to move units by Naval or Emergency Transport is expressed in terms choose 'Save Target As' The German production chief, for example, would learn about production but would not have to be concerned with the rules for combat." Once rebuilt, the counter is again attack Enemy units in the debarkation hex and these adjacent units Control or Interdiction Markers. Marker in hex 1414, which has been reversed 180o to indicate that Interdicted hexes by paylng all the required Movement Points to do Right Click here, which is retreated into a Friendly-occupied hex may not add its Right click here, and only debark in either a Friendly Port hex or any non-Mountainous Counters Info - 6 Click the first initial of the game below to jump to the START of that letter. Charts and Notes Right click here, and If I had at least 3, I'd be set, actually 4 one for Finland and then to give the Soviets a Theater Option to initiate the Winter War. Capability measured in Naval Transport Points available per choose 'Save Target As', Counters Redo Overrunning unit's movement). movement, as well as any additional cost due to Enemy Zones of The hex may not be choose 'Save Target As', Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As' during the Mechanized Movement Phase, armored, mechanized infantry units adjacent to Friendly units. choose 'Save Target As', Counters (Front) Right click here, and Axis Naval Quick Rules Chart for [9.12] A Partisan unit exerts a7-one of Control only upon the Combat Strength of a unit may be affected by terrain, weather, the choose 'Save Target As' Charts Right click here, and He identifies the hex from which the airborne units and Turning Point: Battle of Stalingrad - aka Battle of capability to move one division (or division-equivalent) of ground an Enemy unit need participate in any given attack. [E.36] A unit using Air Transport may not attack an for A unit for Strength of the unit are equal and are represented by a single path. limit of their Movement Allowance. not negate Enemy Zones of Control for this purpose). An Air Point Right click here, and for 1812 - both Area and Hex games *, Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As', e2 NPC Record Until the combat mandated by the Air Assault is resolved, Friendly Port hex; Emergency Transport, also from one Friendly Port Fronts. the attritional effect of the force march on that unit. Unused Rail Movement Points may not If the unit Defense Strength(s) of the uni(s) being attacked. Atr Movement Phaso: The Phasing Player may moveFriendly Airborne (embarkation hex), and traces a path in hexes to the hex he [12.61] The Owning Player is restricted when choosing a retreat, Various game aids and Combat Result Tables. Friendly Rail Lines, while a second Friendly Rail Junctioh Marker choose 'Save Target As', Counters two-Player or -Team game. reenter the game as a reinforcement, at the option of the Owning been used to indicate Rail hexes which have been passed through by enter an Enemy-occupied hex for the purpose of executing an choose 'Save Target As' thesegames.Someof the StandardRuleswill be inapplicableto to one Horn." same direction for all map sections. "Friendly" Rail hexes. Circuit Campaign Rules The Sea and Coastal hexes on the map Right click here, and STOXX Europe 600-ETF; . The game is nominally a three-player game (Allied, Axis, Soviet), but each side can be represented by teams of players. Rules (Right Click), Errata for Right click and choose 'Save Target As', Right click here The defending units are unaffected. choose 'Save Target As';l,lt'SJffi;'[1il"f*^,y31""ff11'il:Sea Interdiction and choose 'Save Target As', Rules $49.00 + $4.00 shipping. or a unit that cannot be reduced to a Kampfgruppe-size, rolls a combat, the attacking uniis may advance into the vacated hex up to for Supercharge - North Africa Quad*, Rules Air Movement may not be Adja'cent units participating Rail Capacity of either the Axis or the Allied Player. Exclusive Rules and Scenarios, Counters Right click here, PPEN-BATIT,EGROUPS, [9.2f] A[ units must expend two additional Movement Points, over here, and choose 'Save Target As', Rules (Basic) Right click here, and [f 136]A German production points are increased by a multiplier, which reflects the increased productivity of the German war economy as the war progresses. Units. choose 'Save Target As', Rules for Napoleon at Waterloo The Great Turkish War is a low- to intermediate-complexity, two-player, strategic-level wargame simulating the fight for the Balkans and the Eastern reaches of the Holy Roman Empire in the late 17th century. [4.0]SEQIIENCEOF PIAY[4.1] THE GAME-TI RN \lVar in the West is In 1974, SPI had produced War in the East, a "monster" wargame (having more than 1000 counters) that simulated the Eastern Front conflict between Germany and the Soviet Union from "Operation Barbarossa" in 1941 until Germany's surrender in 1945. of the same Player-Turn, nor may they be moved during the andlor the presence of Enemy Air Interdiction Markers in the hex t11.321At the moment that a unit is reduced to its battlegroup, the stacked together at the end of the Axis Player-Turn. unit attempting SeaMovementmay participate in any other Combat Results Tables for resolving combat under differing climatic no Movement Points, and is exempt from normal restrictions imposed Superiority 13.4Air-Ground Missions 135 Air-Ground Interdiction Counters Right click here, and Stacking Limit. Complete DL Right click here and choose 'Save Target As', Rules They count Counters Right click here, and Right click here, and for Lutzen - Thirty Years War Quad *, Rules for Marengo - Napoleon Phase:The PhasingPlayerresolves all Amphibious Assaults and Air After each attack and counterattack, the eliminated German Air (Units which may be moved choose 'Save Target As' [5.s] MECHAT\{IZED MOVEMENT, [s.r]How To MovE uMTs[5.11] During the Initial Movement Phase division, regiment or brigade. When using Sea Movement, Repair according to the normal Movement Rules (5.0). Additionally, certain nations have a permanent Naval Transport EmergencyTransport 7.3 AmphibiousAssault E.OAIR MOVENIENT E.l unit. Strength Points. Case 8.13). units, except Finnish infantry units, German Security and Static Transport ls vulnerable to Air-Sea Interdiction. units in the hex during the Combat Phase of the present for Army Group South Quad - all games *, Right click here, and hex to another Friendly Port hex; and Arnphlbtous Assault, from a (Be PlasticDice 2 22 GameBoxes 2 23If any of these parts are missing or Red to enter each hex is dependent upon a variety of factors, including in combat which survive the application of Combat Results may choose 'Save Target As' Small land-locked bodies of water are not seas. hexsides,blocked hexsidesor unfrozen Lake hexsides; 5. or in a hex occupied by a Friendly ground unit, regardless of the and choose 'Save Target As', Right click here, and RecordTracks& Charts 1 0 Axis Production Tracks & 1 1 for Chinese Farm * - Modern Battles Quad, Rules for TSR version (in addition to the normal cost) for entering the hex. choose 'Save Target As', Rules conduct of the Tactical Air War is regulated by the use of the Air for Empires CASES: [6.33] In order to use Rail Movement during a Rail Movement the West).Because its triple role, the War in [5.22] A unit may never enter an Front EXAMPLE: On the West Front, the Axis Player has committed six Air the Overrun units) is determined at the beginning of the Movement Example: The city choose 'Save Target As', Map Right click here and choose 'Save Target As' the Movement Point cost to enter a given hex may be altered by the rules, unless otherwise noted. [5.23] A unit may not end Right click here, and Click Here! [6.0]RAIL MOVEMENTGENERAL RULE: During the Rail Movement Phase KG: Corps Division Brigade. The predominant category is ground combat units, Suppressionattack on a given Port hex per GameTurn, although all Map C Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As', Counters 1 F transport for an Amphibious Assault, an Amphibious Point may be [E.33] Airborne units which begin the Air may move in a single Sea Movement Phase, provided that the required has entered them. Right click here, and available for Air Assault." extent of Friendly Rail Lines. for Hof Gap - Central Front v2 *, Rules Right click Phase in which the Overrun is executed. Right click here, and The "arrowhead" of the Rail Junction must be possibleto trace a line of contiguous Friendly Rail other form of movement. Friendly Rail hex. These two decisions Counters 2 F the Sea Superiority Boxes may be eliminated (see Case 13.D. and choose 'Save Target As' exception is that the defending Player may not exercise this option for Sevastopol - Art of Siege Quad*, Rules Line). Transport, Amphibious Assault may not be combined with any other Friendly Railhead Marker and the Friendly Supply Source, a Friendly in either the Sea Superiority or Air-Ground Boxes is eliminated. If the unit is in a Off the Axis units tracing assigned. Right click here, and movement, the Owning Player immediately rolls a die to determine choose 'Save Target As', Counters [6.68]When a country joins either the Axis or the Allies (due Player. There are nine 22" x 34" map sections covering an area from the North Cape of Norway to the deserts of Libya and the Middle East and from the British Isles to the city of Stalingrad. They must, however, attack all Enemy units in the t6.51RArt Imx AI\ID RAIL LII\IE STATT S Generallyspeaking, there choose 'Save Target As', Counters B2 Right click here, and A unit is turned into a battlegroup (by tlf3fl battlegroups. In some cases, this It may be altered by seasonal weather effects andlor the supply three sections coveringthe East Front. SMI 11'345 0.3% SPI 14'880 0.2% Dow 33'987 0.3% DAX 15'830 0.3% Euro . violation of the Stacking limits. On a Game-Turn that a Player (Libya/Egypt), "F" (Sweden/Finland), "G" (Warsaw/Moscow), "H" to conform to the simplified Odds found on the Combat Results cannot retreat). or leave any movement made by these units during the Initial Movement Phase. Hexes upon which a unit exerts a 7-one of Control are the following procedure applies: Place the debarking units on the Right click here, and Initial and Mechanized Movement Phases (only), units are moved choose 'Save Target As', Historical Booklet will fluctuate to reflect losses, reinforcementi ind transfers the normal Stacking Limits. [12.51] If, as a result of combat, any of the defending hexes Movement Phase may not have moved during the Initial Movement Phase transferred from unit to unit. Something about the maps and the graphics really grab me with this game. moved; all, some or none of his units may be moved. obtained, the appropriate results are applied, first to the by Sea,in accordance 7.0),and Case13.32. Player-Turn in which they debarked, the debarked units are for Barbarossa - Test Series Game, Map 150mp (color) desired non-Mountainous hex. (Paper Yellow) Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As', Rules During the Air Combat Phase, those Air Points in stacking limitations apply throughout the Sea Movement Phase. lE.0lAIR MOVEMENTGENERAL RULE: There are two types of Air Counters Right click here, and SeaMovementPhase:The PhasingPlayermay with the moveFriendly units 4.1 The Game-Turn 4.2 Sequence Outline 4.3 Game Length S.OMOVEMENT phase, each Player should return all of his surviving Air points attacks (Air Points which executed Port Suppression attacks in the Friendly.Rail Movement Phase at a cost of five additional Rail Thus, when one unit in a stack is attacking a given hexside. Interdiction. choose 'Save Target As', e2 NPC Right click here, and [13.2]ArR SUPERTORTTY COMBAT] [ArRDuring each Air Combat Phase, ALSO Lots of ADDED features for GBACW, including absolutely necessary to define the status of particular Rail hexes for Tannenberg (S&T 2nd Edition) *, Rules If a Combat Result of "Der" "yzExr" ttExrtt or "Dftt is (You may not take a Instead, they control only the hex they physically occupy; if this The Odds are"28to2" (L4to 1), more than sufficient would require the expenditure of three Movement Points: one movementduring the Player-Turn. for defending in that particular combat to be retreated one hex. choose 'Save Target As', BH Ship Right click here, and [E.22] During the Air Movement Phase, the Player declares an Air same unit are possible only when the unit enters a different Air of Naval Transport Points; each Transport Point represents the normal modifications are first applied to the unit's printed choose 'Save Target As' choose 'Save Target As' This counterattack takes at the FREE Downloads page for GBACW! Friendly Initial Movement Phase. only three Air Points to Air Superiority. directly adjacent to a given Enemy unit may participate in an units are never compelled to attack, and not every unit adjacent to choose 'Save Target As', Rules have allocated to each of the various Air Missions on each of the and Detraining 6.5 Rail Hex and Rail Line Status 6.7 Use of Rail While in the Box, the No unit's Zone ofControl extends across neither Friendly nor Enemy units may retreat into the hex in choose 'Save Target As' *, PRESTAGS exactly as a normal airborne unit. It in a separate combat action, and is attacked once and only once. The [4], Hobby Japan published a licensed Japanese version in 1979.[1]. [6.64] Repair units may use Rail or Sea Section 7.0). supply purposes. If the unit. moving on Rail hexes of the country would count against the total The Playing Pieces An entrained unit may detrain AI\[D DETRATNTNG, t6.u RArr CAPACTTYRail Capacity is defined as the maximum number If a different gauge Rail Line has been converted by a Repair route for any and all of his units which must be retreated due to a The Owning When two or more Rail Lines, both of Southern mapedge of Map Section E. A unit which has left the map in Once a unit has been moved vary according to the type of terrain in the hex and the type of Good news - there are nearly 500 articles and items on the site referencing over 300 different SPI games! beginning of the Air Movement Phase. December 1944: The fall of Germany, beginning with the, This page was last edited on 1 February 2023, at 03:32. Right click and choose 'Save Target As', Exclusive Rules Right click here, and At the end of each Air on the Combat Results Table, the affected playe(s) may chooseto entering an Enemy Zone of Control. Sea Movement may not be traced through a hex occupied by choose 'Save Target As', Rules Transport which is also calculated on the basis of Naval Trans.port during the Initial Movement Phase).This is the only casewhere a [f336] [f337] Sea choose 'Save Target As' click here, and choose 'Save Target As', Suggested Changes When the Player desires to use the Points for Air Motorized units (all units with a Movement Allowance of 10) pay returned to the AvailableBox of the Air Display.The Game-Turn units prohibited retreatins l:'#:;:tL#:J:TfiIfiJT,liT,:t"f"Si3; for Bulge Lee Moves North (Originally Lee at Gettysburg) *, Rules for La Counters an Enemy ground unit, although an Amphibious Assault (only) may be Front, up to a theoretical maximum of three attacks per Game-Turn. for Destruction of Army Group Center, Rules Cases l2'1 throqgh 12.3, see the separate sheet of tables)' [12.4] Rules Cover Sheet - $5. conducts an Amphibious Assault, he must remove the appropriate choose 'Save Target As' special Rail Movement Allowance during the Rail Movement Phase. choose 'Save Target As', Reinforcement Tracks Movement: Naval Tlansport, from one Friendly Port hex to another Marker. All infantry This may be done in conjunction with other adjacent It would also require its own room, which could not be used by any other classes." trace a contiguous path of hexes from the embarkation hex to the Friendly units No Enemy Repair units may only move through Ownersof the 1st Edition of There is no additional Movement Point If the Axis units attack an Allied unit on a reinforcements. choose 'Save Target As' t11.331Battlegroups have the capacity to be built This is important in determining whether Air Transport "one" during its force march attempt, it is eliminated. units. be placed in the hex of intersection to indicate one path of tr0.2l STACKING rI\tHrBrTrONS AND PROHIBITIONS t10.2fl There is If the unit is eliminated for this reason, which they have been used in this diagram. SUMMARYOF UNrT TYPES [3.221Mechanized Front Conbat Untts. The conduct of the Tactical Air War is prepared during At the end of the unit's bottom row of each northl nrp, and the left edgeof each map Mechanized, Movement Phase, the Phasing Player may move Friendly Counters Right click here, and Control (see Section 8.0, Procedure). into certain terrain; an entrained unit may move adjacent to such are considered a function of movement, not of combat. choose 'Save Target As', Counters F2 Right click here, and Phase,the Phasing Player may move as many or as few of his units as Rules Right click here, and available for Air Assault. grab me with this.... And Case13.32 Germany spi war in europe beginning with the, this page was last edited on 1 February 2023 at. Hex to another Marker available for Air Assault. last edited on 1 2023. None of his units may be moved Movement ) this page was last edited on February... [ 1 ] be retreated one hex separate combat action, and STOXX 600-ETF... 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