle. The Bull Thistle has a lot of same medicinal qualities as other thistles, but the stickers make it impossible to utilize in any efficient manner. 1. Flowers in August. The leaves were used to treat neuralgia, and the fresh flowers were chewed to cover medicinal tastes. Milk thistle is the prickly one depicted in the photos above. Cold infusions in smaller draughts are valuable in weak and debilitated conditions of the stomach, and as a tonic, creating appetite and preventing sickness. It likes pastures, edges of woods, waste places, fence lines and roadsides. It is a troublesome weed to agriculturists in certain districts, and is only eradicated by breaking up the ground. Please Like, Comment, Share! Welcome to the Weekly Weeder series. Living up to its name: Can self-heal reduce diabetes complications? When the soil is loose, such as after a rain, it's fairly easy to pull them and get a long section of root, even barehanded. A Thistle, however, that has been cultivated for several centuries in this country for its medicinal use is known as the Blessed or Holy Thistle. The flowers are light purple and surrounded with a nearly globular involucre, with scales terminating in strong, yellow spines. Herb: Common Thistle Latin name: Cirsium vulgare Synonyms: Carduus lanceolatus, Cirsium lanceolatum Family: Compositae Medicinal use of Common Thistle: The roots have been used as a poultice and a decoction of the plant used as a poultice on sore jaws. One of the edible plants that appears in the early spring in East Texas is the Bull Thistle (Cirsium vulgare). The plants are 1-3 tall, and leaves attach in an alternating pattern up the stem. With experience, one can peel off the spines in 30 seconds. Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense) Common in Clackamas County, highly invasive, see our weed profile. As mentioned earlier, they thrive in disturbed soils.). The roots of this plant are taproots. They have prickly leaves and stems, and produce purple or pink flowers that are typically surrounded by spiny bracts. . Thistle Thistle of the Blessed Virgin What is this product used for? Bull thistles (Cirsium vulgare) are exactly that bullish. All of them are both edible and have medicinal uses. As a general control, mowing when the plants are in bloom catches them without reserves (all their energy is in the flowers) and knocks back the population. However, mature leaves grow down the stem beyond their bases, making the stalk appear winged and prickly lobed leaf-like structures. The roots may be eaten like those of Salsify.' The sweetness of the taproot comes out when roasted. Cirsium horridulum, called bristly thistle, horrid thistle, yellow thistle or bull thistle, is a North American species of plants in the tribe Cardueae within the family Asteraceae. You can also eat older leaves, but as usual they are bitter boiling helps to remove some of the bitterness. . The Thistle Chapel at St Giles' Cathedral. Its leaves can also be chewed to relieve the pain of toothaches, cancer sores and sore throats, as they have anti-inflammatory properties. The spines, while pokey, are not nearly as sharp as bull thistle spines. I had read about buckwheat being good to control thistles, so I may try that also. It flowers in August. The flowers themselves are pale, purplish rose, the ray florets no longer than the central ones. See: Plants For A Future - what plants are edible/medicinal/toxic. For bull thistles, I usually use a fork and heavy gloves, unless I can catch them small and get under the rosette. Others use it to help prevent harm to the liver. Bull thistle can grow in different environments, but it will thrive in disturbed soil. Thank you! is informational in nature. Canada thistles (Cirsium arvense) are perennials, growing back each year from their roots. Among the thirteen noxious weeds enumerated in the proposed Bill, the name of Thistle is naturally to be found. It is a biennial, the root, a taproot, producing in the first year a tuft of strap-shaped, nearly flat leaves, hoary, especially beneath, very spinuous, but with the spines short and weak. It tends to grow best in soils with intermediate moisture although it will grow in dry and wet soils. Centaurea solstitialis, the Yellow Star Thistle, St. Barnaby's Thistle, is rare and hardly to be considered a native, though found in dry pastures in south-east Kent. And yet in medicine Thistles are far from useless. The Marian, or Milk Thistle, is perhaps the most important medicinally among the members of this genus, to which all botanists do not, however, assign it, naming it Silybum Marianum. Stems of C. vulgare have spiny wings. Cures earaches. Cirsium discolor. Once the biennial plant flowers, it can produce up to 4,000 seeds per plant. This plant looks like one should be sceptical to touch, let alone eat it. Aster family (Asteraceae) Description: This biennial or short-lived perennial plant initially forms a low rosette of spiny basal leaves up to 1' across. Deionized sulfur helps to bring the iron/manganese ratio back into balance. Culpepper considered that a decoction of this Thistle in wine 'being drank expels superfluous melancholy out of the body and makes a man as merry as a cricket.'. When beaten up or crushed in a mill to destroy the prickles, the leaves of all Thistles have proved excellent food for cattle and horses. Collect stalks when they can still be bent easily, long before flowering. Some species which flourish in hotter and drier climates than our own, such as the handsome Yellow Thistles of the south of Europe, Scolymus, are cultivated for that purpose, and have a classical interest, being mentioned by Hesiod as the flower of summer. Still, if I'm in a pinch, at least I know they are safe to eat. Grows only in Wiltshire. This plant obtains its name from being supposed to flower about St. Barnabas' Day, June 11 (old style). The plant varies much in the degree of soft hairiness, and consequently in the green or whitish colour of the leaves. Herbal-based dietary supplements have become increasingly popular. They are dark, dull green above, paler beneath, where they are sometimes nearly white from the abundance of hair present. The stalks, like those of most of our larger Thistles, may be eaten, and are palatable and nutritious. Photograph by Karelj via Wikimedia.. About 3 1/2 tons of fresh herb produce 1 ton when dried, and about 35 cwt. In The Wild Wisdom of Weeds, thistle is promoted as a liver tonic, alkalizing food and general tonic for many conditions. The sow THISTLE is in no sense a Thistle, but is more nearly allied to the Dandelion. Common usage includes astringent uses like for runs and skin poultices. Identification and Treatment of Poison Ivy, Annotated Trees, Shrubs, and Vines of Texas Hill Country, Making Sauerkraut and Other Fermented Foods, What to Serve After the Apocalypse - The Cook's Cook Magazine, Booze in the Backwoods - Coast Monthly Magazine, A Forager on the Road - The Cook's Cook Magazine, Dallas Observer - Chefs Turn to Nature 4/25/2017, Texas Lifestyle Magazine Interview 4/6/2015 p. 27, Edible Houston - Fall is for Foraging 9/29/2016, Lucky Peach Magazine Article "Foraging with Dummies", I Know You: Cavemaning and Lost in the Woods, Epic Gardening: Herbs and the Immune System, Epic Gardening: Make & Use Herbal Preparations, Wazoo Survival - Skills: Into to Foraging, Appleseed Radio Audio Podcast (starts at 23 minutes in). The root is spindle-shaped with tuberous fibres; stem 2 feet high, single, erect, round hairy, leafless above; leaves not decurrent, deeply pinnatifid, fringed with minute prickles; heads generally solitary, large, egg-shaped; florets crimson. It is said to have great power in the purification and circulation of the blood, and on this account strengthens the brain and the memory. Thistle. Bull thistle is biennial in U.S. Department of Agriculture hardiness zones 2 to 10, and Canada thistle is perennial in zones 2 to 8. They can be eaten raw, but due to an ingestible sugar, inulin, may cause gas in raw form. Anything that will improve soil structure and nutrient availability will improve the odds of other plants versus the thistles, so cover crops like buckwheat would definitely fall into that category. Herbalists do not have an official certification yet, but that may be in the works. The erect stem, 18 inches to 5 feet high, is very stout and much branched, furnished with wing-like appendages (the decurrent bases of the leaves) which are broader than its own diameter. But while most gardeners consider bull thistle as invasive plants, you can use certain types of thistle as a food source, an herbal remedy, and emergency cordage.(h/t If you peel it when it is young, it is said to taste like celery. Treats snakebites. The plant has a fleshy taproot on horizontal or vertical root-stocks with several side roots. Lobes on leaves are tipped with stout spines. They are just as important for pollinators as bull and Canada thistle in their native spaces. The leaves are attenuated, embracing the stems at their base, with strong spines at their margins. Young thistle leaves can be eaten in a salad or cooked as a vegetable. A hot infusion of the whole plant has been used as a herbal steam for treating rheumatic joints. The flowers are light reddish-purple, the large woolly heads covered with reddish curled hairs. Bull thistle is considered a noxious weed in some areas, but it has also been used for its medicinal properties in various cultures. Medicinal Uses The roots of bull thistle have been used as a poultice and a decoction of the plant used as a poultice on sore jaws. The flowers are pale yellow, in green prickly heads, each scale of the involucre, or covering of the head, ending also in a long, brown bristle. Stems become hollow when the plant matures. SeeMedicinal tag keyfor more information. Canada Thistle Cirsium Arvense: Edible & Medicinal Uses of the She Doesnt Even Go Here of Wild Plants, Sow Thistle Sonchus SPP. Bull thistle (Cirsium vulgare) has lobed leaves with sword-shaped sections, and scary spines at the tips. Canada Thistle - Cirsium Arvense Edible Uses of Canada Thistle. When encountered in turf, bull thistle can be managed through regular mowing which prevents the plant from developing flowers. A beginners guide to wild foods. The leaves are long, undulated, with scattered hairs on both surfaces, somewhat shiny, green and verydeeply cut. Its especially helpful for honing your ID skills. KNAPWEED, GREATER, Common Name Index Katrina Blair juices and strains leaves, stems and roots and uses them in a variety of juice and tea blends. I use third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit this website. Canada thistle spreads through both seeds and budding from underground roots. Plant native thistles and talk about them and we can help them bounce back! Stems may branch near the top. The heads of this Thistle formerly were eaten, boiled, treated like those of the Artichoke. Thistle grows just about everywhere, as you can see from the following USDA range maps. Lobes on the leaves are tipped with stout spines. It is mentioned in all the treatises on the Plague, and especially by Thomas Brasbridge, who in 1578 published his Poore Man's Jewell, that is to say, a Treatise of the Pestilence, unto which is annexed a declaration of the vertues of the Hearbes Carduus Benedictus and Angelica. Found in fields and waste places. Thistle, Bull Scientific name: Cirsium species Abundance: uncommon What: stem, roots, leaf ribs How: peel stem then eat raw or cooked; tea from leaves, stem; roots are boiled; large center leaf ribs are stripped from leaf and eaten raw. Like many other plants, the bull thistle grows a rosette in its first year and blooms in its second year of life. Milk thistle is an herbal remedy derived from the milk thistle plant, also known as Silybum marianum. In some districts the leaves are called 'Pig Leaves,' probably because pigs like them, and the seeds are a favourite food of goldfinches. The flowers are straw yellow, the inner florets purplish, the heads distinguished by the strawcoloured, glossy, radiating long inner scales of the involucre, or outer floral cup. I am learning a lot and would love to connect with you there. Terms of Use - Privacy Policy - Disclosure, 2023 Common Sense Home - WordPress Theme by Kadence WP, Range and Identification of Canada Thistle and Bull Thistle. The whole plant is hoary. 3) For medicinal use, I must recommend receiving a diagnosis and working with a reputed health care provider. The whole plant is a deep dull green. This thistle produces a lot of seeds that have small feathers and are fixed to the base by means of a ring until they mature. Unlike many thistles, its stems are coated in spines as well as bristly white hairs. Magical Properties Bull thistle leaves are alternate, pinnately cut, (lance-shaped) and they have rough, bristly hairs on top and hairy underneath. The leaves on Bull thistle have "spiny wings" extending downwards, greenish undersides . Milk thistle is a lovely, garden worthy medicinal thistle. Store-bought artichokes are a cultivated thistle species. Thank you so much! It is found in cultivated fields and waste places, and is very common and widely distributed. Cirsium arvense is also known as creeping thistle, small-flowered thistle, perennial thistle and green thistle. The sap has a sharp, bitter taste. There are many thistle species throughout North America (and the rest of the world), but the two common in my yard are Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense) andbull thistle (Cirsium vulgare). The extract from milk thistle (Silybum marianum), is often used for the treatment of liver diseases. There are flowers that look like thistles but all true thistles have spiky or spiny leaves. Bull thistle flower heads are purple and measure 3.5 to 5 cm in diameter, 2.5 to 5 cm long and are usually solitary. But thistles such as bull thistle (Cirsium vulgare), blessed thistle (Cnicus benedictus), Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense) and milk thistle (Silybum marianum) are hiding a delicious treat behind that surly exterior. ---Description---It is a biennial, flowering in late summer and autumn. At one time the root used to be chewed as a remedy for toothache. By the time flowers appear, the stalks are hollow and stringy. A tincture is prepared by homoeopathists for medicinal use from equal parts of the root and the seeds with the hull attached. I once joked with my husband that the best thing about our Canada thistles is that they weren't bull thistles. The young stalks, peeled and soaked in water to take off the bitterness, are excellent, and may be eaten either boiled or baked in pies after the manner of Rhubarb, though Gerard says: 'concerning the temperature and virtues of these Thistles we can allege nothing at all.'. The weed was introduced to the United States in the early . Mature leaves grow down the stem beyond their bases, causing the stalk to be winged and prickly, lobed leaf-like structures. We allow them to hang out in the wild areas of the yard, and don't panic when they show up in barefoot zones. Thistles can grow quite tall and can spread rapidly, making them a nuisance in many environments. Thistle leaves taste rather bland. Remove the prickles from the leaves before preparation.Young thistle leaves can be eaten in a salad or cooked as a vegetable. I've nibbled Canada thistle roots while weeding in the garden. Mature growth is 2-6 tall. C, calories Supporting nerve function with regular exercise and movement is also important. It likes pastures, edges of woods, waste places, fence lines and roadsides. Bull thistle as an herbal remedy According to herbalists and homeopathic practitioners, thistles have the following properties: Anti-inflammatory Astringent Cooling Diuretic Hemostatic Sharp-tasting Tea made from thistle root can help relieve the symptoms of diarrhea, dysentery, and intestinal flu. It tends to grow best in soils with intermediate moisture although it will grow in dry and wet soils. 36. The leaves clasp the stem at their bases and white dark green above, have their under-surfaces thickly covered with white and down like hairs. Giant Cotton Thistles Above: A giant cotton thistle in Prague. This is a common Thistle on a dry soil, and may be known by its large drooping, crimson-purple flowers, the largest of all our Thistle blooms, handsome both in form and colour, and by its faint, musky scent. Leaves are dark green, deeply lobbed, with stiff hairs above, white woolly beneath; Leaf lobes end in strong spines. There is a tradition that the milk-white veins of the leaves originated in the milk of the Virgin which once fell upon a plant of Thistle, hence it was called Our Lady's Thistle, and the Latin name of the species has the same derivation. The specific name of this species is due to the resemblance of the flower-head to the Caltrops, or iron ball covered with spikes, formerly used for throwing under horses' feet to lame them on a field of battle. Typical leaf length is 3-4 inches, although they may reach up to 8 long and 1 wide. of dry herb can be raised per acre. They taste a bit like iceberg lettuce (plus, no thorns). It is said that the empirical nostrum, antiglaireux, of Count Mattaei, is prepared from this species of Thistle. Regular attention keeps them in check. Most types have the characteristic purple thistle flower. The plant is a biennial, the stem 1 to 5 feet high, stout and strong, more or less woolly with narrow, spinous wings. Stems are slender, ridged, and hairy. This Thistle is eaten when young as a salad. Carduus palustris, or Cirsium Palustre, the Marsh Plume Thistle, is very common in meadows, marshes and bogs, by the sides of ditches, etc., and is generally distributed over the country. Carduus nutans, the Musk Thistle, or Nodding Thistle, occurs in waste places, and is particularly partial to chalky and limestone soils. In truth, no one knows for certain how the purple-flowered thistle rose to such lofty significance. ---Description---The plant forms a scrubby bush, 18 inches to 2 feet high, with the lower part of the stems very stiff, almost woody, the branches when young very soft, with broad wings, decurrent from the short, strap-shaped leaves. Theme images by. Too much nitrogen can make the conditions that favor thistles worse. The accepted common name is bull thistle, but it . Bull thistle seeds can be roasted. Description. They are best early in the season, before they are in full bloom. It is chiefly used now for nursing mothers the warm infusion scarcely ever failing to procure a proper supply of milk. I will do a soil test and see where we can make some changes there. As a relative of the artichoke, the flower buds are also edible. Milk Thistle Medicinal Uses to Prevent Cancer and Protect Against Harmful Effects of Cancer Therapy. Description Cirsium vulgare is a spiny herbaceous biennial, much branched to about 1.5 metres high with a deep tap root. They can grow anywhere from 7.5 to 30 cm long. The rosettes can get up to 4 across. Where: fields When: spring, summer Nutritional Value: some vitamins and minerals It is an annual. Flowers present June through September. It also acts as a demulcent in catarrh and pleurisy. Perennial. Bull thistle root can be eaten and is best used when mixed with other vegetables. The leaves and flowering tops are collected in July, just as the plant breaks into flower, and cut on a dry day, the best time being about noon, when there is no longer any trace of dew on them. These are seeds that have been used for centuries to treat liver disease. The tea can also be used to wash and treat mild burns. Cook flower buds and use them as globe artichokes. It is a handsome annual, a native of Southern Europe, occurring there in waste, stony, uncultivated places, but it grows more readily in England in cultivation. The cotton is occasionally collected from the stem and used to stuff pillows, and the oil obtained from the seeds has been used on the Continent for burning, both in lamps and for ordinary culinary purposes. Flowers are white or pink and morning-glory-like in that they are trumpet-shaped. Bracts are broadly triangular, and typically not very spiny. A hot infusion of the whole plant has been used as a herbal steam for treating rheumatic joints. The flowers are purplish-crimson, not very large, sometimes clustered three or four together on short stalks. Cirsium vulgare is also known as common thistle or spear thistle. A mixture of the soaked leaves and roots of the Cirsium vulgare is used as a medicine to heal a stiff neck, seizures, as well as nervous disorders. The 'distilled' leaves, it says 'helpeth the hart,' 'expelleth all poyson taken in at the mouth and other corruption that doth hurt and annoye the hart,' and 'the juice of it is outwardly applied to the bodie' ('lay it to your heart,' Sh. Its name comes from the Greek kersion which means thistle. A chemical vegetation killer can help eliminate bull thistle if mowing and pulling don't work. It is usually served as tea, with honey to sweeten the naturally bitter flavor. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. A grand Scarlet Thistle from Mexico (Erythrolena conspicua) was grown in England some fifty years ago, but is now never seen. Bull thistle is primarily said to support these body systems: Digestive Integumentary Medicinal tags include Astringent and Diuretic. This prickly plant has distinctive purple flowers and white veins, which traditional. This is not a sponsorship, I just live on that site at the moment. These spiny plants can be confused, but with a little familiarity they can be easily told apart. The leaves themselves have jagged edges tipped by spines, and are smooth on top but often somewhat hair underneath. Red Root Mountain School of Botanical Medicine, Recommended Wildcrafting Reference Books Weekly Weeder #1, Edible Flowers List with Flower Names and Pictures, We can eat that? Leaves themselves have jagged edges tipped by spines, while pokey, not! Taste a bit like iceberg lettuce ( plus, no one knows certain. Are coated in spines as well as bristly white hairs introduced to United! Making them a nuisance in many environments 4,000 seeds per plant the edible plants that appears in the early strong... When you visit this website information to the public thistle flower heads are purple surrounded... Deionized sulfur helps to bring the iron/manganese ratio back into balance the United States the! - What plants are edible/medicinal/toxic St. Barnabas ' Day, June 11 ( old ). 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