Adamantite. Precise, delicate, and graceful, Finesse weapons are melee weapons that let the wielder choose between adding their Strength or Dexterity modifier to attack and damage rolls. Cestus. A trebuchet can fire up to 10 bombs of any type at once, which explode on impact. These weapons either because theyre large like a polearm or complex like a bow require both hands to operate. This thick, heavy spear is better wielded in two hands than one. A creature wearing, carrying, or wielding an exploding item automatically fails this saving throw. Reason: Added proper credits. Futuristic firearms are powered by a special type of ammunition called energy cells. Creatures that do not need to breathe are immune to a garotte wire's choke at the discretion of the DM. You can add weapons of your own design to the game, but be cautious. An apparatus combining a small shield, a lantern, a gauntlet, and several blades. A Large or smaller creature hit by a net is restrained until it is freed. They are a specialization with an enormous opportunity cost and should be treated as such. This reduction ends if it leaves your reach or you make another attack roll with the winged weapon. Light weapons, like daggers, are usually smaller and easier to handle, making them ideal for two-weapon fighting, which requires you to use light weapons. This additional barrel multiplies the weight of the gun by 1.5 and allows you to attack twice, instead of once, before reloading. You can use them one-handed for 1d8 slashing damage which frees you up to use a shield, hold a torch, or cast spells or double down and use it two-handed for 1d10 damage. This action uses 10 pieces of ammunition. On one hand, martial characters' progression encourages them to take feats. Corpse. Think about your characters strengths and weaknesses as well as the role you fulfill within the party. In place of a weapon attack, you can wind up your weapon or brace it against the ground, depending on the weapon's design. You can use a bonus action to attempt to disarm a creature within your reach, using your weapon attack modifier in place of Strength (Athletics). Whether you want to flesh out the lore of your world, create a plot hook for your next adventure to revolve around, or just give your players a new way to crack skulls, creating your own magic weapons is a great way to make your world feel unique and create memorable experiences for your players. A sword with this guard, often a basket hilt, grants you advantage on checks to avoid being disarmed of it. No longer is a longsword interchangeable with a battleaxe, or a spear with a javelin. All weapons are grouped into two main categories simple and martial weapons as well as the subcategories of melee and ranged. When exposed to sunlight, adamantite weapons disintegrate. Who needs Power Word Kill when youve got a gun? However, it appeals enormously to martial play, makes choice of weapon have meaning, and it's easy to learn your favorites. If an improvised weapon bears no resemblance to an existing weapon (a sack full of bees or a sharpened metal business card, for example), then it deals 1d4 damage and the DM assigns a damage type appropriate to the object. It can keep a martial level with others, without letting them dominate the game. Pillars of Eternity is a new intellectual property, but it is not the team's first rodeo This week's video features, 2 Druid Builds, a Ranger Build, an Assassin Build and a Monk Bows need arrows, crossbows need bolts (or quarrels), and slings need rocks. You also gain this bonus against creatures with thick shells, metallic hides, and other creatures at the discretion of your DM. However, other metals can be used as well. Silver weapons. Greataxe. Ranged weapon attacks are made using a characters Dexterity modifier. A Moon-Touched Sword is one of the best low-level magic weapons in D&D 5e. Join Date Dec 2014. Affiliate Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Are you a small consumptive wizard with single-digit hit points? A substance grown and tempered by warrior-druids for weapons and armor, this fireproof wood is as dense and resilient as steel. Lantern Shield. Crossbows are the most commonly encountered example of a weapon with the loading property. If multiple types of damage are listed for a weapon, you will be assumed to do the first type of damage but can choose to do the second type at any time. This ability can be used in conjunction with the Great Weapon Master feat. Dueling Shield. Full plate reduces the damage by an amount equal to your proficiency bonus instead. Clicking on a melee weapon's name will give you a description of the weapon and . This chapter is not an attempt to increase their power, but instead mirror the diversity of options and rider effects exhibited by their caster counterparts' cantrips and weapons' use in real lifewith significant abstraction. To do so, each weapon has a combination of several unique properties, which add new functions, passive bonuses, or options. Welcome to our complete guide to choosing a weapon in D&D 5e. When prepared for the right moment, the weapon can be devastatingly effective. Finesse, light, prone fighting, thrown (20/60), Heavy, parry, status, sweeping, two-handed, Ensnaring, heavy, reach, status, two-handed, Finisher, heavy, status, sundering, two-handed, Finesse, light, parry, prone fighting, special, Finesse, finisher, light, prone fighting, sundering, Ammunition (30/60), light, loading, prone fighting, Ammunition (100/200), heavy, loading, sundering, two-handed, Ammunition (200/800), heavy, status, two-handed, Bypass, ensnaring, special, versatile (1d8), Ammunition (60/120), gunpowder, loading, two-handed, Finesse, nonlethal, special, thrown (30/60), Ammunition (150/600), heavy, special, status, two-handed, Broadsword, falchion (s), niuweidao, saintie (p), Bhuj, dadao, fu, khopesh, machete, masakari, Bagh nakh (s), emeici (p), knuckleduster, push dagger (p), shobo, suntetsu, tekko, vajra-mushti (p), Spiked chain (p), kusari-fundo, kusarigama (p), meteor hammer, Bian, blackjack, cosh, hanb, j, mere, patu tambo, tekkan, tonfa, Bishou, kaiken, kozuka, kunai, tamo, tanto, Chigiriki, nunchaku (b), sanjie gun (b), urumi (s), Bill, bisento, bardiche, falx, fauchard, guandao, lochaber axe, naginata, rhompaia, sovnya, swordstaff, voulge, Claymore, changdao, flamberge, nagamaki, nodachi, zanbat, zweihander, Mancatcher, kama-yari, nunti bo, sasumata, sodegarami, tsukub (b), Butterfly swords, falcata, gladius, jian, katar, tsurugi, wakizashi, Cleric: Brigandine or leather, hauberk if proficient. Ideally, players will intuit and remember properties with ease. If a creature attempts to parry an attack you made with an adamantine melee weapon and your attack hits in spite of the attempt, both the target and the parrying weapon or shield take damage from the attack. Sundering weapons crush, break, or penetrate armor. Armor features several layers of cloth padding beneath its metal exterior. Your characters race as well as their subclass (many of the cleric classs divine domains, for example, give additional weapon proficiencies) and certain feats can also give you proficiency with extra weapons. On your turn, when you score a critical hit with a melee weapon or reduce a creature to 0 hit points with one, you can make one melee-weapon attack as a bonus action. However, if you use a weapon youre not proficient with, you dont get to add your Proficiency bonus to your attack rolls made with that weapon. When you attempt to disarm a creature using a weapon with the ensnaring property, you do not have disadvantage on the roll if the target is larger than you. However, the two-handed property is relevant only when you attack with the weapon, not when youre just holding it or carrying it around. A net has no effect on creatures that are formless, or are Huge or larger. Picking a weapon in D&D 5e can come down to a number of factors, from stuff like damage die size and special properties to the all important question of: Will I look really cool when I smack people in the face with this?. Boiling Oil. Modifies: a weapon or three pieces of ammunition The bulb carved from wood or antler in this arrow creates a loud whistle as it flies through the air that creatures within 300 feet of the line the arrow travels from the archer to its target can clearly hear. This device attached to a crossbow allows you to fire it 5 times before reloading. Parrying daggers are best used as defensive options when wielded in conjunction with another weapon. Modifies: armor If a weapon has the thrown property, you can throw the weapon to make a ranged attack. Properties should in most cases adhere to the design philosophy of 5e, and most are relatively simple or expand properties which already existed. Weapons with the Loading property take more time and energy to get ready to fire again after being used. You must decide to do this before making the attack roll. Weapons with the Ammunition property, like bows, crossbows, slings, and even guns (if youre using those optional rules) consume ammunition in order to fire. Adding fur increases armor's weight by 5 pounds. Grapeshot. Materials, extras, and other customizations for weapons diversify them even further. Atlatl. So while equipment used by monsters is rarely worth much as loot, any non-monster NPCs can be looted by a plain reading of the RAW. A melee weapon is used to attack a target within 5 feet of you, whereas a ranged weapon is used to attack a target at a distance. If you damage a creature with a cavalry weapon after moving at least 30 feet straight toward a target while mounted, you deal an extra 1d6 damage. Gauntlet-Sword. Bombs. Garotte Wire. Parrying Dagger. Greatbow. Also, before you make a melee attack with a heavy weapon that you are proficient with, you can choose to take a -5 penalty to the attack roll. However, armor weighs half as much while you wear it for the purposes of determining encumbrance. Inflicting this status prevents the targeted creature from taking reactions and reduces its passive Perception by 5 until the start of its next turn. This weapon can make be wielded in melee combat as a quarterstaff. When you choose to knock a creature out instead of killing it, nonlethal weapons deal their normal damage. However, a Moon-Touched Sword lacks other major combat benefits. Modifies: all melee weapons, three pieces of ammunition that are not bullets Objects, Constructs, and Elementals and other creatures that do not bleed may be immune to this damage, at the discretion of your DM. Characters in most established D&D settings, like the Forgotten Realms or Greyhawk, wouldnt have firearm proficiency, so if they found a gun (presumably in a scene resembling that moment from the Tim Burton Planet of the Apes), theyd have to practice using the training rules to gain proficiency. Organ Gun. Simple Weapons The shaft that adds leverage to the projectiles this sling throws can also be used for close-range combat. Some monsters with immunity or resistance to nonmagical weapons are susceptible to silver, so cautious adventurers invest extra coin to plate their weapons with silver. This movable galley is equipped with an iron-clad log suspended by chains. Blowgun Needle. It was a rocky start but I had a blast and now, the better part of a decade later, I play, write, and write about tabletop RPGs (mostly5e, but also PBtA, Forged in the Dark and OSR) games for a living, which iswild. Martial weapons, which include swords, axes, longbows, heavy crossbows, and polearms, require more specialized training to use effectively the kind usually only provided to nobles, soldiers, and adventuring folk. You have a +1 bonus to AC while wearing this armor. Each individual bomb forces its saving throw in its radius, against its effects. How about a nice light crossbow? D&D 5e comes with a good variety of weapons to choose from, but there are a few redundancies, as well as some combat styles that lack a good weapon. Most smiths can only create items out of wood, iron, and steel, while specialized craftsmen can make items from bone, bronze, ironwood, obsidian, and stone. Boar Spear. A limited number of shots can be made with a weapon that has the reload property. Wood. A length of chain is unbalanced and difficult to use, but can be a far-reaching weapon. When attacking a target beyond normal range, you have disadvantage on the attack roll. There are a few playstyles in 5e that don't really receive enough developer support, in my humble opinion. Fiends and undead take an additional 4d6 radiant damage from a cauldron of holy water on a failed saving throw, or half as much damage on a success. When you hold a parrying dagger in one hand and another weapon in your other hand, you gain a +1 bonus to AC. Its relative resistance to wear and ease of maintenance has made it a material of choice across the world. Their might allows settlements without magic or heroes to defend themselves against supernatural threats. Large wheels or rollers allow the tower to be pushed or pulled by 8 medium creatures or 4 large ones . Arming Sword. You must use an action to don or doff a cestus, but can don or doff a pair of cestus in one action. When you come within 5 feet of a prone creature on your turn, you can use your bonus action to make a melee weapon attack against that creature. When used to attack an evil creature or an undead, a weapon made from flametouched iron is considered magical for the purposes of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical damage. To do so, each weapon has a combination of several unique properties, which add new functions, passive bonuses, or options. You cannot wield other weapons or shields in that hand, nor can it perform somatic components. If you start with a shield, you can choose any non-exotic shield. Some weapons list multiple damage types. First, it can be helpful to think about the kind of adventurer you want to be, as your playstyle can go a long way toward dictating which weapon is right for you. We've got something new and different today folks, a build guide centered around a character concept rather than a particular subclass. Unlike most materials, a weapon that is silvered retains all the properties of its original material. An organ gun expends 10 bullets for every attack it makes, and does 2d8 piercing damage to each target it hits. This reduction applies before you apply resistances or vulnerabilities. Steel. Slashing weapons inflict gaping wounds and cause profuse bleeding, inflicting additional necrotic damage equal to your proficiency bonus. A goblin with a dagger was as much a threat as a orc with a great sword and it was the characters inherent attributes and 'skill . Youre probably going to want something like a Greataxe or a Greatsword for big damage each round at the expense of having a hand free to hold a shield. Objects in that area also take damage. Cauldron. A magical shield with a bonus to AC only increases the Armor Class of the user and does not grant a bonus to attack and damage rolls with the shield. Every weapon is classified as either melee or ranged. Adamantine Weapons Modifies: light crossbow, hand crossbow, heavy crossbow Melee Weapons A melee weapon is used to attack enemies within 5 feet of you (or 10 feet if the weapon has the Reach property) and doesn't require ammunition. Gunpowder artillery made from bronze or iron that fired large balls at enemy fortifications. A melee weapon is used to attack a target within 5 feet of you, whereas a ranged weapon is used to attack a target at a distance. For example, both a +3 weapon and +3 shield are very rare, but a dueling shield that grants a +3 bonus to both AC and attack and damage rolls is a legendary item. An ultra-hard jet-black metal with a multicolored sheen, weapons made from this meteoric iron devastate other objects. These flexible weapons wrap around shields and other personal defenses. Lastly, special weapons have their own unique rules that set them apart from other options on the list. If you are holding a hooksword in each hand, checks from the weapon's ensnaring property are made with advantage, and the ability to link both hookswords together gives this weapon the sweeping property. Sometimes dragons collect their cast-off scales and gift them to humanoids. This weapon's extended length adds 5 feet to your reach when you attack with it, as well as when determining your reach for opportunity attacks. You can gain proficiency in an exotic weapon from class or race features, training rules, or the Weapon Master feat. Weapons made from mithral are similarly light, weighing half as much as their iron counterparts. If used to create a cleric's or paladin's holy symbol, flametouched iron increases the CR that a cleric can destroy with destroy undead by 1. As a result, you can safely focus on offense and deal more devastating attacks. Mithral weapons with the Heavy property can be used to make extra attacks regardless of the user's strength and can be wielded normally by small creatures. Used extensively by drow, this material has all properties of adamantine, but also temporarily absorbs poison into itself. 1d12->2d6 is not remotely the same thing. Modifies: a melee weapon or three pieces of ammunition that deal piercing or slashing damage These include the battleaxe and the longsword, and the glaive and the halberd. Were going to get into stuff like weapon proficiencies (whether or not your class can actually use a particular weapon), different weapon properties, and even magical weapons in a bit. There are also some weapons that are outclassed by others. Silver Bullet. These types of weapons are often only found wielded by trained warriors. A solid feat for high-Strength damage dealers who want to really maximize the feeling of being a greatsword-wielding death machine. A siege tower is a mobile wooden structure with a beam frame and slats in its walls. This mechanical and stylistic diversity is the ultimate benefit of tabletop roleplay over other games, and this remaster helps that aspect shine. ( Info / ^ Contact) HazeZero 7 yr. ago When an attack roll with a status weapon exceeds the target's AC by 5 or more, it inflicts an additional status effect based upon the type of damage dealt. Trebuchet. A net has no effect on creatures that are formless or creatures that are Huge or larger. You cannot add your proficiency bonus to attack rolls made with this weapon, but it gains the status: slashing property until repaired. A wound-up melee weapon can be used to make an opportunity attack when a hostile creature that you can see enters your reach. The weapon can be wielded in either one or two hands. Modifies: a melee weapon or three pieces of ammunition that deal piercing or slashing damage This remaster massively expands the original Weapons Remastered by another author, which can be found here. By its very nature this rework differentiates player characters even more and lets players make them their own. This can be amazing, especially at earlier levels. You can't attack a target beyond the weapon's long range. Then, if you pick up Extra Attack and cant bear to put down that d10 damage die, pick up the Crossbow Expert feat. Fey are not pleased by this development. Staff Sling. Modifies: boar spear, goedendag, glaive, guisarme, lance, lucerne, pike, ranseur, spear You must use the new roll, even if the new roll is also a 1. Blowgun. Ranged weapons are hugely versatile (you can use them as delivery systems for messages, fire, and magical trick arrows if you can get them) as well as being a highly effective way to deal damage without giving your enemies chance to hurt you back especially if you make judicious use of cover. The following section lists new and existing weapons, with properties added. Elemental Ammunition. Many entirely new weapons join the existing roster, to include some weapons of great tactical value in history which 5e neglected. A character must then reload it using an action or a bonus action (the characters choice). . Each time you attack with the weapon, you expend one piece of ammunition. Firearms use special ammunition, and some of them have the burst fire or reload property. is as silvery and delicate as youd expect. [Rough Draft] (xpost /r/unearthedarcana) If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. Whistling Arrow. Cestus are not held in the hand but are worn as gloves or wrapped around the forearm. When you attack an object or a target wearing a breastplate, brigandine, cuirass, half plate, hauberk, splint, or full plate with a sundering weapon, you gain a +2 bonus to the attack roll. Drawing the ammunition from a quiver, case, or other container is part of the attack you make with this weapon (you need a free hand to load a one-handed weapon). This consumes the holy water. Ultimately, feats provide much larger bonuses, and those with properties encroaching on their niche remain the superior option.
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