It tries in brute force all programs up to the specified maximum Goedel number and returns the first one that complies with all tests: But iterating over many words is still pretty slow, at least on my 200 MHz box, and many useless "programs" are tried. For this we need to introduce a short-term memory also in the filter: which, tested on a n-element stream, returns n-1 averages: Yet another challenge was to produce an infinite stream of pairs {i j} of positive integers, i <= j, ordered by their sum, so that more pairs produces consecutively. "{usage: $procname [uplevel 1 [list info args $procname]]}", # This comment should not appear in the docstring, # Signature of a proc: arguments with defaults, # fall back to standard queue, now that it's sorted, "foreach $var \$domain[expr [lsearch $initials $var]>=0] \{\n", "if {\[expr $test\]} {return \[subst $test\]}", "[db'get db $id author]: [db'get db $id title] $db($i)", "please return $db($book,title) which was due on\, "[db'get db $id title] - [db'get db $id label]". Like in real life, test cases have to be carefully chosen. So, put the following source code in a test.tcl file. Testing: Here's a different way to do it la functional programming: The body is nice and short, but consists of all unfamiliar commands. Tcl supports multiple programming paradigms, including object-oriented . A further optimization could be to tally value strings, and replace the frequent ones with "@$id", where db(@$id) holds the value once, and only db'get has to be adapted to redirect the query. #-- Two abbreviations for frequently used list operations: #-- So let's try to implement "mean" in tacit Tcl! Tcl (Tool Command Language) is a very powerful but easy to learn dynamic programming language, suitable for a very wide range of uses, including web and desktop applications, networking, administration, testing and many more. Other streams may provide a finite but very large number of elements, which would be impractical to process in one go. A math book showed me the Stirling approximation to n! We will export the get and set methods: The two generic accessor functions will be inherited by "struct"s. The set method does not change the instance (it couldn't, as it sees it only "by value") it just returns the new composite toot object, for the caller to do with it what he wants: For the whole thing to work, here's a simple overloading of unknown see "Let unknown know". Length: 3 days (24 Hours) Tcl has become the de facto standard embedded command language for Electronic Design Automation (EDA) applications. }. Discussion: With the above code, it was possible to reproduce quite some behavior of streams as documented in SICP, not as data structures but with Tcl procs (though procs are data too, in some sense). 100% free. It does so by adding the values of the hex digits: Stacks and queues are containers for data objects with typical access methods: In Tcl it is easiest to implement stacks and queues with lists, and the push method is most naturally lappend, so we only have to code a single generic line for all stacks and queues: It is pop operations in which stacks, queues, and priority queues differ: Priority (a number) has to be assigned at pushing time by pushing a list of two elements, the item itself and the priority, e.g.. personal mentoring, 5. converting Java app to Tcl/Tk ( new thread for all the tcl/tk itcl gurus) 6. I only had to take care that when moving beyond its ends, I had to attach a space (written as _) on that end, and adjust the position pointer when at the beginning. Discover new exercises as you progress and get engrossed in learning new concepts and improving the way you currently write. Let us write a simple Tcl program. Instructions The classical introductory exercise. #-- a little tester reports the unexpected: #-- The test suite should silently pass when this file is sourced: # reports a proc's args and leading comments. TCL Practice Task 3 (Scripting Language) TCL is very important from automation point of view in VLSI Industry but somehow students are not ready to learn this. The discoverer, Second Edition, determines the stack balance of the first text, and tests only those programs of the same partition: But now for the trying. So to create such a table with a defined field structure, but no contents yet, one just assigns the header list: Note the double bracing, which makes sure tbl is a 1-element list. The code below also serves as usage example: }. "Hello, World!" is the traditional first program for beginning programming in a new language or environment. J's "from" operator { takes zero or more elements from a list, possibly repeatedly. Clif is the author of the TclTutor package2 and the books Tcl/Tk for Real Programmers and Tcl/Tk: A Developer's Guide3. Unlike in earlier years when I was playing APL, this time my aim was not to parse and emulate J in Tcl I expected hard work for a dubitable gain, and this is a weekend fun project after all. Just like functions, procedures take arguments and return some value. To find out how big a paper format is, one can measure an instance with a ruler, or look up appropriate documentation. It just remains to check whether it does what we want. Tcl Scripting Basic Examples Introducing 4th Gen Intel Xeon Scalable Processors Introducing 4th Gen Intel Xeon Scalable Processors Introducing 4th Gen Intel Xeon Scalable Processors The browser version you are using is not recommended for this site. This chapter provides an overview of the Tcl syntax, data structures, and enough commands to develop applications. My oversimple implementation assumes that the operator is one that expr understands: which returns 28 just as Dr. Backus ordered (= 1*6 + 2*5 + 3*4). Letter and Legal paper formats are popular in the US and other places. Without proof, I just claim that every function of n arguments whose characteristic integer is 2^(2^n) 1 is a tautology (or a true statement all bits are 1). In this article, we will know how to use procedures in TCL. (I used uplevel instead of eval to keep all side effects in caller's scope). The following code was created in the Tcl chatroom, instigated by the quote: "A computer is a state machine. But it looks halfway like the real thing: you get sort of an assembly listing with symbol table, and can run it I'd hardly start writing an assembler in C, but in Tcl it's fun for a sunny Sunday afternoon }, The mov b,INCR part is an oversimplification. But the admittedly still very trivial challenge was met in truly function-level style, concerning the definitions of median, center and mean no variable left behind. But we can also multiply out the 1s with the divisors from the i ndex vector: So 6 is divisible by 2 and 3; non-zero elements in (lrange $divisors 1 end-1) gives the "proper" divisors. # make a list of 2**n lists, each with n truth values 0|1, #-- And here's some more hand-crafted bytecode implementations, #-- The stack routines imply a global stack::S, for simplicity, # a bytecode will consume at most two elements, #-- make a table of bytecode stack balances, #-- "peephole optimizer" - suppress code with redundancies. I won't go into all details of the above code, just some: (<.,>.) This means that subsequent calls to know stack up, last condition being tried first, so if you have several conditions that fire on the same input, let them be "known" from generic to specific. The coin values should be passed to change as a variable number of arguments which are the coin values in units (e.g., a quarter would be represented as 25) in any order. Before we start, a word of warning: maintaining state of a procedure is done with default arguments that may be rewritten. But this very soon crosses the limits of integers, giving wrong results. For instance, if the test has two inputs and wants one output, the stack balance is -1 (one less out than in). It was created by John Osterhout in 1988. Nth Prime A program without such extravaganzas is shorter and yet does the same job, so it will have been tested earlier anyway. And formatMatrix and outProd are so general that one might include them in some library, while the task of producing a multiplication table may not come up any more for a long time Tcl follows strictly the Polish notation, where an operator or function always precedes its arguments. "Hello, World!" will get you writing some Tcl and familiarise yourself with the Exercism workflow. Here I want to explore how a database can be implemented in the Tcl spirit of simplicity, and how far that approach takes us. Tcl 8.5 has the {*} construct to undo one-level of list packing (discussed on the Confluence page). For easier handling, it's a good idea to classify records somehow (we'll want to store more than books), so we add. Continuous, active development since the early 1990's. Rather, one could use read and write traces on variable M, causing it to load from, or store to, mem($HL). (I might have called it fun as well it sure is.) The task is to conclude something from the following premises: These are encoded to the following one-letter predicates: So the problem set can be restated, in Spencer-Brown's terms, as. Testing: a tiny state machine that greets you as often as you wish, and ends if you only hit Return on the "how often?" However, this is no fundamental problem consider that. Coroutines allow asynchronous interleaved tasks to be written in a sequential style. 123f.). For instance, here's a breathtakingly short J program to compute the mean of a list of numbers: Only implicitly present is a powerful function combinator called "fork". The set of all defined bytecodes will be the alphabet of this little RPN language. Get better at programming through fun, rewarding coding exercises that test your understanding of concepts with Exercism. The authors provide sample chapters available to download for free. Single bytecodes are executed, only to measure their effect on the stack. That's easily had too, given a sum function: Here's a little application for this: a vector factorizer, that produces the list of divisors for a given integer. Here is a routine for querying or setting single bits in vectors, where bits are addressed by non-negative integers. Just for comparison, here's how it looks in J: Boolean functions, in which arguments and result are in the domain {true, false}, or {1, 0} as expr has it, and operators are e.g. The "machine" itself takes a list of alternating labels and state code; if a state code does not end in a goto or break, the same state will be repeated as long as not left, with goto or break (implicit endless loop). 2. looking for: Tcl/Tk exercises (please) 3. Tcl is a high-level language well suited for rapid development and prototyping. #-- membership information is kept in an alias: #puts rule:$rule,tape:$tape,pos:$pos,char:$char. Here we can do what we want, even retrieve which fields we have used so far (using a temporary array to keep track of field names): Searching for records that meet a certain condition can be done sequentially. Create this and all subsequent Tcl exercise programs under your exercises/tcl subdirectory. Here single bracing is correct. Every language has its own way of doing things. Example: An existence map of ZIP codes between 00000 and 99999 can be kept in a list of 3125 integers (where each element requires about 15 bytes overall), while implementing the map as an array would take 100000 * 42 bytes in worst case, but still more than a bit vector if the population isn't extremely sparse in that case, a list of 1-bit positions, retrieved with lsearch, might be more efficient in memory usage. One point that was new for me is that the distinction between operators and operands is not cast in stone. Following table shows all the logical operators supported by Tcl language. The test suite at end should give many examples of what one can do in "r". As we've seen that
x is true for any x, we can cancel out such tautologies. Luckily we have an if in Tcl (and it certainly fares better in byte-code compilation), but on leisurely evenings it's not the microseconds that count (for me at least) it's rather reading on the most surprising (or fundamental) ideas, and demonstrating how easily Tcl can bring them to life Never afraid of anything (as long as everything is a string), a discussion in the Tcl chatroom brought me to try the following: let the computer write ("discover") its own software, only given specifications of input and output. Discover new exercises as you progress and get engrossed in learning new concepts and improving the way you currently write. Though slick at first sight, we actually have to type more. Tcl is a string based scripting language. $ wish ex1proc.tcl. one with at most one rule per state and input character), which gives clear instructions and two test cases for input and output, so I decided to try my hand in Tcl. #-- Move tape Left or Right as specified in rule. 71 coding exercises for C on Exercism. Hence, streams can be (and typically are) nested for processing purposes. Once you've solved an exercise, submit it to our volunteer team, and they'll give you hints, ideas, and feedback on how to make it feel more like what you'd normally see in Tcl - they'll help you discover the things you don't know that you don't know. Say you want to make a multiplication table for an elementary school kid near you. Different from switch, numbers are compared by numeric value, no matter whether given as decimal, octal or hex. being any pre- or user-defined function). Assume John Smith borrows "The Tempest". Since the pseudo-register M can also be used for writing back, it cannot be implemented by simply copying the value. For this we again need a 1-based integer range generator: At this point, a number is prime if the sum of the latest vector is 2. ACM 21.8, Aug. 1978, 613-641), he developed an amazing framework for functional programming, from theoretical foundations to implementation hints, e.g. 122 exercises * Edit and save ex1proc.tcl using the dosum proc and accompanying Tcl/Tk code from Tcl Syntax (procedures) Run ex1proc.tcl. Core Python Programming, chapter 5 exercises number 5-3, question on this exercise. which, when called with no arguments, return 1 or 0, respectively. We have the patron's and book's ID in variables and do double bookkeeping: When he returns the book, the process is reversed: The dueback field (%Y-%M-%d format is good for sorting and comparing) is useful for checking whether books have not been returned in time: Likewise, parts of the accounting (e.g. In J, it looks like this: which may better explain why I wouldn't want to code in J:^) J has ASCIIfied the zoo of APL strange character operators, at the cost of using braces and brackets as operators too, without regard for balancing, and extending them with dots and colons, so e.g. OK, I bite the bullet, set nmax to 500000, wait 5 minutes for the partitioning, and then: Hm.. cheap trick again it was discovered that the solution is just the successor of the second argument. all In Spencer-Brown's terms, [] (which is "", the empty string with no arguments) is false ("nil" in LISP), and [<>] is the negation of "", i.e. For example, in. After version 8.0/8.0, the unusually fast development of Tcl/Tk has slowed to a more normal pace. Retrieving a record is as easy as this (though the fields come in undefined order): and deleting a record is only slightly more convolved: or, even easier and faster from Tcl 8.3 on: Here's how to get a "column", all fields of a given tag: But real columns may have empty fields, which we don't want to store. So [or] == 0 and [and] == 1. In SICP chapter 3.5, streams are introduced as data structures characterized as "delayed lists", whose elements are produced and returned only on demand (deferred evaluation). fractions, can be thought of as pairs of integers {numerator denominator}, such that their "real" numerical value is numerator/denominator (and not in integer nor "double" division!). Test your understanding of concepts with Exercism do in `` r '' this exercise,! True for any x, we actually have to type more ] == 1 coding exercises that test understanding... 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